06.00 Play For Life

25 July 2022
4.7 (114 reviews)
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What is the Let's Move! initiative? A physical activity program to be used as a replacement for other activities A plan to resolve childhood obesity for a healthy future A required fitness policy to be used in educational settings A health contract parents can use with their children
A plan to resolve childhood obesity for a healthy future
Staying within a healthy range for body composition is important. Which of the following can result from having too little body fat? Coronary heart disease Increased blood pressure Inefficient organ protection Type 2 diabetes
Inefficient organ protection
What is a mental disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging? Anorexia nervosa Binge eating disorder Bulimia nervosa Anxiety eating disorder
Bulimia nervosa
What disease can be transmitted by ingesting contaminated food? Cold Hepatitis A Rabies Salmonella
If gonorrhea is a treatable bacterial infection, why do so many women experience serious damage and even infertility because the gonorrhea was left untreated? Symptoms can be mild or mistaken for other issues, often leaving the untreated infection to spread to the reproductive organs to do damage that cannot be repaired Symptoms can be so mild that the doctors believe the antibiotics cleared the infection when it really has spread to other organs where it does permanent damage Antibiotics only work if they are administered within the first week of the infection, and symptoms do not appear until at least two weeks after contraction
Symptoms can be mild or mistaken for other issues, often leaving the untreated infection to spread to the reproductive organs to do damage that cannot be repaired
Which of the following can help prevent cold and flu infections? Wash hands regularly Use bug spray when outdoors Never share personal grooming tools Keep food chilled to the proper temperature
Wash hands regularly
Which of the following is the best way to avoid injury during a sporting activity? Avoid drinking water until after you are done with the sports game Find a remote area to practice the skills until you feel ready to play with others Replace warm-up activities with additional time participating in the sport Use proper equipment and follow all safety rules for the sport
Use proper equipment and follow all safety rules for the sport
What is the proper way to determine that someone is unresponsive before administering CPR? Clap your hands and ask, "Are you okay?" Pinch his fingers to see if he moves Tap his shoulder and ask loudly, "Are you okay?" Use smelling salts under his nose, and watch for a response
Tap his shoulder and ask loudly, "Are you okay?"
What is an example of how J.T. can be proactive about his personal health and wellness? Consistently exercise above his target heart rate zone, because this will push his heart and muscles to work at an optimal level for growth and repair Pay attention to any symptoms or changes to his body, because these are things he should point out to the doctor during a regular check-up Use performance supplements to build his muscles, because that will increase his immunity to fight infection and disease Track changes in his blood pressure or cholesterol numbers, because if these numbers are too low, they will clearly indicate the immune system is compromised
Pay attention to any symptoms or changes to his body, because these are things he should point out to the doctor during a regular check-up
What can a person do to improve his or her health literacy? Ask questions of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers Avoid seeking second opinions to reduce chances of missed diagnoses Search symptoms online to self-diagnose Bring home pamphlets about the health issue
Ask questions of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers
How can you best motivate friends to improve their emotional, social, and physical health? Plan an activity, and invite the friends to be active with you Invite the friends over to play video games and relax Point out areas of health requiring improvement Tell them to research their health issues online to be better informed
Plan an activity, and invite the friends to be active with you
Which of the following is an example of asking others for help to enhance someone else's personal health? Asking your parents to help with cooking well-balanced meals because you want to eat healthy and manage your calorie intake Asking your parents to help with cooking well-balanced meals because you don't want to order takeout and eat too many empty calories Asking your parents to help you research a chronic disease because you and your best friend are doing a report on the disease for class Asking your parents to help you research a chronic disease because your friend received a diagnosis and you want to know how to support her
Asking your parents to help you research a chronic disease because your friend received a diagnosis and you want to know how to support her
What is one way that you can advocate for yourself when visiting a new doctor's office? Speak up when you need information restated or explained Only reveal symptoms or issues that seem related to the reason for your visit Do not mention specific symptoms unless you are asked Use the internet to answer any unanswered questions after the appointment
Speak up when you need information restated or explained