Physiology Exam 2

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This type of membrane protein extends all the way through the cell membrane into both the extra- and intracellular fluids: ________.
The membrane proteins that catalyze reactions that take place on the external or internal surface of the cell are ________.
The membrane proteins that bind to a ligand and act in the body's chemical signaling system are ________.
The membrane proteins that provide for support of the cell membrane and allow for cells to connect to each other are ________.
structural proteins
The membrane proteins that change shape and bind with specific molecules to transport them across the cell membrane are ________.
carrier proteins
Carrier proteins operating at their maximum rate are said to be ________.
The three types of gated channels are ________, ________, and ________.
chemically gated channels, voltage-gated channels, mechanically gated channels
Membrane protein pores that can be opened and closed are called ________ channels.
The Na+-K+-ATPase pumps (this number of) ________ Na+ ions ________ (into/out of) the cell and (this number of) ________ K+ ions ________ (into/out of) the cell.
3 Na+, out of, 2 K+, into
A pump that helps maintain an electrical gradient, such as the Na+-K+-ATPase is a(n) ________ pump
Channel proteins that allow water to pass are called ________.
Membrane protein pores that are essentially always open are called ________ or ________ channels.
open or leak
The two extracellular compartments in the body are ________ and ________.
plasma and interstitial fluid
The walls of the ________ separate the two extracellular fluid compartments.
circulatory system
The ability of a carrier molecule to transport only one specific molecule or a group of closely related molecules is called ________.
At rest, nerve cells have an unequal distribution of ions on either side of the cell membrane, producing the ________.
resting membrane potential
At rest, nerve cells have a voltage of ________ mV.
Describe the distribution of water in the body's fluid compartments.
67% is intracellular. 33% is extracellular; of that 75% is in the interstitial fluid and 25% is in the plasma.
Explain why transporting epithelial cells are said to be polarized. What does it mean when a nerve cell is said to be polarized?
Transport epithelia have cells that are polarized with respect to distribution of transport proteins in the apical and basolateral membranes, i.e., different types of transporters in the two membranes. Nerve cells are electrically polarized, meaning that the inside of the membrane is charged relative to the outside.
Evaluate the validity of this statement: "The extracellular and intracellular fluid compartments have a stable solute composition that is in equilibrium."
This statement is only partially true. The two compartments have stable solute compositions, but they are not in equilibrium. We use the term dynamic disequilibrium to describe this relationship
Explain how the body can be in a state of osmotic equilibrium and chemical disequilibrium
Osmotic equilibrium occurs because water moves freely between most cells and the extracellular fluid. Water will continue to move across membranes into more highly concentrated compartments until the concentrations (solute/volume) are equal, hence osmotic equilibrium. Osmotic equilibrium does not take into account what particles are present in each compartment, just the total number. The key is that water moves freely, but the solutes do not. Na+ and Cl- are more highly concentrated in the ECF while K+ and many anions are more highly concentrated inside the cell. Each ion is in chemical disequilibrium because it is not evenly distributed between the two compartments. Although the compartments are chemically different (chemical disequilibrium), when all solutes in one compartment are compared to all the solutes in another compartment they have the same total concentrations of solutes (are in osmotic equilibrium).
Explain why the composition of the phospholipid bilayer determines how readily water passes through it.
The phospholipid bilayer is a fluid mosaic and, depending on the function of the cell, contains various ratios of phospholipids, cholesterol, and proteins. Water molecules slip between the spaces between the fatty acid tails. Membranes with higher levels of cholesterol are less permeable to water because cholesterol fills these spaces.
How do most polar molecules move through a cell membrane? Explain why water, a polar molecule, is able to cross the nonpolar portion of a cell membrane.
Most polar molecules must be assisted by a protein, because the molecule will not interact with the nonpolar phospholipid tails. Examples are facilitated diffusion and active transport. Because water is very small and electrically neutral, it is able to diffuse between the phospholipid tails.
Water can cross a cell membrane by a variety of means. List at least three. Do water molecules cross a membrane through the same molecules as other solutes? Explain. Are all cells equally permeable to water? Explain.
Water can cross through the phospholipid molecules, through special water channels called aquaporins, and through open or leak channels (pores) that also transport ions. Water can move through pores as a solvation shell around ions or independent of ions, because the watery interstitial fluid is continuous with the watery cytosol when pores are open. Some cells are more permeable to water, especially those with less cholesterol in the membranes and those with a high density of pores.
Explain the differences between channel proteins and carrier proteins and why cells need both.
Channel proteins allow more rapid transport, but are not as selective. Carrier proteins are slower because of the conformation change. They are also more selective and can move larger molecules than channel proteins. Carrier proteins never allow free exchange across the membrane because they never create a continuous passage between the inside and outside of the cell.
Explain the difference between Fick's law of diffusion and the flux of a molecule.
Fick's law of diffusion determines the rate of diffusion. The flux of a molecule is the rate of diffusion per unit surface area of membrane. Fick's: Rate of diffusion = concentration gradient Ɨ membrane permeability Ɨ surface area Flux = concentration gradient Ɨ membrane permeability
Name two ways the selectivity of a channel is determined.
1. the diameter of the central pore 2. the electrical charge of the amino acids that line the channel
Compare and contrast facilitated diffusion and active transport.
