Unit Test 3 Review

21 August 2022
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Homophones are words that
C.Sound the same but have different meaning
Use the following definitions to answer the question. emerge: 1. (verb) to come up, appear immerge: 1. (verb) to sink into, immerse Which sentence contains correct word usage?
D.A beautiful rainbow emerged from behind the storm clouds.
chron = "time" The definition of chron is useful to know because it functions as
D.a word root.
Consider the paragraph and image. When I turned fifteen, my uncle bought me a model rocket. I was skeptical at first, thinking it was a toy for a kid. But my uncle explained that it contained everything needed for a real launch, from an engine to a parachute. How does the image enhance the paragraph?
B.by identifying the parts of the rocket
A split infinitive occurs when a word or group of words is inserted the two parts of an infinitive.
D.A split infinitive occurs when a word or group of words is inserted the two parts of an infinitive.
Which quotation from A History of the World in 100 Objects best reveals the cultural significance of the Benin plaque?
B.All European visitors were struck by the Oba's position as both the spiritual and the secular head of the kingdom, and the Benin brass plaques are principally concerned with praising him.
Read the excerpt from "Early Victorian Tea Set." Among the upper classes, tea had been popular since before 1700. It received celebrity endorsement from Charles II's queen, Catherine of Braganza, and from Queen Anne. It came from China, it was expensive, refreshingly bitter and drunk in tiny cups without milk or sugar. People kept their tea in locked tea caddies, as if it were a drug; for those who could afford it, it often was. In the 1750s Samuel Johnson confessed himself a happy addict: A hardened and shameless tea drinker, who has for twenty years diluted his meals with only the infusion of this fascinating plant, whose kettle scarcely has time to cool, who with Tea amuses the evening, with Tea solaces the midnights, and with Tea welcomes the morning. Which is the best summary of this excerpt?
A.The author explains how tea was popular among the upper class. He quotes Samuel Johnson to illustrate its popularity.
Read the excerpt from "Hokusai's The Great Wave" by Neil MacGregor. Here's a snatch of the letter from the president of the United States that Perry delivered to the Japanese emperor: Many of the large ships-of-war destined to visit Japan have not yet arrived in these seas, and the undersigned, as an evidence of his friendly intentions, has brought but four of the smaller ones, designing, should it become necessary, to return to Edo in the ensuing spring with a much larger force. But it is expected that the government of your imperial majesty will render such return unnecessary, by acceding at once to the very reasonable and pacific overtures contained in the president's letter . . . This was textbook gunboat diplomacy, and it worked. Japanese resistance melted, and very quickly the Japanese embraced the new economic model, becoming energetic players in the international markets they had been forced to join. They began to think differently about the sea that surrounded them, and their awareness of the possible opportunities in the world beyond grew fast. What is the purpose of the outside source used in this excerpt?
A.to show how strongly the American president insisted Japan participate in international trade
A summary of an informational text must show the relationship between the author's viewpoint and the
B.information presented.
The significance of an object is what the object reveals about the daily life, beliefs, interests, and customs of a society during a specific time period.
Use the following definitions to answer the question. conscience: 1. (noun) the sense of right and wrong 2. (noun) inner thoughts conscious: 1. (adjective) aware 2. (noun) area of the mind aware of surroundings Which sentence contains correct word usage?
D.I was not conscious after my head hit the ground.
Which list represents the steps for analyzing visual art?
C.view, focus, observe, conclude
Read the excerpt from A History of the World in 100 Objects. The slit drum began its life in Central Africa, in the region where Sudan and the Congo share a frontier, and it would have been part of the court orchestra of a powerful chief... The flanks of the drum have been carved to different thicknesses, so that a skilled drummer with a traditional drumstick can produce at least two tones and as many as four distinct pitches. How would adding an audio version of what a slit drum sounds like enhance the listener's experience of this part of the text?
C.It would make the listener more able to feel the same emotions as the people who had heard the drums in the past.
Consider the painting and the related poem. The Harvesters by Bruegel "The Corn Harvest" by William Carlos Williams Summer ! the painting is organized about a young reaper enjoying his noonday rest completely relaxed from his morning labors sprawled in fact sleeping unbuttoned on his back the women have brought him his lunch perhaps a spot of wine they gather gossiping under a tree whose shade carelessly he does not share the resting center of their workaday world. What is the subject of both the painting and the poem?
A.the laborers involved in the corn harvest
Read the excerpt from "Ship's Chronometer from HMS Beagle" and consider the accompanying image. If you wanted to sail, it was impossible to keep a precise record of time. And at sea, if you can't tell the time, you don't know how far east or west you are. It is relatively easy to calculate latitude - your distance north or south of the equator - by measuring the height of the Sun above the horizon at noon; but this won't let you calculate longitude - your position east or west. Which statement best describes how the image reinforces the text?
B.The image aids readers' understanding of key concepts.