BIS 111 Chapter 3

20 June 2024
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41. Which of the following terms implies that organizations that cannot adapt to the new demands placed on them for surviving in the information age are doomed to extinction? A. Collective intelligence B. Digital Darwinism C. Joint venture D. Sole proprietorship
B. Digital Darwinism
42. Many celebrities have jumped on the social media networks and made some major noise. The opening case study outlines all of the following celebrities engaging online except ______. A. Ashton Kutcher B. Albert Einstein C. Oprah Winfrey D. Shaquille O'Neal
B. Albert Einstein
43. Which of the following produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a faster car or larger hard drive? A. Sustaining technology B. Disruptive technology C. Reputation system D. Personalization
A. Sustaining technology
44. Which of the following represents a form of disruptive technology? A. Enter the marketplace at the low end B. A new way of doing things that initially doesn't meet the needs of existing customers C. Tend to open new markets and destroy old ones D. All of the above are included
D. All of the above are included
45. Which of the following is challenge of sustaining technology? A. Provides a cheaper product for current customers B. Provides a product that does not meet existing customer's future needs C. Provides a better product for current customers D. Provides a faster product for current customers
B. Provides a product that does not meet existing customer's future needs
46. Which of the following is not included in the top five companies that are expecting future growth to be generated from new investments? A. Johnson & Johnson B. Sears C. Dell D. None of the above
B. Sears
47. The Innovator's Dilemma suggests that established companies can take advantage of ___________ without hindering existing relationships with customers, partners, and stakeholders. A. Sustaining technology B. Existing investments C. Collective intelligence D. Disruptive technology
D. Disruptive technology
48. Which of the following began as an essential emergency military communications system operated by the U.S. Department of Defense (DARPA)? A. Internet B. Ecommerce C. Ebusiness D. WWW
A. Internet
49. Which of the following terms could you use synonymously when referring to the Web? A. Network, Paradigm shift B. URL, Domain Name C. HTML, Internet D. Web browser, Blog
B. URL, Domain Name
50. At a local marketing firm, Steve is the lead Web developer and is responsible for working with customers on their Web designs, development, and graphics. Which of the following would be a critical skill Steve must have to be able to perform his job? A. Understanding that he must create a unique domain name for each client B. Being able to work with HTML C. Understanding of the World Wide Web and how hyperlinks work D. All of the above
D. All of the above
51. Which of the following is not a reason for the explosive growth of the WWW? A. Basic Web pages are easy to create and extremely flexible B. The microcomputer revolution made it possible for an average person to own a computer C. Digital Darwinism D. The speed, convenience, and low cost of email
C. Digital Darwinism
52. Which term describes the WWW during its first few years of operation between 1991 and 2003? A. Web 1.0 B. Eshop C. Open source D. All of the above
A. Web 1.0
53. What is the difference between ecommerce and ebusiness? A. Ecommerce includes Internet network effects; ebusiness includes ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations B. Ecommerce is buying and selling of goods or services online; ebusiness includes ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations C. Ecommerce includes ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations; ebusiness includes all of the of knowledge management systems D. Ebusiness is buying and selling of goods or services online; ecommerce includes ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations
B. Ecommerce is buying and selling of goods or services online; ebusiness includes ecommerce and all activities related to internal and external business operations
54. What is the Internet protocol Web browsers use to request and display Web pages using universal resource locators? A. Hypertext markup language (HTML) B. URL C. Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP) D. DARPA
C. Hypertext transport protocol (HTTP)
55. What is the practice of buying a domain name and not using the Web page but waiting to profit from the trademark? A. Domain or cyber squatting B. Branding domain C. Cybermediation D. Paradigm shift or domain shift
A. Domain or cyber squatting
56. What allows user to access the WWW? A. Web conferencing B. Web browser C. Web 2.0 D. Web business
B. Web browser
57. Which of the following is a type of Web browser? A. Microsoft Word and Excel B. Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox C. Facebook and MySpace D. All of the above
B. Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox
58. What caused Polaroid to go bankrupt? A. It failed to have innovative technology and a captive customer base B. One-hour film processing and digital cameras stole its market share C. People who want instant access to their pictures also want a third party involved D. Internet websites such as Flickr and Facebook stole its market share
B. One-hour film processing and digital cameras stole its market share
59. Many social media sites today allow you to customize your Web address, for example What is an alternate name for a Web address such as A. Digital bookmark B. Internet bookmark C. Universal resource locator D. Web browser
C. Universal resource locator
60. Many industries have been forced to change due to technology advances. Which of the below industries has felt the lowest amount of economic impact from ebusiness? A. Auto industry B. Retail industry C. Travel industry D. Waste or recycling industry
D. Waste or recycling industry
61. Universities were among some of the first users of the Internet. What was the Internet first called? A. HTML B. ARPANET C. OPT D. WWO
62. Both individuals and organizations have embraced ebusiness to do which of the following? A. Enhance productivity B. Maximize convenience C. Improve communication D. All of the above
D. All of the above
63. What is the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio, or video? A. Information richness B. Information age C. Information reach D. Information browser
A. Information richness