Both involve binding of substrate to a carrier, but facilitated is passive, moving solutes down their concentration gradients, whereas active requires ATP and can move solutes against their concentration gradients.
Distinguish between these statements, explaining what is correct or incorrect about each, and what requires clarification. Relate your answers to the energy hill concept from the previous chapter. A. Passive transport requires energy. B. Active transport requires energy. C. Vesicular transport requires energy.
All forms of transport require energy, because something is being moved. A. Passive transport uses the thermal energy present in the living cell to move molecules in the energetically favorable downhill direction (with concentration gradients). B. Active transport uses the energy transferred by the ATP molecule, to move molecules in the energetically unfavorable uphill direction (against concentration gradients). C. Vesicular transport uses the energy of the ATP molecule also, to move large molecules or large quantities of molecules.
Distinguish between the following terms: cotransport; antiport; symport
Cotransport is the moving of more than one kind of molecule at one time. Antiport is cotransport of two or more solutes in opposite directions across the membrane. Symport is cotransport of two or more solutes in the same direction across the membrane.
Compare and contrast primary active transport and secondary active transport, noting any special differences
Both ultimately depend on the energy of ATP, but dependence is indirect in secondary, direct in primary.
Explain the process of secondary active transport and how it uses ATP.
Secondary active transport uses the energy released from moving one molecule down its concentration gradient to push other molecules against their concentration gradient. ATP is used to create the chemical disequilibrium (or concentration gradient) for the first molecule.
Explain the term dynamic steady state.
Dynamic indicates that materials are constantly moving from compartment to compartment, but steady state implies there is no NET movement between the compartments.
Describe the three major roles of structural proteins.
1. connect membrane to the cytoskeleton to maintain cell shape 2. create cell junctions that hold tissues together 3. attach cells to the extracellular matrix by linking cytoskeleton fibers to extracellular collagen and other protein fibers
What property of some cell membranes is associated with impermeability to water molecules?
Higher concentrations of cholesterol in the cell membrane reduce membrane permeability to water.
Write the five rules for osmolarity and tonicity. Are the relative osmolarity and tonicity of an extracellular solution compared to intracellular fluid always the same? If they are, explain why. If they are not, give specific examples of when they are different.
See Table 5.4 in the chapter.
Explain and distinguish between the following: A. chemical reaction equilibrium B. chemical equilibrium C. osmotic equilibrium
A. Chemical reaction equilibrium is achieved in reversible reactions when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. At this state there is no net change in the concentration of reactants and products in the system. This does not mean that concentrations are equal. B. Chemical equilibrium occurs when the concentration of a particular solute in one location equals that in another. Typically the locations compared are intracellular vs. extracellular. C. Osmotic equilibrium occurs when total solute concentration is the same, though chemical disequilibrium may exist.
Provide the basic physics definition of the term fluid. What is bulk flow relative to body compartments? What types of matter move by bulk flow? What is fundamentally different in the behavior of these types of matter?
A fluid is a substance that flows. Bulk flow is movement of a fluid, usually within a body compartment. Liquids and gases are fluids, and they flow. Gases are compressible, but liquids are not.
When the ions move across the cell membrane, an electrical potential change results. As you are probably aware, nerves trigger muscle movement. When you place your finger on a sharp object (such as a tack), you quickly draw your hand away and develop a sensation of pain. Which types of channels are operating under these conditions to allow nerve conduction and subsequent muscle movement?
Mechanically gated (in sensory cell receptor potentials), voltage-gated (in nerve and muscle action potentials), and chemically gated (in neuromuscular synaptic transmission).
Design an experiment to test whether molecular weight does indeed influence the rate of diffusion. Be sure to list all controlled variables.
Controlled variables may include temperature, pH, composition and volume of solvent or medium, amount of solute added. Solutes could be soluble dyes of different molecular weight, and rate of diffusion could be estimated by observing the extent of coloration around a dye crystal at specified intervals.
Cells of the intestine are very permeable to water while some cells of the kidney tubule are not at all permeable to water. Can you suggest some ways these two types of cells might be structurally different from each other?
Kidney cells may have fewer open channels through which water can pass, and/or they may have more cholesterol in their membranes.
How are molarity and osmolarity different? What property of salts necessitates this distinction? How does this property affect the behavior of water?
Molarity is the number of molecules per liter of solution, while osmolarity is the number of independent particles per liter. The ionization of salt in water illustrates the importance of this distinction: one mole of sodium chloride dissociates to produce a total of two moles of particles (one mole Na+ and one mole Cl-), or two osmoles. Osmosis is diffusion of water. A one molar solution of sodium chloride (two osmolar) produces higher osmotic pressure than a one molar solution of glucose, which does not dissociate.
Define osmolarity and tonicity. How are they similar? How are they different?
Osmolarity refers to the concentration of individual particles in solution. Tonicity refers to the behavior of a cell in a solution. They are similar in that both are related to particles in solution. They are different in that osmolarity depends only on the total concentration of particles in solution, whereas tonicity depends on nature of the particles (i.e., are they penetrating or nonpenetrating) as well as on the concentration of the different particles.
Explain the steps that occur in a pancreatic beta cell so that insulin is secreted.
See Figure 5.26b in the chapter.
