EXAM 2 (3,4,5,6)

25 July 2022
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Where is the electron transport chain? 1. outer mitochondrial membrane 2. mitochondrial matrix 3. inter-membrane space of the mitochondria 4. inner mitochondrial membrane 5. cytosol
inner mitochondrial membrane [the electron transport chain involved in oxidative phosphorylation is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane]
Coenzyme A is derived from which of the following vitamins? 1. vitamin C 2. vitamin A 3. pantothenic acid 4. riboflavin 5. niacin
pantothenic acid
The final product of glycolysis under aerobic conditions is pyruvate. What happens to pyruvate under aerobic conditions? 1. Pyruvate is converted to lactic acid in the cytosol. 2. Pyruvate enters the mitochondrial matrix where it is converted into acetyl CoA. 3. Pyruvate is converted to lactic acid in the mitochondrial matrix. 4. Pyruvate provides electrons to the electron transport chain. 5. Pyruvate is converted into acetyl CoA in the cytosol, and the acetyl CoA then enters the mitochondrial matrix.
Pyruvate enters the mitochondrial matrix where it is converted into acetyl CoA
According to the first law of thermodynamics, energy cannot be created or destroyed. True False
Where does glycolysis occur? 1. lysosomes 2. mitochondrial matrix 3. mitochondrial inter-membrane space 4. cytosol 5. mitochondrial inner membrane
In the presence of oxygen, the process of glycolysis produces which of the following products? 1. 1 lactate 2. 2 pyruvate 3. 2 glycerol 4. 2 lactate 5. 1 pyruvate
2 pyruvate
The sum of the thousands of chemical reactions that occur within the body is called ________. 1. hydrolysis 2. reduction 3. oxidation 4. metabolism 5. phosphorylation
Chemical reactions are only able to occur in one direction. True False
In an endergonic reaction... 1. the reaction proceeds spontaneously 2. the only product of the reaction is heat 3. the only product of the reaction is water 4. the change in energy of the reaction is positive 5. none of these are true for an endergonic reaction
the change in energy of the reaction is positive [An endergonic reaction is characterized by products with greater energy than reactants. That is, the change in energy of the reaction is POSITIVE. This means That DELTA E is positive, and the reaction will not occur spontaneously- energy must be added]
Which of the following statements is true of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction that is at equilibrium? 1. the reaction is proceeding at its maximum rate 2. there is no difference between the energy level of of the reactants and the energy level of the products 3. the reaction is prevented from occurring 4. there are equivalent amounts of substrate and product present
there is no difference between the energy level of of the reactants and the energy level of the products [When a reactant is converted to a product at the same rate that a product is converted to a reactant, it is said to be at EQUILIBRIUM. When this is the case, the reactant and the product have the same energy, and the energy change is zero]
Most enzymes are _________. 1. trace metals 2. nucleic acids 3. proteins 4. carbohydrates 5. lipids
A _________ is a type of enzyme that alters an enzyme's activity by phosphorylating it. 1. protein kinase 2. dehydrogenase 3. phosphorylase 4. synthase 5. cofactor
protein kinase [A protein Kinase covalently modulates another enzyme through covalent regulation. It alters an enzyme's activity by phosphorylating it]
Of the following, which does NOT occur in the mitochondria or on the mitochondrial membrane? 1. conversion of pyruvate to lactate 2. Kreb's cycle 3. oxidative phosphorylation 4. consumption of oxygen 5. production of carbon dioxide
conversion of pyruvate to lactate [Occurs in anaerobic conditions. Like Glycolysis, it occurs in the cytosol, not in the mitochondria or on the mitochondrial membrane]
When oxygen is limited, the pyruvate that results from the process of glycolysis is converted into.... 1. Acetyl CoA 2. NADH 3. ATP 4. glucose 5. lactate
lactate [the conversion of pyruvate to lactate occurs in anaerobic conditions. Like glycolysis, it occurs in the cytosol, not in the mitochondria or on the mitochondrial membrane]