64. What measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world? A. Information richness B. Information age C. Information reach D. Information browser
C. Information reach
65. Which of the below would not be considered an advantage of ebusiness? A. Expanding global reach B. Opening new markets C. Reducing costs D. Reducing information reach
D. Reducing information reach
66. What is the ability of an organization to tailor its products or services to the customers' specifications? A. Personalization B. Long tail C. Mass customization D. Information reach
C. Mass customization
67. Which of the below would not be considered a company operating in the long tail of a typical sales curve? A. Walmart B. Netflix C. iTunes D. Zappos
A. Walmart
68. M&M's offers people the opportunity to order the candy in special colors or with customized sayings. How would you classify M&M's ebusiness strategy? A. Information richness B. Mass customization C. Personalization D. Interactivity
B. Mass customization
69. Amazon creates a unique recommendation listing for each customer that revisits its website. How would you classify Amazon's ebusiness strategy? A. Information richness B. Mass customization C. Personalization D. Interactivity
C. Personalization
70. Netflix creates a unique recommendation listing for each customer that revisits its website. How would you classify Netflix's ebusiness strategy? A. Information richness B. Mass customization C. Personalization D. Interactivity
C. Personalization
71. Nike offers people the opportunity to visit its website to create running shoes in the style and color they choose. How would you classify Nike's ebusiness strategy? A. Information richness B. Mass customization C. Personalization D. Interactivity
B. Mass customization
72. What uses the Internet to reassemble buyers, sellers, and other partners in a traditional supply chain in new ways? A. Content providers B. Intermediaries C. Reintermediation D. Cybermediation
C. Reintermediation
73. When evaluating the business value of disintermediation the more ____________ that are cut from the distribution chain, the lower the product price. A. Technology B. Customers C. Data stream D. Intermediaries
D. Intermediaries
74. What is a type of mediation that refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply could not have existed before the advent of ebusiness? A. Cybermediation B. Interactivity C. Reintermediation D. Disintermediation
A. Cybermediation
75. A company can reduce its costs using ebusiness to change its business processes. Which of the following represents an example of a company reducing its costs through ebusiness? A. Creating an online travel reservation B. Ordering a product online C. Purchasing a book online and picking it up in the store D. Researching products to find the lowest price and visiting the store to purchase the item
D. Researching products to find the lowest price and visiting the store to purchase the item
76. Which of the below statements is correct? A. Just putting up a website can create tremendous ebusiness value B. Just putting up a website can create tremendous business buzz C. Just putting up a website can limit product availability D. Just putting up a website does not create an ebusiness
D. Just putting up a website does not create an ebusiness
77. What is the exact pattern of a consumer's navigation through a site? A. Web browsing B. Hypertext C. Clickstream data D. Web data
C. Clickstream data
78. What is the best way to measure a company's ebusiness success? A. Effective MIS metrics B. Interactivity C. Clickstream data D. All of the above
D. All of the above
79. Which of the following is an ebusiness marketing technique? A. Cookies B. Pop-up ad C. Banner ad D. All of the above
D. All of the above
80. Which type of ebusiness marketing technique induces websites or users to pass on a marketing message to other websites or users, creating exponential growth in the message's visibility and effect? A. Cookies B. Click-through C. Viral marketing D. Pop-up ad
C. Viral marketing
81. Bonnie Flat is a real estate agent who specializes in the luxury home market in the Seattle, WA area. Bonnie is highly-technical and uses many types of online marketing techniques to increase business. One of most successful online marketing techniques is to place a box along the top of real estate websites and luxury custom furniture websites. What type of marketing technique is Bonnie using? A. A cookie B. A banner ad C. A pop-up ad D. A click-through ad
B. A banner ad
82. What is the business strategy that lets a company shorten the order process and add value with reduced costs or a more responsive and efficient service, and occurs when a business sells directly to the customer online? A. Disintermediation B. Intermediaries C. Cybermediation D. None of the above
A. Disintermediation
83. What measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world? A. Information B. Mass communication C. Information reach D. Cybertronics
C. Information reach
84. Which of the following is an example of a clickstream data metric? A. Dates and times of visits B. Number of customers with shopping carts C. The number of page views D. All of the above
D. All of the above
85. What is the difference between a business model and an ebusiness model? A. A business model details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenue; an ebusiness model does all of the same except on the Internet B. A business model and an ebusiness model are identical C. A business model and an ebusiness model are complete opposites D. An ebusiness model details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenue; a business model does all the same except on the internet
A. A business model details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenue; an ebusiness model does all of the same except on the Internet
86. What are the four main types of ebusiness models? A. Business-to-borrower, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and consumer-to-consumer B. Business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and consumer-to-consumer C. Business-to-business, business collaboration, collective business, and consumer-to-consumer D. Ebusiness-to-ebusiness, e business-to-ebusiness, econsumer-to-ebusiness, and econsumer-to-econsumer
B. Business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-business, and consumer-to-consumer
