MCC Chapter 7

26 August 2022
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b. credibility
1. Joe is a former champion weightlifter and professional bodybuilder. He is preparing an informative speech on the abuse of steroids in physical fitness. Through his personal experiences, what quality does Joe add to the presentation of his speech? a. timeliness b. credibility c. satisfaction d. diversity
a. vertical search engine
2. A Web site that indexes information in a specific field is known as a a. vertical search engine. b. hyperlink. c. directory. d. browser.
c. full text databases
3. Academic Search Complete and JSTOR are examples of a. Web browsers. b. Web directories. c. full-text databases. d. search engines.
b. The site's reliability and appropriateness for academic use are limited.
4. For an upcoming speech, Marcie began her research on the subject of nanotechnology on Wikipedia. What does Marcie need to keep in mind while reviewing an article from this site? a. The site has no application to the speech research process. b. The site's reliability and appropriateness for academic use are limited. c. The site likely has the most accurate and current data available. a. The site is probably her best option for scientific information.
d. stacks.
5. In a traditional library, the collection of books is called the a. reference resources. b. periodicals. c. stashes. d. stacks.
c. Plan for the interview by conducting thorough research.
6. Once you have arranged an interview with an authority on your speech topic, what is your next task? a. Ask the interviewee if you may audio- or video-tape the interview. b. Conduct the interview with your interviewee as quickly as possible. c. Plan for the interview by conducting thorough research. d. Determine how you will use the interview information in your speech.
b. an interview.
7. After her conversation with a representative from the health and wellness program at a local hospital, Jieun organizes her notes and decides which statements to quote in her speech. This form of supporting material is a. firsthand experience. b. an interview. c. illustration. d. literary quotation.
b. Tracie needed a preliminary bibliography with all necessary material to locate the sources.
8. Tracie is gathering support for her persuasive speech on animal testing for medical purposes. She makes use of Web sources and has a great deal of relevant material. However, when outlining the speech, she can't find the source of many facts and statistics she plans to use. What is Tracie's problem? a. Tracie forgot to get full citations on her sources, but she can orally cite what she remembers. b. Tracie needed a preliminary bibliography with all necessary material to locate the sources. c. Tracie violated a principle of outlining; never insert supporting material into an outline for a speech. d. Tracie doesn't have a problem; the audience trusts her to be truthful and not make up facts.
c. extended
9. A lengthy illustration with a plot—a beginning, complications, a climactic point, and an end is called a(n) _____ illustration. a. hypothetical b. brief c. extended d. literal
c. a series of them.
10. When using brief illustrations, it is often stronger to use a. only one in the introduction. b. those which are not personal. c. a series of them. d. only one in the conclusion.
b. a personal illustration
11. In his speech about drinking and driving, David told the story of what happened to him and three friends on high-school graduation night. He went into detail about how they had been partying, how they wouldn't let anyone sober drive them home, and how one life ended when their car wrapped around a tree in the middle of the night. What kind of supporting material did David use in his speech? a. a brief illustration b. a personal illustration c. a statistic d. expert testimony
b. an explanation.
12. A statement that makes clear how something is done or why it exists in its present or past form is known as a. a definition. b. an explanation. c. an image. d. an analogy.
b. description.
13. Using "word pictures" that make people, places, and events come alive for the audience is a process known as a. explanation. b. description. c. definition. d. illustration.
b. explaining how.
14. If, as supporting material for a speech, you discuss or demonstrate a process of any kind, you are a. explaining why. b. explaining how. c. describing. d. defining.
d. a definition.
15. Samantha is giving a speech on binge drinking. She uses supporting material that says, "A binge drinker is a man who drinks five or more drinks in one sitting or a woman who drinks four or more." This type of supporting material is a. an illustration. b. an opinion. c. an analogy. d. a definition.
a. Use reliable, authoritative, unbiased sources for your statistics.
16. What guidelines should you follow when using statistics in a speech? a. Use reliable, authoritative, unbiased sources for your statistics. b. Use statistics that are mainly from secondary sources. c. Use as many statistics as you can find because they enhance credibility. d. Report a statistic down to the last decimal point, to be thorough and accurate.
a. lay testimony.
17. A mother who speaks about the death of her child due to influenza is providing a. lay testimony. b. expert testimony. c. authoritative testimony. d. unbiased testimony.
a. when your topic requires that you make predictions
18. When is it a good idea to use expert testimony in a speech? a. when your topic requires that you make predictions b. when your topic is informative c. when your topic is humorous d. when your topic is dull
a. magnitude.
19. In a persuasive speech on the growing incidence of severe weather attributed to climate change, you cite many experts who support this idea. With this material, you are utilizing the principle of a. magnitude. b. variety. c. concreteness. d. relevance.
a. relevance
20. In his speech about date rape on college campuses, Ryan cites statistics from state and county law enforcement documents; then he includes statistics from incidents on his own campus. Which principle of selecting the best supporting material is Ryan using? a. relevance b. suitability c. variety d. concreteness