In regards to ATP synthesis from ADP, substrate-level phosphorylation is ________ and oxidative phosphorylation is _______. 1. aerobic; anaerobic 2. spontaneous; non-spontaneous 3. anaerobic; aerobic 4. non-spontaneous; spontaneous 5. reduction; oxidation
anaerobic; aerobic [substrate- level phosphorylation does not require oxygen to proceed, whereas oxidative phosphorylation (where a free inorganic phosphate binds to ADP) does require oxygen]
The enzyme ATP synthase harnesses the potential energy from _______ to generate ATP. 1. the phosphorylation of cytochromes 2. the sodium gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane 3. the hydrogen ion gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane 4. enzyme complex B 5. chloroplasts
the hydrogen ion gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane [Throughout the electron transport chain, hydrogen ions are pumped into the inter-membrane space, creating a proton gradient that drives chemiosmosis. ATP synthase is activated when hydrogen ions move along their concentration gradient, from the inter-membrane space to the mitochondrial matrix. The enzyme ATP synthase therefore harnesses the potential energy from the hydrogen gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane to generate ATP]
Glucose is stored in the liver cells as... 1. starch 2. cellulose 3. lipids 4. glycogen 5. amino acids
glycogen [In animals, glucose is stored as glycogen in liver cells]
Sodium permeability refers to a property of ________. 1. molecules 2. sodium 3. the cell membrane 4. organelles 5. lipid soluble molecules only
the cell membrane
The potassium equilibrium potential is -94 mV. What does this means? 1. at -94 mV, potassium movement is opposed exactly by sodium movement 2. at -94 mV, the chemical force for potassium movement is zero 3. at -94 mV, the electrical force for potassium movement is zero 4. at -94 mV, the chemical force for potassium movement is opposed exactly by the electrical force 5. at the resting membrane potential of neurons, potassium is at equilibrium
at -94 mV, the chemical force for potassium movement is opposed exactly by the electrical force
Comparing intracellular to extracellular fluid, the intracellular fluid has a ________ charge relative to the outside of a cell due to the presence of more ________ in that solution. 1. negative : anions 2. positive : cations 3. neutral : cations 4. negative : cations 5. positive : anions
negative : anions
A membrane permeable to water separates a chamber into two compartments: A and B. Compartment A contains a 10 mM solution of non-permeating solute, whereas compartment B contains a 40 mM solution of non-permeating solute. Which of the following statements is true? 1. Solute will move from side B to A, and water will move from side A to B. 2. Solute will move from side A to B, and water will move from side B to A. 3. Water will move from side B to A, but solute will not move. 4. Both water and solute will move from side B to A. 5. Water will move from side A to B, but solute will not move.
Water will move from side A to B, but solute will not move.
Which of the following cells would have a greater electrical attraction for sodium ions to enter the cell? 1. cell with membrane potential = +20 mV 2. cell with membrane potential = -90 mV 3. cell with membrane potential = -50 mV 4. cell with membrane potential = 0 mV 5. cell with membrane potential = -70 mV
cell with membrane potential = -90 mV
Which of the following best describes the potassium equilibrium potential? 1. +60 mV 2. -70 mV 3. -94 mV 4. +94 mV 5. -60 mV
-94 mV
If a person sprays air freshener in one room, the fragrance will eventually reach your nose even in the absence of air currents. Which of the following best describes this process? 1. Facilitated diffusion 2. Simple diffusion 3. Mediated transport 4. Flux
Simple diffusion
When more than one ion species (i.e., Na+ and K+) is present on both sides of the membrane, the chemical driving force acting on Na+ will include ________. 1. sodium only 2. the most concentrated ion only 3. all ions present 4. all positively charged ions 5. all negatively charged ions
sodium only
The chemical force for which of the following ions is directed into the cell? 1. calcium only 2. both potassium and sodium 3. potassium only 4. both sodium and calcium 5. sodium only
both sodium and calcium