When the kidney goes into failure, one of the signs that doctors will see is that red blood cells will crenate (shrivel up). Why does this happen in kidney failure? What process is occurring to the blood cells?
Because the kidney is failing to filter particles out of the blood effectively, the plasma becomes hypertonic or hyperosmotic in comparison to the intracellular compartment of the blood cell. Since the cell membrane is impermeable to the ions, but permeable to water, water will leave the cell to try to balance the tonicity and osmolarity with the plasma and in the process the cell will shrink.
Define the term transport maximum and describe a way cells can increase their transport capacity.
The transport maximum occurs when all carrier binding sites are filled with substrate. At this point adding more substrate will no longer increase the rate of transport. In order to increase the capacity and raise the maximum rate of transport, some cells can increase the number of carrier proteins in the membrane.
Diuretics cause the kidneys to produce large amounts of urine. Unfortunately, they can also cause the loss of large quantities of K+ in the urine. What effect might prolonged use of diuretics have on nerve or muscle cells?
Low concentrations of potassium in the blood is a condition called hypokalemia. Interstitial fluids would similarly become low in K+. As the resting potential of nerve and muscle cells depends primarily on extracellular K+ concentration, the potential would be altered. Decreased extracellular K+ would increase the concentration gradient for movement of K+ out of the cells, which would gradually hyperpolarize the potential as positive ions exit and make the cells less excitable (farther from threshold).
If someone has a muscle cramp or spasm, a commonly discussed treatment is to consume a banana (or another food high in potassium). Why would this be a possible treatment for muscle cramps or spasms?
Potassium is a cation that leaves the cell during an action potential or depolarization of a muscle or nerve cell, and the muscle or nerve cell needs to move potassium back into the cell to allow the cell to repolarize and relax. If there is a deficiency in potassium, muscle and nerve cells may take longer to repolarize and therefore relax, so increasing your dietary intake of potassium may help cells repolarize quicker.
Which membrane transport process(es) is/are abnormal in people with cystic fibrosis? What is the consequence of the abnormal transport? Which organ systems are affected? How is this disease treated? How long do cystic fibrosis patients normally live? What are some of the possible causes of death related to this disease? What is the cause of cystic fibrosis?
Active transport of chloride is impaired, in the airways, sweat glands, and pancreas. The affected epithelia are involved in production of sweat and mucus. Thus, the respiratory, integumentary, and digestive systems are affected. Treatments include replacement of pancreatic digestive enzymes, which are blocked from secretion by the mucus buildup in secretory ducts, and respiratory therapies to loosen mucus in the airways and treat recurring infections. Gene therapy is being explored as well. Median survival is 37 years as of the publication date of the textbook. Causes of death can be related to malnutrition and respiratory illness. This is a genetic disease, in which the gene coding for the chloride transporter is abnormal.
How does the beta cell in the pancreas react to release insulin when glucose levels are low?
ATP dependent potassium gates keep the insulin releasing channels closed when there is enough glucose getting into the cell. When glucose levels drop and the amount of ATP the beta cell is making drops, it eventually loses the energy to keep the gates closed, therefore opening and allowing insulin to be released into the blood.
Peripheral cells sensitive to the presence of hormones are called ________.
A few gases are known to act as signal molecules, including ________, ________, and ________.
nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide
Before nitric oxide was identified, its action was observed in ________ and it was given the name ________.
endothelial cells (blood vessel lining), endothelial-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)
________ can be caused by alterations in receptors or by problems with G protein or second messenger pathways.
Lipid signal molecules that act in a paracrine fashion and combine with G-protein coupled receptors include ________ and ________.
eicosanoids, sphingolipids
________ is a process by which an extracellular signal molecule, called the ________, activates a membrane receptor that in turn alters intracellular molecules, called the ________, to create a response.
Signal transduction, first messenger, second messenger
A gap junction forms when opposing membrane-spanning proteins called ________ on two adjacent cells unite, creating a protein channel that is capable of opening and closing.
A chemical that is secreted by a cell to act on cells in its immediate vicinity is called a(n) ________.
If the signal molecule acts on the cell that secreted it, the chemical is called a(n) ________.
All molecules secreted by nerve cells (neuromodulators, neurotransmitters, and neurohormones) are known as ________.
________ are molecules that bind to the receptor in such a way that they block the normal ligand from binding and turning the receptor on. As a result, the signal pathway remains inactive.
If the concentration of an endocrine ligand decreases, the target cell may insert more receptors into the cell membrane in an attempt to keep its response at a normal level, in a process known as ________.
The nervous system has a role in preserving the "fitness" of the ________.
Internal Environment
The ________ link membrane receptors to either ion channels or to membrane enzymes located on the cytoplasmic face of the membrane.
Many second messenger systems activate ________, enzymes that transfer a phosphate group from ATP to a protein. The phosphorylation of proteins sets off a series of intracellular events that lead to the ultimate cellular response.
protein kinases
Explain how epinephrine can cause intestinal blood vessels to constrict and cause skeletal muscle blood vessels to dilate.
Epinephrine can bind to different isoforms of the adrenergic receptor. Epinephrine binds to the alpha receptor on the intestinal blood vessels and beta receptors on the skeletal muscle blood vessels (see Fig. 6.14).