87. What is the difference between a B2C and a C2B? A. B2C focuses on companies as customers and C2B focuses on consumers as customers B. B2C focuses on collaboration and C2B focuses on consumers C. B2C focuses on business to consumers and C2B focuses on consumers to business D. B2C focuses on consumers as customers and C2B focuses on companies as customers
C. B2C focuses on business to consumers and C2B focuses on consumers to business
88. What is the ebusiness model which applies to customers offering goods and services to each other over the Internet? A. C2C B. C2B C. B2B D. B2C
A. C2C
89. What is the ebusiness model that represents 80% of all online businesses and are typically more complex requiring greater security needs? A. Consumer-to-consumer B. Business-to-consumer C. Consumer-to-business D. Business-to-business
D. Business-to-business
90. Which of the following represents businesses buying from and selling to each other over the Internet? A. B2B B. B2C C. C2B D. C2C
A. B2B
91. Carfax is an example of a company who sells its products or services directly to its consumers online. Which ebusiness model is Carfax using? A. C2B B. C2C C. B2C D. B2B
C. B2C
92. What is another name for an eshop? A. C2C B. Estore or etailer C. Ecustomer D. Econsumer
B. Estore or etailer
93. Which category below represents the three common forms of business operations: brick-and-mortar, click-and-mortar, and pure play? A. C2B B. C2C C. B2C D. All of the above
C. B2C
94. John and Jenny have been saving for two years to take their six children on a vacation to Disneyworld. They are surprised to find out that airline tickets are far more expensive than they had anticipated. They decide to try to find cheaper tickets on Priceline where they are allowed to set their own price they are willing to pay for the airline tickets. What form of ebusiness model are John and Jenny using? A. CBC B. B2B C. C2B D. C2C
C. C2B
95. What type of revenue generation model is Google using when it generates revenue by allowing advertisers to bid on common search terms? A. Awesome B. Analytics C. Applications D. Adwords
D. Adwords
96. What is a business that operates in a physical store without an Internet presence? A. Brick-and-mortar business B. Click-and-mortar business C. Virtual business D. Pure-play business
A. Brick-and-mortar business
97. What is a pure-play business? A. A business that operates only on the Internet without a physical store B. A business that sells products only in a physical store C. A business that sells services only in a physical store D. All of the above
A. A business that operates only on the Internet without a physical store
98. What are the three primary models that a B2C can use to operate? A. Click-and-brick, click-and-mortar, pure-play B. Brick-and-mortar, click-and-mortar, virtual C. Brick-and-mortar, click-and-consumer, virtual-and-consumer D. Brick-and-click, brick-and-mortar, brick-and-virtual
B. Brick-and-mortar, click-and-mortar, virtual
99. Which type of ebusiness model is Amazon using? A. Pure-play B. Brick-and-mortar C. Click-and-mortar D. Content provider
A. Pure-play
100. Which type of ebusiness model is Barnes & Noble using? A. Pure-play B. Brick-and-mortar C. Click-and-mortar D. Virtual
C. Click-and-mortar
101. Which type of ebusiness model best describes Apple? A. Pure-play B. Brick-and-mortar C. Click-and-mortar D. Virtual
C. Click-and-mortar
102. What is a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenues on the Internet? A. Ebusiness B. Ebusiness model C. Ecommerce D. Ecommerce model
B. Ebusiness model
103. What occurs when a new radical form of business enters the market that reshapes the way companies and organizations behave? A. Ecommerce model B. Eshop sale C. Paradigm shift D. Web 1.0
C. Paradigm shift
104. Which of the following represents a brick-and-mortar business? A. The Gap B. Amazon C. Google D. T.J. Maxx
D. T.J. Maxx
105. All of the following are forms of ebusiness except _____________. A. Subscription fee B. Content provider C. Infomediaries D. Online marketplace
A. Subscription fee
106. Which of the below is not a valid form of an ebusiness revenue model? A. Value-added services fees B. Subscription fees C. Advertising fees D. Service provider
D. Service provider
107. For the past 20 years, Perry has been an owner of several Coldwell Banker Real Estate franchises. To increase business Perry spends a great deal of money marketing and advertising his businesses online. Perry decides he would like to move beyond just marketing and create an actual ebusiness that acts like a search engine but only focuses on the real estate industry. The main revenue source for this Perry's ebusiness will be a charge of $50 a month for each property that is listed on the website. What is the primary revenue model for Perry's new business? A. License fees B. Advertising fees C. Subscription fees D. All of the above
C. Subscription fees
108. Which of the following represents the connecting and communicating tools supporting and driving ebusiness? A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web conferencing B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers, transaction brokers C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web conferencing
109. Which of the following represents the primary forms of ebusiness? A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web conferencing B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers, transaction brokers C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers, transaction brokers
110. Which of the following represents the primary ebusiness revenue models? A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web conferencing B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers, transaction brokers C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
111. Which of the following represents the categories for ebusiness models? A. Email, instant messaging, podcasting, content management systems, and video and Web conferencing B. Content providers, infomediaries, online marketplaces, portals, service providers, transaction brokers C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B D. Advertising fees, license fees, subscription fees, transaction fees, value-added services fees
C. B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B
112. What is an ISP? A. Instant service provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee. B. Internet service provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee. C. Internet sales provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee. D. Instant sales provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee.