A cell is placed into a solution that has the same osmolarity. However, one of the solutes in the solution is able to move across the membrane (the cell does not contain this solute). After a period of time, the solution into which the cell was placed would become ________. 1. hyperosmotic 2. iso-osmotic 3. hypotonic 4. isotonic 5. hypertonic
Vesicles formed during phagocytosis or endocytosis often fuse with the membrane of which of the following organelles? 1. rough endoplasmic reticulum 2. smooth endoplasmic reticulum 3. mitochondria 4. lysosome 5. peroxisome
Epithelial cells are polarized with different structures on either side of the cell. The portion of the membrane that faces the lumen is called the ________ membrane. 1. ablumenal 2. transport 3. basement 4. basolateral 5. apical
Secretory vesicles are a part of what transport mechanism? 1. osmosis 2. receptor-mediated endocytosis 3. exocytosis 4. phagocytosis 5. pinocytosis
White blood cells are an important component of our immune system. One thing they do is consume and destroy bacteria by extending their plasma membrane around the bacterium and bringing it inside the cell in a vesicle. By what process do they engulf the bacterium? 1. pinocytosis 2. phagocytosis 3. exocytosis 4. receptor-mediated endocytosis 5. transcytosis
Suppose that an anion has an equilibrium potential of -45 mV and is present in greater concentrations outside of the cell than inside the cell. At the resting membrane potential of -70 mV... 1. both the chemical and electrical forces are directed out of the cell 2. both the chemical and electrical forces are directed into the cell 3. the electrical force is directed out of the cell 4. the electrical force is directed out of the cell and the chemical force is directed into the cell 5. none of these are correct
the electrical force is directed out of the cell and the chemical force is directed into the cell An anion has a negative charge. At the resting membrane potential, the inside of the cell is more negative than the outside of the cell. As a result, the electrical driving force is directed out of the cell. Because there is a higher concentration of the ion outside of the cell than inside the cell, the chemical force is directed into the cell.
primary active transport, secondary active transport, and facilitated diffusion share all of the following characteristics Except.... 1. they all require energy 2. they all require a protein 3. they are all specific transport mechanisms for a particular solute 4. an increase in the number of transport molecules in the plasma membrane will increase transport 5. all of these are characteristics of primary active transport, secondary active transport, and facilitated diffusion
they all require energy facilitated diffusion does not require energy, whereas primary and secondary active transport do.
the osmolarity of a solution contanin 0.1 M glucose and 0.1 M NaCl is.... 1. 100 mOsm 2. 200 mOsm 3. 300 mOsm 4. 400 mOsm 5. Cannot be determined
300 mOsm Remember that NaCl completely dissociates into Na+ and Cl- in solution, so 0.1 mole of NaCl has an osmolarity of 200 mOsm in solution. Glucose does not dissociate in solution. Together, a solution containing 0.1 M glucose and 0.1 M NaCl will have a osmolarity of 300 mOsm
active transport of a solute across epithelium is usually followed by... 1. water movement in the opposite direction 2. water movement in the same direction 3. calcium movement in the same direction 4. calcium movement in the opposite direction 5. none of these is correct
water movement in the same direction when a solute moves across epithelium, it increases the solute concentration (and reduces the water concentration0 on the side to which it is moving. Water tends to flow from areas of high water concentration (and low solute concentration) to areas of low water concentration (and high solute concentration). Therefore, water will move i n the same direction as the solute
The main difference between primary and secondary active transport is... 1. the form of energy used to move molecules across the membrane 2. the binding sites' locations 3. the direction in which molecules are being moved across the membrane 4. one requires energy by the other doesn't 5. there is no difference between primary and secondary active transport
the form of energy used to move molecules across the membrane the major difference between the two is the form of energy used to move molecules across the membrane. Primary active transport directly uses energy, while secondary active transport uses a gradient that was previously created with primary active transport
