Chapter 14

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Which of the following is not advice from career coach Richard Knowdell for staying ahead in the workplace of tomorrow? A. Develop new and diverse capacities. B. Anticipate, adapt to, and embrace change. C. Focus on workplace learning rather than the classroom. D. When considering a job or industry, don't rely on reputation. E. Develop your communication skills.
C. Focus on workplace learning rather than the classroom.
Leadership is the ability to ______ employees to pursue organizational goals. A. force B. reward C. request D. influence E. compensate
D. influence
Managerial leadership is defined as the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and the process of A. minimizing the impacts of environmental change on the organization. B. facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives. C. motivating others to achieve extraordinary levels of performance. D. creating a vision and a strategic plan for an organization. E. striving for constructive change by setting a direction for the future.
B. facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives.
According to Kotter, management and leadership are considered to be A. opposing forces. B. causal; here, management causes leadership. C. equivalent to one another. D. almost entirely unrelated. E. complementary to each other.
E. complementary to each other.
_______ is about coping with complexity and ______ is about coping with change. A. Middle management; top management B. Management; leadership C. Attitude; perception D. Leadership; management E. Perception; attitude
B. Management; leadership
According to Kotter, companies manage complexity in which of the following ways? A. Solving problems B. Motivating people C. Lobbying the government D. Innovating new products E. Setting a direction
A. Solving problems
Of the following, which is the best way for leaders to cope with change? A. Problem solving B. Lobbying the government C. Aligning people D. Virtual planning E. Watching current trends
C. Aligning people
According to Frederick Smith, chair and CEO of FedEx, the primary task of leadership is to A. ensure progressive control and problem solving. B. align resources within the organization. C. inspire trust among all levels of employees. D. communicate the vision and values of an organization. E. oversee the success of an organization.
D. communicate the vision and values of an organization.
The power that managers have resulting from their formal positions within organizations is called ______ power. A. referent B. legitimate C. reward D. coercive E. expert
B. legitimate
Jennifer congratulated her staff when the team received an industry award for their project, and also sent a companywide e-mail announcing it. Here, Jennifer is using her ______ power. A. personalized B. referent C. coercive D. expert E. reward
E. reward
Karl was put on probation for a string of customer complaints about his service and professionalism. His supervisor was using ______ power. A. coercive B. personalized C. referent D. reward E. expert
A. coercive
______ power results from one's specialized knowledge. A. Legitimate B. Referent C. Expert D. Reward E. Coercive
C. Expert
Power deriving from one's personal attraction is called ______ power. A. legitimate B. referent C. reward D. coercive E. personalized
B. referent
Tracy is outgoing, warm, and truly inspirational when she talks about where she wants to lead her division. Her employees seem eager to do anything she asks. Because of her personality and not her position, Tracy has ______ power. A. legitimate B. referent C. reward D. coercive E. expert
B. referent
In recent studies, the generic influence tactic that employees cite as most used in the workplace is A. legitimating. B. ingratiation. C. coalition. D. rational persuasion. E. pressure.
D. rational persuasion.
The three least used influence tactics, according to a recent survey of employees, are A. legitimating, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics. B. inspirational appeals, rational persuasion, and consultation. C. rational persuasion, pressure tactics, and exchange. D. rational persuasion, coalition tactics, and upward appeals. E. inspirational appeals, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics.
A. legitimating, coalition tactics, and pressure tactics.
Acting humble or friendly or making someone feel good or important before making a request are influence tactics known as A. coalition tactics. B. inspirational appeals. C. consultation. D. ingratiating tactics. E. personal appeals.
D. ingratiating tactics.
Jesse brought his proposal to Erica even before the meeting saying, "I'm sure you have some ideas on this and we could try to get them incorporated upfront." Jesse is using which influence tactic? A. Legitimating tactics B. Inspirational appeals C. Ingratiating tactics D. Personal appeals E. Consultation
E. Consultation
Using threats or intimidation to persuade someone is which influence tactic? A. Legitimating B. Ingratiating C. Pressure D. Exchange E. Personal appeals
C. Pressure
When Nielle saw Laura in the stockroom stuffing her purse with expensive printer cartridges, Laura was quick to say, "We've been friends since first grade, so I'm sure you won't say anything about this." This is an example of using a(n) A. personal appeal. B. legitimating tactic. C. pressure tactic. D. coalition tactic. E. exchange tactic.