B. Internet service provider is a company that provides access to the Internet for a monthly fee.
113. Which of the below is not an ISP? A. Comcast B. Facebook C. AOL D. Earthlink
B. Facebook
114. What occurs when a system updates information at the same rate it receives the information? A. Collective intelligence system B. Collaboration system C. Real-time communication D. Knowledge management system
C. Real-time communication
115. What is the primary business advantage of using email? A. Increasing the speed of order entry B. Providing the ability to inform and communicate with many people simultaneously, immediately, and with ease C. Providing the ability to have friends all over the globe D. Increasing the number of computers required in an office
B. Providing the ability to inform and communicate with many people simultaneously, immediately, and with ease
116. What is another term for instant messaging? A. IMing B. HTML C. Podcasting D. Webing
A. IMing
117. What is a service that enables instant or real-time communication between people? A. URL B. IMing C. Tacit knowledge D. Elicit knowledge
B. IMing
118. What are some of the immediate results businesses found from using instant messaging? A. Quickly identify which employees are at their computers B. Easily hold simultaneous IM sessions with multiple people C. Resolve questions or problems immediately D. All of the above
D. All of the above
119. What converts an audio broadcast to a digital music player? A. Podcasting B. Videoconferencing C. Photo sharing D. Email
A. Podcasting
120. As a trainer for Exempla Healthcare, Tina is faced with many challenges to properly training her new hires. There are over 40 different locations where Exempla employees work across the Chicago metro area. Tina decides to implement some valuable ebusiness tools to help reduce traveling costs, increase speed, and provide flexibility for completing training sessions with all the new hires. Tina primarily uses PowerPoints and videos during her training modules. What is the most effective ebusiness tool for Tina to implement and accomplish all of her training goals? A. IMing B. Webinar C. Blog D. Email
B. Webinar
121. Companies use __________ as marketing communication channels discussing everything from corporate strategies to detailed product overviews. A. IMing B. Web browsing C. Email D. Podcasting
D. Podcasting
122. Illuminate Live is a lecture program used in schools and is considered a(n) _________ tool. A. Instant messaging B. Explicit knowledge C. Web conferencing D. Egovernment
C. Web conferencing
123. What is a well-planned strategy that ensures the search and navigation functions are easy to use and user-friendly on a website? A. Blog B. Taxonomy C. Email D. Podcast
B. Taxonomy
124. What is the set of ideas about how all information in a given context should be organized? A. Information architecture B. Collective intelligence C. Content management system D. Ebusiness model
A. Information architecture
125. Which of the below is not considered an advantage of a content management system? A. Content management systems store website content B. Content management systems increase order entry speed C. Content management systems manage website creation D. Content management systems allow editing and publication of information
B. Content management systems increase order entry speed
126. Which ebusiness tool increases the speed of business by allowing the transfer of documents with the same speed as the telephone? A. Knowledge management system B. Podcasting C. Email D. Ebusiness
C. Email
127. What is the ebusiness tool that can increase marketing reach and build customer loyalty through audio broadcasting? A. IMing B. Email C. Taxonomy D. Podcasting
D. Podcasting
128. Which ebusiness tool plays a crucial role in getting site visitors to view more than just the home page by providing clear navigation choices? A. URL B. CMS C. Open system D. Open source
129. Which of the following is a challenge facing an ebusiness? A. Improving information content B. Increasing convenience C. Decreasing costs D. Increasing liabilities
D. Increasing liabilities
130. What are the four challenges facing ebusinesses outlined in the text? A. Identifying limited market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer protection, and improving information content B. Decreased costs, increased convenience, identifying limited market segments, and adhering to taxation rules C. Identifying limited market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer protection, and adhering to taxation rules D. Differs depending on the industry where the business operates
C. Identifying limited market segments, managing consumer trust, ensuring consumer protection, and adhering to taxation rules
131. Managing consumer trust is a challenge for ebusinesses. Which of the following is a good way to build trust when working with customers over the Internet? A. Be accessible to communicate in-person B. Be available to communicate in-person C. Use customer testimonials that link to your client website D. All of the above
D. All of the above
132. Internet marketers must develop ___________ to build strong relationships with customers to ensure loyalty. A. Consumer trust B. Consumer testimonials C. Consumer segmentation D. Market segmentation
A. Consumer trust
133. Ben Schultz decides to purchase an iPad on eBay. After the transaction completes and the money is withdrawn from Ben's PayPal account the iPad never shows up and the email address of the seller bounces. What issue has Ben encountered? A. The physical separation of buyer and seller B. Adhering to taxation rules C. Identifying limited market segments D. All of the above
A. The physical separation of buyer and seller
134. Susan teaches many individuals and business professionals how, why, and the benefits and challenges to using social media. Of the four ebusiness challenges which of the following is the most crucial challenge to consider before engaging in social media? A. Adhering to taxation rules B. Ensuring consumer protection C. Identifying limited market segments D. Managing consumer relationships
B. Ensuring consumer protection