To maintain ________, the body uses a combination of simple diffusion across small distances; wide spread distribution of molecules through the circulatory system and rapid, specific delivery of messages by the nervous system.
Most long-distance communication between cells takes place through the ________ and ________ systems with their combination of chemical and electrical signals.
nervous, endocrine
An intracellular signal molecule that translates a signal from a neurotransmitter or hormone into an intracellular response is called a ________.
second messenger
The secretion of the hormone insulin in response to changes in blood glucose level is an example of a(n) ________ reflex.
simple endocrine
Homeostatic regulation usually involves a(n) ________ that is sensitive to a particular stimulus (variable) and a(n) ________ whose activity has an effect on the same stimulus.
receptor, effector
When epinephrine combines with alpha adrenergic receptors on smooth muscle in intestinal blood vessels, the blood vessels ________; however, when epinephrine binds to beta-2 adrenergic receptors on certain skeletal muscle blood vessels, the vessels ________.
constrict, dilate
Compare and contrast the four basic methods of cell-to-cell communication
: The cells can: 1. transfer signal molecules to adjacent cells through gap junctions 2. use contact-dependent signals, which rely on interactions between cell surface molecules on different cells 3. use locally acting chemicals, called paracrines, autocrines, or neuromodulators 4. use long-distance means, which rely on combinations of electrical and chemical signals
Explain the two forms of down-regulation.
Either the number of receptors decreases or desensitization in which the binding affinity of the receptors for the ligand decreases. In both cases the result is a lessened response of the target cell even though the concentration of the signal molecule remains high.
What is the half-life of a signal?
the time required for a signal to lose half its activity
What is an orphan receptor?
a receptor that has no known ligand
A physiological parameter which is regulated in an up-down fashion by signals that are always present but change in intensity is said to be under ________.
tonic control
) Insulin increases glucose transport across the cell membrane of an adipocyte, but not across the membrane of a liver cell. How can one hormone have two different effects?
The two types of cells differ either in the receptors on their cell membranes or in the signal transduction that occurs after binding of insulin.
Describe the four classes of membrane receptor molecules.
Ligand-gated receptors are ion channels, integrins are linked to the cytoskeleton, receptor-enzymes activate intracellular enzymes, G protein-coupled receptors involve activation of G proteins. See Figure 6.3.
What general action is shared by about half of the medical drugs currently in use?
These drugs act on membrane receptor proteins.
Describe the signal molecule derivatives of arachidonic acid.
Leukotrienes are secreted by certain types of white blood cells and play a role in asthma and anaphylaxis. Prostanoids, including prostaglandins and thromboxanes, have a variety of target tissues and effects.
Describe or diagram the basic pattern of a biological signal transduction pathway.
See Figure 6.4 and the "Membrane Proteins Facilitate Signal Transduction" section in the chapter.
What are NSAIDs, what is their function, and what are some drawbacks to their use?
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, prevent inflammation. They have side effects such as bleeding in the stomach.
Define tonic control and give a physiological example.
Tonic control regulates physiological parameters in an up-down fashion. An example is the neural regulation of blood vessel diameter (see Fig. 6.15).
Compare and contrast hormones, neurotransmitters, and neurohormones.
See Figure 6.1 and the "Long-Distance Communication May Be Electrical or Chemical" section in the chapter.
Briefly explain the effects of the hormone insulin on glucose transport. What is diabetes mellitus? How are types I and II different? Why do insulin injections help alleviate one type but not the other?
Insulin promotes glucose transport into most types of cells. Diabetes mellitus results when insulin regulation of blood glucose concentrations is impaired. In type I, the pancreas fails to produce insulin, whereas in type II insulin levels are normal to high, but target cells fail to respond properly. Insulin injections can successfully treat type I, but not type II, because the endogenous insulin production in type II is sufficient, but the response is abnormal.
Nobel Prizes were awarded to the discoverers of G proteins, the G protein-coupled adenylyl cyclase-cAMP system, and nitric oxide. Summarize each of these, and explain the importance of these discoveries to our understanding of signal pathways.
G proteins are coupled to hundreds of different receptors on cells. These are receptors that bind ligands such as hormones, neurotransmitters, and molecules important in sensory systems. Activated G proteins open ion channels or alter enzyme activity. The G protein-coupled adenylyl cyclase-cAMP system was the first signal transduction pathway discovered, and therefore paved the way for our understanding of signal transduction. cAMP is the second messenger in many signaling systems. Nitric oxide functions as a neurotransmitter, neuromodulator, and paracrine important in cardiovascular regulation.
Food items are occasionally shown to offer protective effects to those who eat them. Garlic, for example, may improve heart health. The pungency of garlic is due to sulfur-containing compounds. Explain how these compounds are good candidates for garlic's heart benefits
When sulfur compounds are metabolized, hydrogen sulfide may be produced. This gas has recently been shown to be a signal molecule that relaxes blood vessels.
76) "Too much of a good thing can hurt you." "It's all good." We've all heard phrases like this, and know that they contain some truth. For example, both life essentials water and sunshine can harm us. Not enough cholesterol in the body is worse than too much. What otherwise poisonous gas has recently been shown to be a signal molecule? What does it do in the body?
Carbon monoxide is one of the gaseous signal molecules. It activates guanylyl cyclase and cGMP in smooth muscle and neural tissue
Receptors in cell signaling are not to be confused with receptors that activate a reflex arc. Explain the difference, using specific examples.
