Common Sports Injuries And Prevention Practice

6 September 2022
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Explain the importance of following the rules while participating in sports.
Rules are the cornerstone of sports and keep everyone safe. They are written to keep everyone on the same page during the game. It is important to follow the rules of the coach or instructor and never injure another player on purpose.
Getting adequate rest will actually strengthen you in the long run.
Why is it important to listen to your body when playing sports?
Sports should not hurt. If you are in pain, there may be several reasons why that is. Pain occurs when something is wrong. Ignoring the pain is a serious mistake. Instead, listen to your body and accommodate your play to limit or avoid the pain. If that does not help, you should stop playing and rest or see a doctor.
Which of the following statements about stopping/twisting is NOT true? A. mostly occurs in individual sports B. can result in ligament and tendon damage C. is a movement required in most fast-paced sports D. creates stress and strain on joints
List some of the most common injuries that can occur from sports.
The most common injuries from sports include ankle sprains, concussion, bone fractures, kneetears, hamstring strains, and groin strain.
List and explain the most common dangerous conditions that increase the chance of getting injured in sports.
The three most common dangerous condition in sports include overuse, overexertion, and incorrect technique. Overuse is caused by repetitive motion and is common in sports that require repeated movements, like tennis and pitching. Overexertion is pushing the body beyond one's physical ability. Lastly, using an incorrect technique usually goes unnoticed and results in pain.
Going too far beyond what the body can handle with vigorous exercise, especially without taking time to build up to the level of exercise, is an example of __________. A. overuse B. overexertion C. incorrect technique D. determination
What is a concussion and what are the symptoms to look for?
A concussion is any sudden impact to the head or acceleration or deceleration without impact. A concussion disrupts normal brain activity and can be dangerous. The symptoms include headache, dizziness, disorientation, and nausea.