A. personal appeal.
The influence tactic most likely to result in the enthusiastic commitment of employees is A. legitimating tactics. B. consultation. C. ingratiating tactics. D. coalition tactics. E. personal appeals.
B. consultation.
The ______ approach to leadership attempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for the effectiveness of leaders. A. attribute B. trait C. behavior D. quality E. contingency
B. trait
Organizations may apply trait theory by A. considering the relationships among employees. B. using personality assessments. C. hiring only from top-ranked business schools. D. doing a job audit. E. empowering the HR department.
B. using personality assessments.
Which of the following is one of the traits of a credible leader identified by Kouzes and Posner? A. Competent B. Relationship-oriented C. Competitive D. Extroverted E. Driven
A. Competent
According to a BusinessWeek summary of management studies, which of the following is characteristic of men in the workplace, compared with women? A. Being more collaborative. B. Producing higher quality work. C. Using a more autocratic style. D. Generating more new ideas. E. Being more effective.
C. Using a more autocratic style.
______ studies reveal that visionary and inspirational charismatic leaders who are good team builders generally are most desirable worldwide. A. Servant leader B. E-leadership C. Contingency model D. Project GLOBE E. Full-range approach
D. Project GLOBE
The ______ leadership approaches attempt to determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders. A. behavioral B. servant C. shared D. trait E. contingency
A. behavioral
Which of the following is a behavioral leadership approach? A. Servant leadership model B. University of Michigan leadership model C. Path-goal leadership model D. Transformational leadership E. Leader-member exchange model
B. University of Michigan leadership model
In the University of Michigan studies, leadership style is identified as A. job centered or employee centered. B. transactional or transformational. C. initiating structure or consideration. D. task oriented or relationship oriented. E. telling, selling, participating, or delegating.
A. job centered or employee centered.
Peizhi manages his employees through a careful monitoring of their production, comparing what they do to predicted schedules and desired budgets. Peizhi can best be described as a(n) ______ leader. A. production-oriented B. charismatic C. job-centered D. transformational E. employee-centered
C. job-centered
The model that identifies leadership behavior as either "initiating structure" or "consideration" is the ______ model. A. leader-member exchange B. path-goal leadership C. University of Michigan leadership D. University of Ohio leadership E. situational leadership
D. University of Ohio leadership
Lotina apologized to a subordinate for an e-mail that upset him. She said she had chosen an unfortunate way of stating her idea, and that she'd be happy to discuss it further. Lotina is A. using a personal appeal. B. initiating structure. C. practicing shared leadership. D. exercising personalized power. E. expressing consideration behavior.
E. expressing consideration behavior.
All of the following are tips from Peter Drucker for improving leadership except which? A. Change leadership styles according to the situation. B. Develop action plans that specify desired results. C. Listen first, speak last. D. Take responsibility for decisions. E. Focus on opportunities rather than problems.
A. Change leadership styles according to the situation.
The approach to leadership that suggests that effective leadership behavior depends on the situation at hand is the ______ approach. A. trait B. transformational C. circumstantial D. behavioral E. contingency
E. contingency
Which of the following is a contingency approach to leadership? A. Michigan model B. Path-goal leadership model C. Servant leadership model D. Ohio State model E. Leader-member exchange model
B. Path-goal leadership model
Fiedler's contingency leadership model determines if a leader's style is A. transactional or transformational. B. directive, supportive, participative, or achievement oriented. C. task oriented or relationship oriented. D. telling, selling, participating, or delegating. E. charismatic or noncharismatic.
C. task oriented or relationship oriented.
The model that requires a manager to assess her own style and her situational control is A. Fiedler's contingency model. B. shared leadership model. C. the LMX model of leadership. D. House's path-goal theory. E. charismatic leadership theory.