135. Many believe that U.S. tax policy should provide a level playing field for traditional retail businesses, mail order companies, and online merchants. What form of ebusiness challenge is this statement referring to? A. Adhering to taxation rules B. Ensuring consumer protection C. Identifying limited market segments D. Managing consumer relationships
A. Adhering to taxation rules
136. Which of the below statements is accurate when considering the ebusiness challenge of adhering to taxation rules? A. All online companies must pay sales tax B. Online companies do not have to pay any sales tax C. Some online companies have to charge sales tax D. Online companies that sell physical products have to pay sales tax and online companies that provide intangible services do not
C. Some online companies have to charge sales tax
137. Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0? A. Encourages user participation B. Technical skills are required C. Eliminates entry barriers to publishing on the Web D. Provides an exciting and vibrant virtual environment
B. Technical skills are required
138. What are the four most common Business 2.0 characteristics? A. Content sharing, user-contributed content, collaboration competition elimination, Web browser organization B. Content sharing, through open source, specialty-contributed content only, collaboration inside the community, specialized collaboration C. Content sharing through open source, user-contributed content, collaboration inside the organization, collaboration outside the organization D. Consumer sharing through open systems, company-contributed content, collaboration inside the organization, collaboration throughout the organization
C. Content sharing through open source, user-contributed content, collaboration inside the organization, collaboration outside the organization
139. What is the system that consists of nonproprietary hardware and software based on publicly known standards that allows third parties to create add-on products to plug into or interoperate with the system? A. Management system B. Reputation system C. Knowledge system D. Open system
D. Open system
140. Which of the below is not a characteristic associated with Mozilla Firefox? A. Mozilla Firefox holds over 20% of the Web browser market B. Mozilla Firefox offers a free email service called Thunderbird C. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of open source software D. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of a reputation system
D. Mozilla Firefox is a prime example of a reputation system
141. What is Mozilla Firefox? A. A competitor to Microsoft Word B. A competitor to Microsoft Excel C. A competitor to Adobe Photoshop D. A competitor to Internet Explorer
D. A competitor to Internet Explorer
142. What is software whose source code is available free for any third party to review and modify? A. Free source B. Open source C. Code source D. Network source
B. Open source
143. Erik is the president and owner of Watch Out, a local website development company that helps clients create and build unique websites. Many of his daily tasks are heavily technical in nature and require a high level of computer programming and Internet knowledge. Which of the below would Erik primarily use when performing his daily tasks? A. Source code B. Brick-and-mortar C. Information reach D. Explicit knowledge
A. Source code
144. Ebusiness was characterized by few companies or users posting content for the masses. What characterizes Business 2.0? A. A select few posting content for high level executives only B. The masses posting content for a select few C. The masses posting content for the masses D. A select few posting specific content for the masses
C. The masses posting content for the masses
145. What is Web content that is created and updated by many users for many users? A. Cybermediation contributed content B. User-contributed content C. Executive generated content D. Customer generated content
B. User-contributed content
146. eBay buyers voluntarily comment to other users and sellers on the quality of service, promptness of shipping, and their general satisfaction with the product. This is one of the most popular examples of user-generated content and is called ___________. A. Reputation system B. Knowledge system C. Explicit system D. User-generated sales cycle
A. Reputation system
147. What is the most common form of collective intelligence found inside the organization? A. Crowdsourcing B. Tacit management C. Knowledge management D. Tagging
C. Knowledge management
148. What is the difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication? A. Asynchronous is real-time communication; synchronous is one-way technology B. Asynchronous is communication that does not occur at the same time; synchronous communication occurs at the same time C. Asynchronous communication includes instant messaging; synchronous communication includes email D. Asynchronous communication is fast and instant; synchronous communication is collected at a single point in time
B. Asynchronous is communication that does not occur at the same time; synchronous communication occurs at the same time
149. Which of the below is not a characteristic of Business 2.0? A. Knowledge management B. Collaboration system C. Web browser D. Explicit knowledge
C. Web browser
150. Which of the following is a set of tools that supports the work of teams or groups by facilitating the sharing and flow of information? A. Collaboration system B. Collective system C. Competitive system D. Real simple syndication system
A. Collaboration system
151. Lisa loves her job as an executive recruiter for a large hospital located in Dallas, Texas. Part of Lisa's job requires her to gather industry information, collaborate with partners, compare competitors, and tap into the knowledge of prospective employees, partners, and customers. Which of the below would Lisa use to perform her job? A. Interactivity metrics B. Source code C. Network effect D. Collective intelligence
D. Collective intelligence
152. Which system supports the capturing, organization, and dissemination of knowledge throughout an organization? A. Cybermediation system B. Knowledge management system C. Source code system D. Social media system
B. Knowledge management system