Receptor molecules are proteins on or in cells that bind to ligands. This binding triggers a response within a cell, to the signaling chemical. For example, this is how a hormone exerts its effect on a target cell. Receptors in a reflex arc are not protein molecules but rather are entire cells, parts of cells, or multicellular structures. These receptors cause a signal to be sent to an integrating center, which may or may not then initiate a response usually involving many cells. For example, a blood pressure receptor detects a decrease in pressure, and sends a neural signal to cardiovascular integrating centers to trigger a vascular response to increase pressure.
Blood glucose levels are kept fairly steady in healthy people through the action of the hormones insulin and glucagon. Insulin decreases blood glucose by promoting glucose uptake by cells, whereas glucagon increases blood glucose by promoting release of glucose from cells. Describe these hormone actions as simple reflex pathways, identifying the stimulus, integrating center, efferent pathway, and response.
Stimulus: increased blood glucose. Integrating center: endocrine cell (in pancreas). Efferent pathway: insulin secretion. Response: increased cellular uptake of glucose. Feedback: negative. Stimulus: decreased blood glucose. Integrating center: endocrine cell (in pancreas). Efferent pathway: glucagon secretion. Response: release of glucose from cells. Feedback: negative.
Brain cells are able to absorb glucose independent of insulin. What must be missing from brain cells compared to most other cell types? One of the risks of diabetes mellitus is diabetic coma, which results when insufficient glucose is available to the brain. Would you expect diabetic coma to be triggered when insulin is low or high? Explain. (Hint: Think about regulation of the number of glucose transporters in brain cells and how the hyperglycemia present prior to insulin treatment may affect transporters.)
Brain cells lack the insulin receptors that stimulate glucose uptake, because an insulin-independent mechanism for glucose uptake is present. Brain cells will down-regulate their glucose transporters during periods of hyperglycemia. When insulin levels increase during treatment of type I diabetes, promoting lower concentrations of glucose in the blood, this can trigger diabetic coma because the brain cells have too few glucose transporters for the new, lower levels of blood glucose.
The gaps between adjacent Schwann cells on an axon are called ________.
nodes of Ranvier
The potential difference across a membrane or other barrier is a measure of the ________ across the barrier.
The sum of all of the electrical and chemical forces active across the membrane is known as the ________.
driving force
The two types of electrical signals in neurons are ________.
graded potentials and action potentials
The minimum amount of stimulus required to depolarize an excitable membrane and generate an action potential is known as the ________.
The ________ principle states that the properties of the action potential are independent of the relative strength of the depolarizing stimulus.
all or none
The time during which an excitable membrane cannot respond to further stimulation regardless of the stimulus strength is the ________.
absolute refractory period
The period of time during which an excitable membrane can respond again, but only if the stimulus is greater than the initial stimulus is the ________.
relative refractory period
At a(n) ________ synapse, a neurotransmitter is released to affect the postsynaptic cell.
In a(n) ________ synapse, there is a direct physical connection between cells
A ________ is a compound that influences a postsynaptic cell's response to a neurotransmitter.
The addition of stimuli arriving in rapid succession to produce an action potential is called ________.
temporal summation
The addition of several stimuli arriving from different locations on the same cell to produce an action potential is called ________.
spatial summation
Name the two factors that influence the membrane potential
1. the concentration gradients of ions across the membrane 2. the membrane permeability to those ions
Schwann cells are the primary type of glial cell associated with the central nervous system.
False, peripheral nervous system
The gaps between Schwann cells are called synapses.
False, nodes of Ranvier
An influx of Na+ ions depolarizes the membrane of an axon.
The absolute refractory period is important in unidirectional propagation of action potentials.
If the graded potential increases in amplitude, then the frequency of the action potentials fired also increases.
In spatial summation the same stimulus is repeated until a threshold level of depolarization is reached.
False, temporal summation
Products from the cell body of a neuron are transported to the axon terminals by ________.
(anterograde) axoplasmic transport
A change in the conditions in the axon terminal can cause a change in the environment of the cell body as a result of ________.
retrograde transport
Graded potentials that increase the likelihood of an action potential bring the ________ closer to threshold
membrane potential
Graded potentials that arrive at postsynaptic neurons are called ________ if they make that cell more likely to fire.
Graded potentials that arrive at postsynaptic neurons are called ________ if they make that cell less likely to fire.
For ________ to occur, a second potential must arrive before a previous one has been completed.
When two or more graded potentials arrive at the trigger zone within a short period of time, their effects are additive and ________ occurs.
Receptors that work through second messenger systems are called ________ receptors
Briefly explain the gross organization of the nervous system in either paragraph form or using a concept map. Be sure to discuss the central, peripheral, and enteric nervous system and the divisions and branches discussed in the text.
Answers will vary. There are three divisions: the central nervous system (CNS), the peripheral nervous system (PNS), and the enteric nervous system. The CNS consists of the brain and spinal cord and acts as the integrating center for neural reflexes. The brain is also where thoughts and consciousness are formed. The PNS includes the afferent branch, which monitors the internal and external environment and sends signals to the CNS, and the efferent branch, which carries signals from the CNS to effector cells throughout the body. Within the efferent branch, there is the somatic motor division, which controls skeletal muscle, and the autonomic division. The autonomic division, or visceral nervous system, controls the smooth and cardiac muscles and exo- and endocrine glands. It is further divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.