The _________ reflects the unequal distribution of negative and positive ions across a cell's plasma a membrane 1. chemical gradient 2. extracellular potential 3. membrane potential 4. chemical driving force 5. electrochemical driving force
membrane potential the membrane potential reflects the unequal distribution of negative and positive ions across a cell's plasma membrane. the greater the difference, the larger the membrane potential
Very lipid-soluble molecules can cross cell membranes.... 1.with the help of protein channels 2. only with the addition of energy from ATP 3. by crossing the lipid bilayer directly 4. only with the help of protein channels and the addition of energy from ATP 5. through aquaporins
by crossing the lipid bilayer directly differences in lipid solubility are largely responsible for the fact that some substances can cross cell membranes more readily than others. very lipid-soluble (hydrophobic) molecules can cross the cell membrane directly, while lipid insoluble
In ________, white blood cells engulf bacteria in their plasma membranes, pinch off a vesicle, and bring the bacteria into the cell. 1. phagocytosis 2.receptor-mediated endocytosis 3.pinocytosis 4.exocytosis 5. unicytosis
phagocytosis phagocytosis is "cellular-eating" white blood cells engage in phagocytosis when they engulf bacteria in their plasma membranes, pinch off a vesicle, and bring the bacteria into the cell
consider a molecule that can move across a membrane via passive transport. The direction of the molecule's movement is determined by the molecule's tendency to move... 1. out of the cell 2. into the cell 3. from higher to lower energy 4. from lower to higher energy 5. the question errs. There is no general tendency
from higher to lower energy molecules tend to move from higher energy states to lower energy states - a phenomenon known as entropy
Suppose that a semipermeable membrane (which is permeable to water) separates a chamber into two compartments: X and Y. Compartment X contains 20 mM solution of solutes that won't permeate the membrane, and compartment Y contains 50 mM solution of the same solute. This solute will _______, and water will ________. 1. mover from side X to side Y; move from side Y to side X 2. move from side Y to side X; move from side X to side Y 3. move from side X to side Y; not move 4. not move; move from side X to side Y 5. not move; move from side Y to side X
do not move; move from side X to side Y the solute cannot permeate the membrane, so it will not move. Water can permeate the membrane, however, so it will move from the side of higher water concentration (compartment X) to lower water concentration (compartment Y)
What organelle packages peptide/protein messengers into secretory vesicles? 1. rough endoplasmic reticulum 2. smooth endoplasmic reticulum 3. Golgi apparatus 4. nucleus 5. lysosomes
Golgi apparatus
In its active form, a G protein has a GDP bound to its alpha unit. True False
Receptors for lipophilic chemical messengers are only located on the surface of a cell's membrane. True False
Cells that secrete dopamine must contain which enzymes? 1. dopamine Ī²-hydroxylase and dopa decarboxylase only 2. tyrosine Ī²-hydroxylase 3. tyrosine Ī²-hydroxylase and dopa decarboxylase 4. dopamine Ī²-hydroxylase only 5. dopa decarboxylase only
tyrosine Ī²-hydroxylase and dopa decarboxylase
Direct communication between cells in contact with one another is accomplished through ________. 1. ligands 2. endocrine hormones 3. gap junctions 4. receptors 5. paracrine chemical messengers
gap junctions
Lipophilic chemical messengers are poorly soluble in water. However, many of these lipophilic messengers are transported throughout the body. Their transport in blood (water) is facilitated by ________. 1. red blood cells 2. lipoproteins 3. chylomicrons 4. carrier proteins 5. white blood cells
carrier proteins
Chronic exposure to a ligand (messenger) ________ the receptor population for that chemical messenger on the target cell. 1. upregulates 2. decreases the affinity of 3. changes the conformation of 4. downregulates 5. decreases the specificity of