153. Which of the below focuses on user-generated content? A. YouTube B. Wikipedia C. Netflix D. All of the above
D. All of the above
154. What are the two categories that include intellectual and knowledge-based assets? A. Explicit knowledge; tacit knowledge B. Efficient knowledge; tacit knowledge C. Intelligent knowledge; explicit knowledge D. Open knowledge; closed knowledge
A. Explicit knowledge; tacit knowledge
155. What is the type of knowledge that is contained in people's heads? A. Explicit knowledge B. Virtual knowledge C. Tacit knowledge D. Pure knowledge
C. Tacit knowledge
156. What is the type of knowledge that consists of anything that can be documented, archived, and codified, often with the help of a MIS department? A. Tacit knowledge B. Explicit knowledge C. Pure knowledge D. Virtual knowledge
B. Explicit knowledge
157. Which of the following is not an example of explicit knowledge? A. Patent B. Trademark C. Employee opinion D. Marketing research
C. Employee opinion
158. What do Netflix and Amazon use to drive their recommendation tools? A. Web 1.0 content B. Open source content C. Virtual content D. User-generated content
D. User-generated content
159. What are websites that rely on user participation and user-contributed content, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube? A. Synchronous communication B. Social media C. Social networking D. Asynchronous communication
B. Social media
160. What is the practice of expanding your business and social contacts by constructing a personal network? A. Network effects B. Tagging C. Social taxonomy D. Social networking
D. Social networking
161. What is a locally stored URL, or the address of a file or Internet page saved as a shortcut? A. Website bookmark B. Social tag C. Folksonomy D. Taxonomy
A. Website bookmark
162. Which of the below represents an example of why an employer would use social media? A. To find potential job candidates via LinkedIn B. To review potential job candidates by viewing their Facebook page C. To attract new job candidates via YouTube D. All of the above
D. All of the above
163. What are the two basic functions that social networking sites provide? A. The ability to create and publish your own software B. The ability to create and maintain a profile that is your online identity and create connections between other people within the network C. The ability to capture and create URLs and RSSs D. The ability to create URLs and edit RSS software
B. The ability to create and maintain a profile that is your online identity and create connections between other people within the network
164. Which of the below is not an example of a social bookmarking website? A. Facebook B. StumbleUpon C. D. All of the above
A. Facebook
165. What is an SNA? A. Strong network applications B. Social needs analysis C. Social networking analysis D. Steady network areas
C. Social networking analysis
166. What maps group contacts identifying who knows each other and who works together? A. Social network effects B. Mashup networking analysis C. Web network effects D. Social networking analysis
D. Social networking analysis
167. Many social media websites use _________ or specific keywords or phrases incorporated into website content for means of classification or taxonomy. A. Conferencing B. Tags C. Long tails D. Categories
B. Tags
168. Social tagging describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with keywords or tags as a way to _____________. A. Organize it for future navigation B. Organize it for future filtering C. Organize it for future search D. All of the above
D. All of the above
169. Cell phone manufacturers often refer to their products as mobile devices. Which of the below would not be included in the folksonomy for a cell phone? A. Cell B. iPhone C. Blackberry D. Technology platform
D. Technology platform
170. What is the term that is similar to taxonomy except that crowdsourcing determines the tag or keyword-based classification system? A. Podcasting B. Network effects C. Folksonomy D. Social bookmarking
C. Folksonomy
171. How do the majority of potential customers find business websites? A. By applying analytics B. Through search terms that match the content C. Through viral advertisements D. Through magazines and newspapers
B. Through search terms that match the content
172. How would a company like Flickr use social tagging on its website? A. By applying keywords that do not match user content B. By building a tagging game for customers to participate in C. By allowing users to upload images and tag the images with their own keywords D. By selecting the keywords to associate with each image a customer uploads
C. By allowing users to upload images and tag the images with their own keywords
173. Using the collective power of a community to identify and classify content significantly _________ content categorization costs. A. Eliminates B. Raises C. Lowers D. Balances
C. Lowers
174. A social bookmarking site is dedicated to providing all of the following except _______. A. To reconnect with colleagues for business progress B. To share favorites C. To store & categorize favorite sites D. To annotate
A. To reconnect with colleagues for business progress
175. Which social media site works by allowing content to find the users, instead of the users having to search for the content? A. MySpace B. Facebook C. Google D. StumbleUpon
D. StumbleUpon
176. What is the primary way that social networks work? A. Connecting people by matching profile information B. Charging users each time they use the service C. Providing a security system for communication online D. Helping grow website traffic by viral advertisements
A. Connecting people by matching profile information
177. What is one simplification that has occurred with Business 2.0? A. By helping online users create anonymity B. By limiting the sharing capabilities of devices C. By improving access to information D. By communicating via email
C. By improving access to information
178. Which of the following identifies Business 2.0 communication and collaboration tools? A. Microblogs, Tweets, RSS B. API, RSS, tacit knowledge C. Blogs, wikis, mashup D. Tags, Web logs, RSS
C. Blogs, wikis, mashup