Why are mitochondria necessary at axon terminals?
Energy is required in order to move synaptic vesicles to the cell membrane.
Why is it necessary for fast axonal transport to go both forward and backward?
The organelles and cellular components transported to the axon terminal must also be returned to the cell body for recycling. Fast retrograde recycling may also be used for nerve growth factor transport to the cell body
Compare and contrast action and graded potentials. Your answer should include a definition of each, types, characteristics, ionic basis, functions, and anything else necessary to answer the question
Action potentials are stereotyped changes in axon membrane potential that function in long-distance communication between neurons and their target cells. Graded potentials are variable membrane potential changes, usually in dendrites of multipolar neurons, that function in either short-distance communication or changing the probability of an action potential. Action potentials result from opening of voltage-regulated ion channels, which occurs at or above a threshold voltage. Graded potentials are not regenerative and result from the opening of ion channels in response to neurotransmitter or a specific stimulus such as sound or odor, in the case of sensory receptors. The rising phase results from influx of sodium, and the falling phase from efflux of potassium. Other characteristics include the after-hyperpolarization, all-or-none nature, conduction without decrement, independence of amplitude and duration from stimulus strength, refractory period, faster velocity in larger diameter or in myelinated axons. Graded potentials can be depolarizing, if the ion channel is a sodium channel, or hyperpolarizing in the case of potassium or chloride channels. Depolarizations increase the probability that threshold voltage will be attained and an action potential will result. Hyperpolarizations decrease the probability of a resulting action potential. Amplitude and duration are proportional to stimulus intensity, and graded potentials are conducted with decrement.
Compare and contrast fast and slow synaptic potentials, including detailed mechanisms used and what kinds of cells they occur in.
Fast synaptic potentials begin quickly and last only a few milliseconds; this category includes EPSPs and IPSPs. Slow synaptic potentials take longer to begin and last longer commonly involve G-protein coupled receptors; this type of response is important in growth, development, and long-term memory.
How does the function of dendritic spines in the CNS differ from dendrites in the PNS?
Dendritic spines have polyribosomes to make their own proteins, send signals to other neurons, and are involved in learning, memory, and various pathologies. PNS dendrites receive external information and transfer it within the neuron.
Compare and contrast Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes.
Both insulate axons by creating myelin. Schwann cells, found in the PNS, are associated with a single axon. One axon may have many Schwann cells wrapped around it leaving small gaps of unmyelinated areas called nodes of Ranvier. Oligodendrocytes are found in the CNS and form myelin around portions of several axons.
Write out the Nernst and GHK equations, and explain the significance of each. Define equilibrium potential.
This is discussed in the "Electrical Signals in Neurons" section of the chapter. The Nernst equation is used to calculate the equilibrium potential for individual ions, while the GHK equation calculates the predicted resting membrane potential of a cell. The equilibrium potential is the voltage at which there is no net movement of a particular ion across the membrane, because the force of the concentration gradient is exactly balanced by the force of the electrical gradient.
What causes a graded potential to degrade?
Current leakage across the membrane and resistance of the cytoplasm are two factors.
Name two ways a cell changes its membrane permeability to ions. (Hint: One way is relatively slow.)
1. opens or closes existing channels 2. inserts or removes membrane channels
If both Na+ and K+ channels are activated by depolarization, why do we see more Na+ flux during the rising phase of an action potential?
Although both channels are activated by depolarization, the Na+ channels open quickly allowing rapid Na+ entry into the cell. The peak of Na+ permeability coincides with the peak of the action potential, while the K+ channels open more slowly and don't reach their peak ion permeability until the falling phase of the action potential.
What is the trigger zone? Where is the trigger zone found in efferent, afferent, and interneurons? Do the terms trigger zone and axon hillock have the same meaning? Explain
The trigger zone is an area of the neuron that contains a high membrane concentration of voltage-gated Na+ channels and is near an area that lacks these. In order for action potentials to occur, graded potentials reaching the trigger zone must depolarize the membrane to the threshold voltage. In efferent and interneurons, the trigger zone is the axon hillock (also called the initial segment). In afferent neurons, the trigger zone is located where the dendrites join the axon (immediately adjacent to the receptor), rather than at the axon hillock. The axon hillock is an anatomical region, whereas the trigger zone is defined by its function rather than its location.
"A refractory period occurs following all types of potentials." Is this statement TRUE or FALSE? What structures are actually refractory? Why or why not?
False. The refractory period occurs after action potentials and is a distinguishing characteristic, and results from properties of the voltage-gated sodium channels. Graded potentials do not involve channels that have refractory periods. Two stimuli that reach a dendrite at nearly the same time will increase the graded potential produced, whereas if two suprathreshold depolarizations reach the trigger zone at nearly the same time, the first will cause an action potential and the second will be ignored, because of the refractory period.
The text states "all action potentials are identical to one another." There is an exception, however, where an action potential can have a smaller than normal amplitude. When does this occur and how?
During the relative refractory period, a smaller than normal action potential can occur. During this period potassium channels are still open causing repolarization. If a wave of depolarization occurs, Na+ can enter the cells through the newly reopened Na+ channels, but this depolarization is offset by the K+ efflux.