Slow gated channels are identified as such because, once the receptor is bound by the ligand, the receptor must first activate a(n) ________ prior to the channel opening or closing. 1. G protein 2. RNA polymerase 3. ion channel 4. hormone response element 5. enzyme
G protein
Differences in the rate of activity between fast and slow ligand-gated channels is caused by ________. 1.ligands gating both channels to the closed state 2. ligand selectivity 3. ligand affinity 4. G protein activity gating the fast channel 5. G protein activity gating the slow channel
G protein activity gating the slow channel
Of the following, which is hydrophobic (i.e., lipophilic) and therefore able to cross cell membranes? 1. amino acids 2. amines (excluding thyroid hormone) 3. peptides 4. proteins 5. eicosanoids
Eicosanoids Eicosanoids derive from lipids, so they are hydrophobic. the others are not. Amino acids, Proteins, Peptides, and Amines (excluding thyroid hormone) are all hydrophilic and unable to cross cell membranes
Lipophobic messengers are stored in _________ and release ________ in response to a stimulus. 1. the mitochondria; by exocytosis 2. vesicles; by simple diffusion 3. vesicles; by exocytosis 4. the mitochondria; by simple diffusion 5. none of these is correct
vesicles; by exocytosis lipophobic messengers are stored in vesicles and released by exocytosis. they are not stored in the mitochondria and because they are lipophobic, they cannot cross the plasma membrane through simple diffusion (only lipophilic messengers can)
All of the following can be second messengers EXCEPT... 1. calcium 2. inositol triphosphate 3. cAMP 4. The question errs. None of these can be second messengers. 5. The question errs. All of theses can be second messengers.
The question errs. All of theses can be second messengers. Calcium, inositol triphosphate, and cAMP can all be second messengers.
A cell's response to a hydrophilic ligand will be impacted by all of the following EXCEPT.... 1. the ligand's concentration 2. the number of receptors 3. the affinity of the receptor for the ligand 4. the lipid solubility of the ligand 5. all of these will impact the cell's response to a hydrophilic ligand
the lipid solubility of the ligand the concentration, number of receptors, and affinity for the ligand are all very important factors in a cell's response to a hydrophilic ligand. The lipid solubility does not matter, because only hydrophobic ligands will diffuse through the membrane.
A steroid is capable of diffusing across a cell membrane... 1. only once it has been packaged in a vesicle 2. only once it has gone through post-translational processing 3. only once it binds to the mitochondrial matrix 4. only once it enters the mitochondrial matrix 5. immediately after it is synthesized
immediately after it is synthesized Because steroids are lipophilic, they can diffuse across the cell membrane on their own, immediately after they are synthesized. They are made and used as needed.
What kind of signaling involves a chemical that bind to the receptors on the same cell that secreted it? 1. paracrine signaling 2. autocrine signaling 3. hexocrine signaling 4. endocrine signaling 5. neurotransmission
autocrine signaling Autocrine signaling is a type of signaling that occurs when a chemical binds to the receptors in the same cell that secreted it. Paracrine signaling, on the other hand, acts on nearby cells.
Which class of chemical messengers acts ONLY as neurotransmitters and not as hormones or paracrines? 1. Amino Acids 2. Steroids 3. Eicosanoids 4. Amines 5. Peptides / Proteins
amino acids Only amino acids act as neurotransmitters and not as hormones or paracrines.
Slow-gated channels are called "slow because they only open once a ligand binds to the receptor and a ___________ is activated. 1. G-protein 2. lipophilic hydrolytic amine 3. enzyme 4. transposable element 5. hormone response element
G-protein The ligand binds to a receptor and activates a G-protein, which then carries out additional functions within the cell. Because this is a complex signal transduction pathway, it takes longer than simple diffusion. This is why a slow-gated channel is called "slow."
The transportation of lipophilic chemical messengers (which are insoluble in water) in the blood is achieved with the help of..... 1. chylomicrons 2. lipoproteins 3. red blood cells 4. carrier proteins 5. white blood cells
carrier proteins Carrier proteins carry lipophilic messengers through the bloodstream.