A. Fiedler's contingency model.
The questionnaire used in Fiedler's model to determine leadership orientation is called the A. Myers-Briggs type inventory. B. least preferred coworker scale. C. tolerance of ambiguity questionnaire. D. Type A behavior scale. E. path-goal survey.
B. least preferred coworker scale.
In Fiedler's contingency leadership model, the amount of influence a leader has in his or her immediate work environment is called his or her A. coercive power. B. leadership style. C. readiness. D. situational control. E. task structure.
D. situational control
Craig's peers were surprised when he received a promotion and suddenly became their supervisor. They thought he was rather unreliable and weren't sure he was up to the task. According to the contingency model, Craig has A. poor leader-member relations. B. weak position power. C. poor worker facilitation. D. low task structure. E. unsuccessful leadership adaptation.
A. poor leader-member relations.
One of three dimensions of situational control in the contingency leadership model, ______ is the extent to which tasks are routine, unambiguous, and easily understood. A. job mastery B. task identity C. position power D. job design E. task structure
E. task structure
Liz is trying to lead a cross-functional team, but she is having some issues. Most members were other department managers at her level, and they saw no reason to do what she told them to. Here, Liz has A. low tolerance for ambiguity. B. high task structure. C. weak referent power. D. poor leader-member relations. E. weak position power.
E. weak position power.
According to the contingency model, a relationship-oriented leadership style works best in ______ situations. A. low control B. high control C. moderate control D. uncontrolled E. both high and low control
C. moderate control
DeAndre leads a task force developing specifications for a new customer database to be used by several departments. DeAndre is an IT supervisor, but most of the others are directors of other departments. At the first meeting, a few of them asked him questions he couldn't answer. According to the contingency model, DeAndre's situational control likely A. is low. B. is moderate. C. is high. D. is extremely high. E. cannot be determined from the information.
A. is low
Savannah leads a task force charged with restructuring the order-processing system in the organization. The task force is composed of her peers over whom she has little control, and some of whom do not seem to respect her. According to the contingency model, Savannah should adopt a(n) ___________ leadership style. A. employee-centered B. task-oriented C. relationship-oriented D. participatory E. initiating structure
B. task-oriented
In assessing how much situational control he has, a manager should consider which of the following? A. Amount of socialized power B. Subordinate readiness C. Level of transformation D. Amount of task structure E. Ability of staff
D. Amount of task structure
Leticia supervises a group of customer service representatives. Leticia is respected and well liked by her staff, and she has worked hard to make sure all of them known how to do the job very well. She is responsible for all staffing and reward decisions in her department. In the contingency model, Leticia has A. low task structure. B. high situational control. C. low leader-member relations. D. low position power. E. high expert power.
B. high situational control.
Marco supervises the pool of word processors serving the firm's lawyers. He gets along well with his people, and has created detailed procedures for all types of legal document they encounter. Marco hires and fires, and gives work assignments, performance appraisals, and promotions. According to the contingency model, the optimal leadership style is A. transformational. B. team management. C. task-oriented. D. relationship-oriented. E. consideration.
C. task-oriented.
According to Fiedler's contingency model, ______ situation control favors a leader who is ______ oriented. A. low; relationship B. low; transformational C. moderate; task D. high; transformational E. moderate; relationship
E. moderate; relationship
In the contingency model, if your leadership orientation does not match the situation in your workplace, Fiedler recommends that you A. try to move to a more suitable situation. B. alter your leadership style. C. take management classes to improve your power. D. get an assistant with the preferred orientation. E. gradually change the makeup of your subordinates.
A. try to move to a more suitable situation.
The model in which an effective leader makes desirable rewards available, clarifies how subordinates can achieve objectives, and provides them support in doing so is A. Greenleaf's servant leadership model. B. the LMX model of leadership. C. Leader-member exchange model. D. Fiedler's contingency model. E. House's path-goal model.