Explain the kiss-and-run model of synaptic vesicle exocytosis, and how it differs from the classic model.
With the kiss-and-run model the synaptic vesicles fuse to the presynaptic membrane at a fusion complex. When the neurotransmitter is released through the fusion complex into the synaptic cleft the vesicles then pull away from the complex and re-enter the vesicle pool in the cytoplasm. With the classical model the vesicle becomes incorporated into or becomes part of the cell membrane.
Discuss the membrane permeabilities of major ions and how they contribute to the overall resting membrane potential of neurons.
The average resting membrane potential is -70 mV. It is primarily determined by the concentration gradient of K+ and the membrane permeabilities of K+, Na+, and Cl-. The equilibrium potential for K+ predicted by the Nernst equation is -90 mV. The resting membrane potential is more permeable to K than Na. However, because the cell's resting potential is more positive than -90mV there must be another contributing ion, and it is the Na+ leak channels that allow positive Na+ ions into the cell which cause the resting potential to be slightly more positive.
If potassium channels in a neuron were blocked, would it be possible to produce an action potential? If so, describe the probable appearance of these components of a graph: threshold, rising phase, peak, falling phase, undershoot. If not, explain.
Assuming sodium channels are functioning normally, there would still be an action potential. Threshold would be unaffected, because it is a property of sodium channels. A peak voltage will be reached when the sodium channels become inactivated; this voltage may be higher than normal since usually there is a partial canceling of the rising voltage as potassium exits. Without a potassium current, the falling phase would be much slower, being dependent on the sodium-potassium pump removing the sodium ions that came in. The undershoot would be absent because it is a result of potassium current.
Explain why the voltage-gated Na+ channels can close while the cell is depolarized even though the depolarization was the initial stimulus for the channel opening. Include a discussion on refractory periods and explain why action potentials travel in only one direction.
The channels have two gates: activation and inactivation gates. (See Fig. 8.10.) At rest, the activation gate is closed and the inactivation gate is open. Upon depolarization both gates move: the activation gate opens allowing Na+ to enter the cell and the inactivation gate (with a delay of 0.5 msec) closes stopping the influx of Na+. At this point during the action potential, the peak has been reached and repolarization occurs due to the K+ ions leaving the cell. During this time, even if another wave of depolarization occurred, the Na+ channels cannot be opened because the activation gate is already open and the inactivation gate is closed. This is the absolute refractory period, when another action potential absolutely cannot occur because the Na+ channels have not reset to their original positions. The relative refractory period occurs after some of the Na+ channels have reset, but a higher than normal depolarizing graded potential is necessary to cause another action potential. Refractory periods also explain why action potentials cannot move backward. (See Fig. 8.15.) The part of the axon experiencing the action potential has open Na+ channels. An increase in Na+ inside the cell causes depolarization and perpetuates the action potential toward the axon terminal due to local current flow. The area of the axon toward the trigger zone, where the action potential (AP) occurred a moment earlier, is in the absolute refractory period and will not experience another action potential even with a depolarization.
Explain the two reasons why graded potentials lose strength as they move through the cell. Why don't action potentials lose strength?
As a depolarization wave moves through the cell, some of the positive charge is lost to the extracellular fluid through leak channels. Additionally there is cytoplasmic resistance. Action potentials do not lose strength because they are regenerated in each patch of membrane.
Compare and contrast the EPSP, IPSP, and action potential as to ions involved, all-or-none law application, specific cellular locations, and specific cell types involved.
EPSPs and IPSPs are graded potentials in postsynaptic cells resulting from the action of neurotransmitters at synapses, which are usually on dendrites of multipolar neurons, but could also be on the synaptic region of any target cell. EPSPs increase the probability that a postsynaptic action potential will result, because they involve an influx of sodium, which depolarizes the membrane potential, bringing it closer to threshold. IPSPs decrease the probability that a postsynaptic action potential will result, because they involve either an influx of chloride or an efflux of potassium, either of which hyperpolarizes the membrane potential, moving it farther from threshold. Action potentials occur in axons of neurons, or in muscle cell membranes. They may result from PSPs or in the case of sensory neurons, specific stimuli such as sound or odor, which cause a type of graded potential called a receptor potential. Action potentials begin when graded potentials depolarize the membrane potential to threshold. The rising phase of an action potential results from sodium influx, and the falling phase from potassium efflux. Action potentials, but not graded potentials, are an all-or-none phenomenon.
Define temporal and spatial summation. Where does the summation occur? Are these processes mutually exclusive, or can they occur at the same time in a typical multipolar neuron? What key property of neurons do these forms of summation demonstrate?
See Figs. 8.24 and 8.25 in the chapter. Temporal summation is the addition of graded potentials that overlap in time; that is, a second potential arrives before the first one from that source has finished. Spatial summation occurs when there is simultaneous arrival of graded potentials originating from more than one synaptic input. Summation occurs at the trigger zone. Typically a multipolar neuron has many active synapses at a given time, with multiple potentials being produced at each. Summation demonstrates postsynaptic integration.
A compound action potential is recorded using electrodes on a nerve. How does a nerve differ from an axon? Amplitude and duration of a compound action potential vary according to the stimulus intensity applied to the nerve. Given that there is no such variation in the action potential of a single axon, how can you explain this?