The cell's response to a ____________ messenger usually takes a long time to occur because it requires transcription and translation to occur before the synthesis of a functional protein. 1. lipophobic 2. lipophilic 3. amino acid 4. protein 5. peptide
lipophilic Lipophilic messengers can diffuse directly through the membrane, so they have receptors in the nucleus. These receptors impact the transcription and translation, so the cell's response is longer-lasting than its response to a lipophobic messenger. The response take a relatively long time to occur, however.
Which of the following is considered a secondary endocrine organ? 1. The thymus 2. The liver 3. The thyroid 4. The pineal gland
the liver
Neural signals from stress initiate a cascade of events that culminates in the secretion of which of the following hormones? 1. Chorionic gonadropin 2. Glucagon 3. Cortisol 4. Insulin
A person has a tumor in the hypothalamus causing an excess in TRH secretion. Which of the following correctly describes changes in plasma levels of hormones? 1. increased TRH, increased TSH, and decreased thyroid hormones 2. increased TRH, decreased TSH, and decreased thyroid hormones 3. decreased TRH, decreased TSH, and decreased thyroid hormones 4. decreased TRH, decreased TSH, and increased thyroid hormones 5. increased TRH, increased TSH, and increased thyroid hormones
increased TRH, increased TSH, and increased thyroid hormones
The combination of Tylenol with a drug called codeine provides more relief than either drug can provide alone. This is known as___________. 1. antagonism 2. permissiveness 3. synergism 4. agonism
Hormones transported in blood bound to proteins are metabolized more slowly than those traveling dissolved in plasma. True False
Which of the following is a correct example of long-loop negative feedback? Which of the following is a correct example of long-loop negative feedback? 1. GH stimulates the release of GHIH. 2. TSH stimulates the release of TRH. 3. FSH inhibits the release of GnRH. 4. TSH inhibits the release of TRH. 5. Glucocorticoids inhibit the release of CRH.
Glucocorticoids inhibit the release of CRH.
Which of the following hormones is NOT secreted by the endocrine region of the pancreas? 1. pancreatic polypeptide 2. insulin 3. glucagon 4. glucocorticoids 5. somatostatin
What layer of the adrenal cortex secretes mineralocorticoids? 1. both zonae reticularis and glomerulosa 2. zona glomerulosa only 3. zona fasciculata only 4. zona reticularis only 5.both zonae reticularis and fasciculata
zona glomerulosa only
Which of the following stimulates the secreting of hormones from the anterior pituitary? 1. Stimulating hormones released from the hypothalamus 2. Oxytocin released from the hypothalamus 3. Stimulating hormones released from the posterior pituitary 4. Releasing hormones from the hypothalamus 5. Oxytocin released from the pineal gland
Releasing hormones from the hypothalamus Releasing hormones from the hypothalamus stimulates the secretion of hormones from the anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis). The hypothalamus and adenohypophysis secretes a releasing hormone, the anterior pituitary secretes another hormone, and this second hormone acts on an effector organ.
All of the following are released from the adrenal gland except... 1. aldosterone 2. cortisol 3. epinephrine 4. adrenocorticotropic hormone 5. The question errs. All of these are released from the adrenal gland
adrenocorticotropic hormone All of the options are released from the adrenal gland except adrenocorticoids listed were mineralocorticoids (aldosterone), glucocorticoids (cortisol), and sex hormones (androgens). The chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla secrete carecholamines, such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
When two hormones act in opposition to one another, the response is said to be ___________. 1. permissive 2. synergistic 3. additive 4. agonistic 5. antagonistic
antagonistic When two hormones act in opposition to one another, the response is said to be antagonistic. For example, parathyroid hormone increases the concentration of calcium in the blood, whereas calcitonin inhibits the breakdown of bone (which stores calcium), creating the opposite effect.
What do calcitonin and parathyroid hormone have in common? 1. They are both produced by the hypothalamus 2. they are both produced by the anterior pituitary 3. they are both used in the adrenal gland 4. they are both stored in ducts 5. they both regulate blood calcium levels
they both regulate blood calcium levels Calcitonin and parathyroid hormone work together to regulate blood calcium levels.