E. House's path-goal model.
According to House's revised path-goal theory, a leader's style should vary depending on which of the following? A. Positional power B. Environmental factors C. Situational control D. Organizational readiness E. Leader-member relations
B. Environmental factors
Which of the following is an employee characteristic of relevance in path-goal theory? A. Position power B. Work satisfaction C. Need for achievement D. Task awareness E. Extroversion
C. Need for achievement
The leadership styles of ________ originally included supportive and achievement-oriented and two others, but was more recently revised to include a total of eight styles. A. Greenleaf's servant leadership model B. the LMX model of leadership C. leader-member exchange model D. Fiedler's contingency model E. House's path-goal model
E. House's path-goal model
Michael runs a research and development department. He gets a lot out of his employees by setting lofty goals and expressing his belief that each of them is capable of doing his or her part. He expects their best work. According to revised path-goal theory, Michael is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. representation and networking B. interaction facilitation C. supportive D. achievement-oriented E. work facilitation
D. achievement-oriented
Andrew supervises a customer service unit that receives stress-producing calls from unhappy customers, and turnover has been high lately. Andrew is understanding and patient with the staff, and tells them he knows what they're going through since it wasn't so long ago that he took those calls. According to revised path-goal theory, Andrew is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. work facilitation B. interaction facilitation C. supportive D. achievement-oriented E. value-based
C. supportive
Faisal is something of a cheerleader around his team. He describes the great things he knows the group can accomplish, is quick to compliment the work of his staff, and is enthusiastic about their successes. According to revised path-goal theory, Faisal is using a(n) ______ leadership style. A. value-based B. path-goal clarifying C. interaction facilitation D. achievement-oriented E. relationship-oriented
A. value-based
House's revision of his theory puts more emphasis on the need for leaders to foster A. concrete rewards. B. stress management techniques. C. intrinsic motivation. D. an external locus of control. E. personal growth in management knowledge.
C. intrinsic motivation
Within the five steps used to apply situational theories, in which two ways can you "make the match?" A. Hire new employees or retrain the current ones. B. Apply relationship-oriented behaviors or task-oriented behaviors. C. Stabilize the situation or stir it up. D. Change the manager or change the manager's behavior. E. Be a transactional leader or a transformational one.
D. Change the manager or change the manager's behavior.
According to the concept of full-range leadership, leadership behaviors vary along a range from ______ leadership at one extreme to transformational leadership at the other. A. transactional B. shared C. laissez-faire D. servant E. charismatic
C. laissez-faire
A transactional leader is most similar in focus to a A. charismatic leader. B. transformational leader. C. servant leader. D. situational leader. E. manager.
E. manager.
Which of the following is a characteristic of transformational leaders? A. They are better in stable situations. B. They clarify employees' roles. C. They set goals and monitor progress toward their achievement. D. They encourage people to do exceptional things. E. They provide rewards in exchange for subordinates doing the work.
D. They encourage people to do exceptional things.
Charismatic leadership is now considered part of ______ leadership. A. transactional B. shared C. laissez-faire D. servant E. transformational
E. transformational
Employees at Central Plains Bank were really impressed with Jeff, the new CEO. He was the first person who had fully developed a vision for the company about where it could go, and had energized everyone to try to get there. Jeff is a ______ leader. A. servant B. transformational C. transactional D. shared E. laissez-faire
B. transformational
Which of the following is not positively associated with transformational leadership, according to research? A. Employee job satisfaction. B. More employee identification with their immediate work groups. C. Lower levels of internal competition. D. Higher levels of group cohesion. E. More work engagement.
C. Lower levels of internal competition.
A leader who focuses on providing increased service to others is called a A. charismatic leader. B. transformational leader. C. transactional leader. D. servant leader. E. situational leader.
D. servant leader.
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has made sure his employees have health insurance and work in a positive environment. He could best be described as which type of leader? A. Leader-member exchange B. Situational C. Servant D. Shared E. Transactional
C. Servant
Karen, the manager of a branch location of a large travel firm, treated company resources as if they were her own and her employees even better. She cared about the staff deeply and even organized international volunteering activities to promote their growth. Karen could best be described as which type of leader? A. Situational B. Servant C. Laissez-faire D. Shared E. Transactional
B. Servant
Research shows that followers seek and admire leaders who create feelings of A. anticipation. B. individualism. C. clarity. D. significance. E. freedom.
D. significance