Chapter 10 Health

24 July 2022
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Which of the following statements about fluid balance during and after exercise is FALSE?
Thirst is a good indicator of how much you need to drink.
Explanation: The best way to stay hydrated during exercise is to drink small volumes of water frequently.FALSE. It is recommended that people drink about 17-20 ounces of water 2-3 hours before exercise, and then drink 8-10 ounces of water every 20 minutes during exercise.
Weight training with free weights represents which one of the following types of exercise?
Explanation: Weight training with free weights represents anaerobic exercise.
Which of the following is a person with excessive body fat more likely to experience than a person with a healthy body composition?
all of these
Explanation: A person with excessive body fat is more likely to experience a number of health problems, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, they are more likely to suffer from joint pain and mobility issues.
All of the following are advantages of exercise machines compared to free weights, EXCEPT that machines
strengthen the body in ways closer to real life.
Explanation: One advantage of exercise machines compared to free weights is that machines provide a more stable environment for lifting. This is due to the fact that the weight is supported by the machine, rather than by the person lifting it. Additionally, machines can be adjusted to target specific muscle groups more effectively than free weights. Finally, machines generally allow for a greater range of motion than free weights, which can be beneficial for people with limited mobility.
Muscular endurance is the
ability to sustain a given level of muscular tension over time.
Explanation: ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeatedly exert force against a resistance for an extended period of time. muscular endurance is important for many activities of daily living, such as walking, climbing stairs, and lifting objects.Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to repeatedly exert force against a resistance for an extended period of time. This is an important quality for many activities of daily living, such as walking, climbing stairs, and lifting objects.When we talk about muscular endurance, we are usually referring to the endurance of the skeletal muscles, which are the muscles that attach to the skeleton and move the body. However, the endurance of other muscle groups, such as the heart and respiratory muscles, is also important for overall health and fitness.There are several factors that contribute to muscular endurance, including muscle size (hypertrophy), muscle fiber type, and the efficiency of the nervous system. Training for muscular endurance generally involves performing repetitions of an exercise for an extended period of time, using a moderate to light weight.
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a workout frequency of AT LEAST _______ per week to develop strength.
2 nonconsecutive days
Explanation: The American College of Sports Medicine recommends a workout frequency of AT LEAST 2 per week to develop strength.
To improve cardiorespiratory endurance during moderate-intensity activities such as walking or swimming slowly, you should exercise for at least
45 minutes, three times per week.
Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question as everyone will have different levels of cardiorespiratory endurance and will therefore need to exercise for different lengths of time to see improvements. However, in general, to see improvements in cardiorespiratory endurance during moderate-intensity activities, you should exercise for at least 30 minutes at a time, and preferably for longer if you can. This could be done all at once or broken up into shorter periods throughout the day. Remember to warm up before and cool down after your exercise session to help reduce the risk of injury.
When would be the BEST time for Jessica to perform stretching exercises to become more flexible?
after she has done her cardiorespiratory workout
Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including Jessica's goals, her current level of flexibility, and her schedule. However, in general, performing stretching exercises at the end of a workout or at the end of the day is often most effective, as the muscles are already warm and the body is more relaxed.
Which of the following statements about athletic injuries is TRUE?
Seek medical attention for minor injuries that do not get better within a reasonable amount of time.
In a weight training program for general fitness, do ______ repetitions of each exercise.
Explanation: There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on factors such as the person's goals, fitness level, and experience with weight training. Generally, however, 8-12 repetitions of each exercise is a good starting point for most people.