Art In Ancient Africa: Edgn Practice

23 August 2022
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Describe the textiles made by the Kongo people.
The textiles made by the Kongo people were used as forms of currency and in funerary rituals, They used a special technique that resembles velour to the touch.
What was the Kongo Kingdom after King Nzinga converted the Kingdom to Christianity?
Trade relations increases and were solidified by the conversion of the Kingdom to Christianity. The nation began to create textiles and regalia for trade. This led to the Kingdom becoming wealthy.
Describe the discovery and importance of this piece of ancient African art.
It was found in the Blombos cave in South Africa and dates back more than 70,000 years. This discovery suggests that abstract thought in humans occurred much earlier than once thought, as seen with the complex geometric array of carved lines.
Why is Africa considered the "cradle of art and civilization"?
Answers may vary, but should be similar to the following: The earlier discovery of Paleolithic art revolutionized ideas of what primitive human cultures might have been capable of. The creation of art is considered to indicate an advance in both the linguistic and cultural development of a population. The discovery of the cave paintings in the 1940s in France led to an hypothesis that while humans most likely originated in Africa, and learned to make tools there, it was not until the time of the French cave paintings, 35,000 ago at most, that forms of modern behavior including advanced language and symbolic expression, such as art began to appear.
How were Jenne sculptures made? What material was most commonly used?
The figures were polished, covered with a red clay slip, and fired at low temperatures. Many of their sculptures were made of terracotta.
Describe the types of regalia made in Kongo after being influenced by Portugal.
Much of the regalia of the Kongo Kingdom displayed Christian symbols such as, crosses, crucifixes, and other Christian emblems. Regalia also included figures of saints and ornamental pieces for royalty.
What was found at the site of Igbo Ukwu? Why was it an important archeological find?
The Igbo Ukwu site contained an elite burial and shrine complex. It held the earliest known examples of copper alloy or bronze casting in Sub Saharan Africa. The site also increased historians' understanding of both art and culture of West African civilizations.
Name the following example of African art and the civilization is it from. How was this figure made?
This figure is entitled, Horseman. It is an example of Jenne art. It was formed by rolls of clay, then engraved with details.
Why did Jenne architecture change by the ninth century?
By the ninth century, Islam became an economic and religious force in West and North Africa. The architecture took on an Islamic style as a result.
Look at the map of Africa below. Name the three ancient discoveries labeled on the map, and the present-day country their history is a part of.
A: Art and architecture from the Jenne people; present-day Mali. B: The Igbo Ukwu site; present-day Nigeria. C: Textiles, regalia, and sculptures of the Kongo Kingdom; present-day M'banza