179. What is an online journal that allows users to post their own opinions, comments, graphics, and video? A. Web masters B. Folksonomy C. Disintermediation D. A Blog or Web log
D. A Blog or Web log
180. Why are Fortune 500 companies engaging in blogging? A. To order supplies B. To review favorite Internet providers C. To gather feedback and share ideas D. To pay employees
C. To gather feedback and share ideas
181. Twitter is an example of a _________. A. Social bookmarking website B. Social tagging website C. Microblogging website D. Blogging website
C. Microblogging website
182. What is the practice of sending brief posts 140-200 characters to a personal blog either publicly or to a private group of subscribers? A. Ebusiness model B. Tagging C. Blogging D. Microblog
D. Microblog
183. Unlike traditional HTML, which of the following lets writers communicate and readers respond on a regular basis through a simple online journal? A. Instant messaging B. HTTP C. Blog D. Email
C. Blog
184. What is the difference between a wiki and a blog? A. A wiki is free and a blog has a subscription fee B. A wiki user can alter the original content of an article, where a blog user can only add information as a comment C. A wiki is original content, where a blog is used sources D. All of the above
B. A wiki user can alter the original content of an article, where a blog user can only add information as a comment
185. What does RSS stand for? A. Reorganized Site Syndicator B. Really Simple Sites C. Rented Site Syndication D. Real Simple Syndication
D. Real Simple Syndication
186. Many websites use _______ to constantly feed news to consumers instead of having the consumer search for the news. A. Mashup B. Source Code C. RSS D. SNA
187. Large wikis, such as Wikipedia, can protect the quality and accuracy of their information by assigning users roles such as _________. A. Reader B. Subject matter expert C. Editor D. All of the above
D. All of the above
188. What describes how products in a network increase in value to users as the number of users increase? A. Network effect B. RSS C. Mashup editor D. Mcommerce
A. Network effect
189. Which of the following is one of the largest wikis on the Web and one of the 10 most popular Web destinations? A. Google B. eBay C. Wikipedia D. Yahoo
C. Wikipedia
190. Some of the benefits for a company to operate an internal wiki are that they are great tools for all of the following except: A. Collecting and disseminating knowledge B. Building software applications C. Sharing information between functional business areas D. Distribute to employees or partners across geographical distances
B. Building software applications
191. What is a website or Web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new product or service? A. Social tagging B. Mashup blog C. Social media D. Mashup
D. Mashup
192. An API is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for _____________. A. Building software applications B. Providing a visual interface for a web mashup C. Describing how products in a network work D. Writing and editing HTML
A. Building software applications
193. What does API stand for? A. Asynchronous Programming Information B. Application Programming Interface C. Application Provider for the Internet D. Asynchronous Protocol Interaction
B. Application Programming Interface
194. What is the role of a mashup editor? A. WYSIWYG's B. Often it allows the user to drag and drop data points into a Web application C. To provide a visual interface to build up a mashup D. All of the above
D. All of the above
195. Which of the following are challenges of Business 2.0? A. Information vandalism B. Technology dependence C. Violations of copyright and plagiarism D. All of the above
D. All of the above
196. What is a potential problem or impact of technology dependence? A. Outages hold potentially great havoc for people, business, and educational institutions that rely heavily on technology B. Many have a need to be continuously connected for every activity that potentially eliminates crucial in-person social skills and could stunt psychological growth C. How do people or businesses function if the connection is down? D. All of the above
D. All of the above
197. Which of the following demonstrates potential issues with Business 2.0 and information vandalism? A. Open source allows anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content B. Copyright protection C. Decreases in employee productivity D. Decreases in process productivity
A. Open source allows anyone to be able to edit, damage, or destroy content
198. One of the most famous examples of wiki vandalism occurred when a false biography entry read which of the following? A. Michael Jackson and Madonna were siblings B. JFK and Robert Kennedy were the same person C. John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the early 1960's and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's D. Madonna and Britney Spears are sisters
C. John Seigenthaler Sr. was assistant to Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy in the early 1960's and was involved in Kennedy's assassination as well as JFK's
199. Which of the following best describes Web 1.0? A. Static text-based information websites B. Static electricity and connectivity C. Social media D. Technology intelligence
A. Static text-based information websites
200. Which of the following best describes Web 2.0? A. Static websites B. Intelligent websites C. Social media and user-generated Web content D. Hypertext markup language
C. Social media and user-generated Web content
201. Which of the following best describes Web 3.0? A. User-generated online business B. Based on the 'intelligent' Web where applications use natural language processing C. Collaboration and social media D. All of the above
B. Based on the 'intelligent' Web where applications use natural language processing
202. Which statement below is inaccurate? A. Web 2.0 is a simple static website without any interaction with its users B. Web 2.0 brings people closer together with information using machines C. Web 3.0 brings machines closer together using information D. Web 3.0 is a rich 'intelligent' understanding and relationships among concept and topics
A. Web 2.0 is a simple static website without any interaction with its users