One's circadian rhythm is established, in part, by.... 1. the release of prolactin from the pineal gland 2. the release of melatonin from the posterior pituitary 3. the release of melatonin from the pineal gland 4. the release of prolactin from the posterior pituitary 5. the release of GnRH from the anterior pituitary
the release of melatonin from the pineal gland One's circadian rhythm is established, in part by the release of melatonin from the pineal gland. Melatonin is also known as the "sleep hormone". Secretion of melatonin increases at night and slows down during the day
The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is also called the _________. 1. adenohypophysis 2. neurohypophysis 3. cranium 4. pineum 5. paraventricular nucleus
neurohypophysis The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is also called the neurohypophysis. it is composed of neural tissue and supplied by a normal capillary bed. It secretes two neurohormones into the blood: antidiuretic hormone (ADH, or vasopressin) and oxytocin.
In the pancreas, the alpha cells secrete ________ & beta cells secrete __________. 1. glucagon; insulin 2. insulin; glucagon 3. calcitonin; glucagon 4. glucagon; calcitonin 5. pancreatic polypeptide; vasopressin
glucagon; insulin In the pancreas, alpha cells secrete glucagon and beta cells secrete insulin. there are other hormones secreted by the pancreas. but these are the main two you have to know.
When two hormones produce a response equal to the sum of their individual responses, the response is said to be _______. 1. permissive 2. antagonized 3. additive 4. synergistic 5. agonistic
additive When two hormones produce a response equal to the sum of their individual responses, the response is said to be additive.
Cateholamines are __________, so their receptors are located _________. 1. water-soluble; in the target cell's nucleus 2. water-insoluble; in the plasma membrane 3. water-insoluble; in the target cell's nucleus 4. water-soluble; in the plasma membrane 5. The question errs. Such generalization cannot be made.
water-soluble; in the plasma membrane catecholamines are water-soluble, so their receptors are located in the plasma membrane . Catecholamines include epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine
Which of the following does the thyroid gland secrete? 1. Thyroid hormones only 2. calcitonin only 3. vasopressin only 4. Thyroid hormones and calcitonin 5. the question errs. The thyroid gland does not secrete any of these
Thyroid hormones and calcitonin The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones and calcitonin. T3 and T4 regulate metabolism, growth and development. Calcitonin regulates blood Ca2+ levels.
A primary active transport process is one in which __________. 1. molecules move across the plasma membrane without an input of energy 2. molecules move through transport proteins that have been activated by ATP 3. the plasma membrane folds inward to form a vesicle containing extracellular material 4. molecules pass directly through the phospholipid bilayer of the plasma membrane 5. an intracellular vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane and releases its contents to the extracellular fluid
molecules move through transport proteins that have been activated by ATP Primary active transporters, such as the sodium-potassium ATPase (or pump), are activated when ATP is hydrolyzed. This activation allows for the transport of solutes across the plasma membrane against concentration gradients.
Some transport processes use transport proteins in the plasma membrane, but do not require ATP. This type of transport is known as _____. 1. endocytosis 2. active transport 3. facilitated diffusion 4. exocytosis 5. simple diffusion
facilitated diffusion Facilitated diffusion is a passive transport process during which molecules move down their concentration gradients through transport proteins.
A vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane and releases its contents to the extracellular fluid. This statement describes _____. 1. exocytosis 2. active transport 3. facilitated diffusion 4. simple diffusion 5. endocytosis
The sodium-potassium pump uses ATP to move sodium and potassium ions across the plasma membrane. This statement describes _____. 1. exocytosis 2. secondary active transport 3. facilitated diffusion 4. simple diffusion 5. primary active transport
primary active transport The sodium-potassium pump is activated by ATP. This activation allows the pump to transport sodium and potassium ions against their gradients.
The majority of water molecules moving across plasma membranes by osmosis do so via a process that is most similar to ____. 1. cotransport 2. active transport 3. facilitated diffusion 4. a process that requires energy from the cell 5. simple diffusion
facilitated diffusion