A nerve consists of many axons. A regular action potential is produced by a single axon, whereas a compound action potential is recorded by equipment from a nerve when multiple axons are producing action potentials, and the voltages add together. Increasing stimulus intensity increases the number of axons contributing to the compound action potential. This is because different axons have different threshold voltages, so increasing the voltage stimulates a larger number of axons.
Explain the processes that lead to the exocytosis of neurotransmitter from a presynaptic cell. Which components are recycled? Which ion is important in triggering exocytosis?
Action potential arrives in synaptic terminal, and stimulates opening of voltage-regulated calcium channels. The resulting calcium influx triggers exocytosis of synaptic vesicle contents. The phospholipids of the vesicle membranes are recycled, either from fusion of vesicles then later formation of new vesicles from the same molecules; or from the kiss-and-run model, in which the vesicle phospholipids are not incorporated into the membrane at all, but remain as vesicles that can be refilled with neurotransmitter.
How do the following relate to nervous system development and/or healing? Synaptic plasticity, neuroglia, neurotrophic factors
Synaptic plasticity is the changeability of synapses, necessary for development and continued learning in the nervous system. Neuroglia play an important role in healing of damaged neural tissue. Schwann cells in the PNS facilitate regrowth of severed axons. CNS glia seal off and scar a damaged region. Neurotrophic factors are important in maintaining active synapses.
What factors determine the maximum frequency of action potentials conducted by an axon?
Maximum frequency is mostly dependent upon the duration of the absolute refractory period, which determines the upper limit. The diameter of the axon, amount of myelination present, and the magnitude of the Na+ and K+ gradients across the axonal membrane all affect action potential velocity may also play a secondary role.
Compare and contrast the communication mechanisms between the nervous and endocrine systems. In other words, how do neurons and neurotransmitters signal to their postsynaptic cells, compared to the way endocrine glands and hormones communicate with their target cells?
Neurotransmitters usually do not enter the cell, thus must combine with receptors on the membrane, using mechanisms similar to the amino acid-derivative hormones. Similarities include opening channels in the postsynaptic cell membrane, leading to depolarization of the neuron. In endocrine target cells, the arrival of the stimulus begins a different sequence of events, such as triggering an enzyme cascade, and second messenger systems.
Explain the differences in axon regeneration in the CNS and PNS, and the implications for recovery from injury. What experiments might scientists try based on these differences?
Schwann cells, present in the PNS but not the CNS, facilitate regrowth of severed axons. This means that people do not recover as well from CNS injury compared to PNS injury. It is possible that there is something fundamentally different in CNS axons compared to PNS axons that accounts for this effect. To test for this, Schwann cells could be transplanted into the spinal cord or brain and CNS axons observed for regrowth. Such experiments have been done, and it is the case that CNS axons are capable of regrowth in the presence of Schwann cells. Identification of chemical or physical factors in the Schwann cells would advance this field of research.
Draw and label an action potential, in the form of a graph.
Use the Nernst equation to predict the membrane potential for each ion.
: EK+ = 61 log 150/5 = 90.10 mV, ENa+ = 61 log 175/15 = 65.08 mV, ECl- = -61 log 40/40 = 0 m [ ] in mOsm/L Cell Swamp K+ 5 150 Na+ 15 175 Cl- 40 40
If an axon has an absolute refractory period of 2 msec, what is the maximum frequency of action potential (AP) production in that neuron?
X AP/2 msec Ɨ 1000 msec/1 sec = 500 APs per second.
Draw a graph showing what would happen to resting membrane potential over time, if the sodium/potassium pump were not functioning. How would this affect a neuron's ability to produce action potentials? What does this imply about the quantity of ions that normally cross the membrane during the course of an action potential?
It would be appropriate for the student to draw action potentials on the graph beginning at the point where the resting potential drifts up to threshold, and decreasing in frequency as the resting potential approaches. Very gradually, a cell's resting membrane potential would increase until it reached and stabilized there. At that point the ions would be in equilibrium, and no further net flow of charge would occur. There would be no effect on ability to generate action potentials INITIALLY, but with the disappearance of the differential distribution of sodium and potassium upon which the action potential depends, action potentials would gradually come to a stop. This points out the fact that during any SINGLE action potential, so few ions cross the membrane that there is no significant change in ion concentrations. Thousands of action potentials would be required before the absence of the sodium-potassium pumps would be noticeable.
Explain the roles that the AMPA and NMDA receptors play in long-term potentiation
Both AMPA and NMDA receptors are located on the postsynaptic cells (dendrites) and require binding of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate for activation. When glutamate binds to the AMPA receptor, the channel opens and Na enters the cell. This causes depolarization of the immediate postsynaptic cell or dendrite. This depolarization causes Mg2+ ions to be "kicked out" of the NMDA receptor channel; hence, Mg2+ is no longer acting as a channel blocker. If at the same time glutamate is bound to the NMDA receptor then the channel gate is open and Ca2+ enters the cell. The entry of Ca2+ triggers 2nd messenger pathways that result in an increase in the number of glutamate receptors inserted into the post-synaptic membrane. This increases the probability of an increase in the postsynaptic response or depolarization to glutamate that is referred to as long-term potentiation.