203. What is a component of Web 3.0 that describes things in a way that computers can understand? A. Social tagging B. Sustaining Web C. Social Web D. Semantic Web
D. Semantic Web
204. Which statement below is incorrect? A. The semantic Web captures, organizes, and disseminates knowledge (i.e., know-how) throughout an organization B. The semantic Web describes the relationships between things C. The semantic Web describes the properties of things D. The semantic Web is not about links between Web pages
A. The semantic Web captures, organizes, and disseminates knowledge (i.e., know-how) throughout an organization
205. Which of the following is not a topic or feature that is included in Web 3.0? A. A worldwide database B. Intelligent applications C. Social networking D. Integration of legacy devices
C. Social networking
206. What statement below describes Web 3.0's feature that ensure the 'integration of legacy devices'? A. The ability to use current devices such as iPhone and laptops as credit cards or ticket B. The design of websites and other software so they can be easily integrated and work together C. The ability for software to be distributed and accessed from anywhere D. The design of software to be easily integrated and work together
A. The ability to use current devices such as iPhone and laptops as credit cards or ticket
207. Many industries have taken an active role in online business including the government. Which of the following is the term that describes the use of strategies and technologies to transform government by improving the delivery of services and enhancing the quality of interaction between the citizen-consumer within all the branches of government? A. Ecommerce B. Information richness C. Egovernment D. Tacit knowledge
C. Egovernment
208. The website that was the primary catalyst for growing electronic government, and is the official U.S. gateway to all government information? A. B. C. D.
209. Which of the following is the example of consumer-to-government (C2G) highlighted in the figure extended ebusiness models? A. B. C. D.
210. What is the ability to purchase goods and services through a wireless Internet-enabled device? A. Ecommerce B. Mobile business C. Meconomics D. Ebusiness model
B. Mobile business
211. How would you categorize mobile entertainment, mobile sales, mobile ticketing, and mobile banking? A. Mobile business B. Mbusiness C. Mcommerce D. All of the above
D. All of the above
212. What does digital Darwinism imply? A. Organizations that can adapt to the new demands placed on them for surviving in the information age are doomed to extinction B. Organizations that cannot adapt to the new demands placed on them for surviving in the information age are doomed to extinction C. Organizations that can adapt to new information systems are doomed to extinction D. Organizations that cannot adapt to new information systems are doomed to exile
B. Organizations that cannot adapt to the new demands placed on them for surviving in the information age are doomed to extinction
213. Which of the following is an example of a disruptive technology? A. Oracle's database software B. Sony's transistor-based consumer electronics (transistor radio) C. Intel's low-end microprocessor D. All of the above
D. All of the above
214. Which of the following is an example of a sustaining technology? A. Porsche's faster car B. Intel's low-end microprocessor C. Sony's transistor-based consumer electronics (transistor radio) D. All of the above
A. Porsche's faster car
215. Which company is expecting to gain the majority of its returns on existing investments? A. Dell Computer B. Johnson & Johnson C. Procter & Gamble D. Phillips Petroleum
D. Phillips Petroleum
216. Which company is expecting to gain the majority of its returns on new investments? A. General Motors B. Sears Roebuck C. Dell Computer D. Phillips Petroleum
C. Dell Computer
217. Which of the following is a reason for the growth of the World Wide Web? A. The microcomputer revolution B. Advancements in networking hardware C. Web pages being easy to create and flexible D. All of the above
D. All of the above
218. What is information richness? A. A global public network of computer networks that pass information from one to another using common computer protocols B. Refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio, or video information C. Refers to the number of people a business can communicate with, on a global basis D. Occurs when those with access to technology have great advantages over those without access to technology
B. Refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio, or video information
219. What is information reach? A. A global public network of computer networks that pass information from one to another using common computer protocols B. Refers to the depth and breadth of information transferred between customers and businesses C. Measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world D. Occurs when those with access to technology have great advantages over those without access to technology
C. Measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world
220. Which of the following is not one of the Internet's impacts on information? A. Easy to compile B. Improved content C. Digital divide D. Increased richness
C. Digital divide
221. What are agents, software, or businesses that provide a trading infrastructure to bring buyers and sellers together? A. Intermediaries B. Disintermediation C. Reintermediation D. Cybermediation
A. Intermediaries
222. What occurs when a business sells directly to the customer online and cuts out the middle man? A. Intermediaries B. Disintermediation C. Reintermediation D. Cybermediation
B. Disintermediation
223. What occurs when steps are added to the value chain as new players find ways to add value to the business process? A. Intermediaries B. Disintermediation C. Reintermediation D. Cybermediation
C. Reintermediation
224. What refers to the creation of new kinds of intermediaries that simply could not have existed before the advent of ebusiness, including comparison-shopping sites such as Froogle and bank account aggregation services such as Citibank? A. Intermediaries B. Disintermediation C. Reintermediation D. Cybermediation
D. Cybermediation