Analyze Themes Of Mastery (4.3.7)

4 September 2022
4.7 (114 reviews)
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Read the following excerpt from Robinson Crusoe: When these thoughts were over, my head was for some time taken up in considering the nature of these wretched creatures,β€”I mean the savages, and how it came to pass in the world, that the wise Governor of all things should give up any of his creatures to such inhumanity, nay, to something so much below even brutality itself, as to devour its own kind (176). Which phrase from this passage most clearly shows Crusoe's preoccupation with mastery?
Wretched creatures
Read the following excerpt from Robinson Crusoe: [I]t was a merry reflection, which I frequently made, how like a king I looked. First of all, the whole country was my own mere property, so that I had an undoubted right of dominion. . . . It was remarkable, too, I had but three subjects, and they were of three different religions: my man Friday was a Protestant, his father was a Pagan and a cannibal, and the Spaniard was a Papist. However, I allowed liberty of conscience throughout my dominions (217). Which phrase from this passage most clearly shows Crusoe's preoccupation with mastery?
Undoubted right of dominion
Read the following excerpt from Robinson Crusoe: Then to see how like a king I dined too, all alone, attended by my servants! Poll, as if he had been my favourite, was the only person permitted to talk to me. My dog, who was now grown very old and crazy, and had found no species to multiply his kind upon, sat always at my right hand, and two cats, one on one side of the table, and one on the other, expecting now and then a bit from my hand, as a mark of special favour (132-33). Which phrase from this passage most clearly shows Crusoe's preoccupation with mastery?
Sat always at my right hand
What trait do Crusoe and the British captain have in common?
Both are used to having authoritative positions in life.
What trait do Friday and the Spaniard have in common?
Both were rescued from the cannibals.
How is Crusoe's relationship with the British captain similar to his relationship with the Spaniard
Both swore allegiance to Crusoe before he saved them.
Read the following excerpt from Robinson Crusoe: [T]he people of that country, who, it seems, had been suffered by Providence, in his wise disposition of the world, to have no other guide than that of their own abominable and vitiated passions; and, consequently, were left, and perhaps had been so for some ages, to act such horrid things, and receive such dreadful customs (153). Based on the wording in this excerpt, which of the following is Crusoe most likely describing?
The cannibals
Read the following excerpt from Robinson Crusoe: The poor man, with tears running down his face, and trembling, looking like one astonished, returned, "Am I talking to God or man? Is it a real man or an angel?" (228). Based on the wording in this excerpt, which of the following is Crusoe most likely describing?
The Spaniard
Read this excerpt from from Robinson Crusoe: Then I took my turn, and embraced him as my deliverer, and we rejoiced together. I told him I looked upon him as a man sent from Heaven to deliver me, and that the whole transaction seemed to be a chain of wonders (243). Based on the wording in this excerpt, which of the following is Crusoe most likely describing?
The Captain
According to Defoe what are the most valuable qualities of a servant?
Selflessness Loyalty Honesty
What illustrates Crusoe's dominance over the island?
When the English captain agrees to address Crusoe as "governor" When Friday places his head under Crusoe's foot When Crusoe shoots one of the cannibals with his gun
Dominant connotation
gives the impression of being superior to others Examples: Esteemed Premier
Submissive connotation
gives the impression of being less than others Examples: Wretched
Which story event best illustrates Friday's devotion to Crusoe?
Crusoe suggests that Friday return to his home, but Friday refuses to go without Crusoe. Crusoe shoots the cannibal that was going to kill Friday, and Friday approaches Crusoe in a submissive position. Friday's relationship with his father helps him respect Crusoe as an authority figure.
Based on the events in Robinson Crusoe, which statement most likely reflects Defoe's beliefs about governors and subjects?
The best governors are the ones who work hard and follow honest practices when managing subjects. The best masters are the ones who teach their servants how to live in a civilized world. The best masters are the ones who act as fathers toward their subjects.
What is the source of Crusoe's mastery over the mutineers when they first encounter one another?
Intelligence and status
What is the source of Crusoe's mastery over the English captain?
Promise of protection
What is the source of Crusoe's mastery over Friday?
Respect and guardianship
According to Crusoe, what characteristic do the mutineers have that makes them unsuitable masters?
Cruelty Lawlessness and laziness Abuse of power