quiz 12 – psychological disorders

2 December 2022
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an immediate and irrational anxiety response to the mere sight of blood is indicative of a) a specific phobia b) catatonia c) mania d) a dissociative disorder
a) a specific phobia
many clinicians diagnose disorders by answering questions from five axes of the a) ICD b) PTSD c) DSM-V d) NSSI
c) DSM-V
it would be most difficult to use the ________ to explain why anorexia nervosa occurs mostly in Western cultures a) medical model b) biopsychosocial approach c) social-cognitive perspective d) humanistic perspective
a) medical model
women are at greater risk of depression than men partially because women are more likely to ________ in response to stressful circumstances a) externalize blame b) become socially withdrawn c) suffer memory loss d) overthink
d) overthink
a disorder in which a person loses contact with reality and experiences irrational ideas and disordered perceptions is a a) bulimia nervosa b) phobia c) dissociation d) psychosis
d) psychosis
the billionaire aviator Howard Hughes insisted that his assistants carry out elaborate hand-washing rituals and wear white gloves when handling any document he would later touch. His behavior best illustrated the symptoms of a) bipolar disorder b) antisocial personality disorder c) obsessive-compulsive disorder d) schizophrenia
c) obsessive-compulsive disorder
a generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by a) offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person b) a continuous state of tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal c) hyperactive, wildly optimistic states of emotion d) alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism
b) a continuous state of tension, apprehension, and autonomic nervous system arousal
during the manic phase of bipolar disorder, individuals are most likely to a) experience visual or auditory hallucinations b) feel uncontrollable grief and despair c) be overactive d) experience delusions of persecution
c) be overactive
the DSM-V is most clearly designed to ________ psychological disorders a) classify b) explain c) prevent d) cure
a) classify
two years after being brutally beaten and raped, Brianna still experiences jumpy anxiety and has trouble sleeping and vivid flashbacks of her assault. Brianna is most clearly showing signs of a) social phobia b) panic disorder c) post-traumatic stress disorder d) generalized anxiety disorder
c) post-traumatic stress disorder
Julius is obsessed with avoiding germs and feels compelled to bathe at least 10 times a day. His therapist suggests that Julius continues his maladaptive bathing because this behavior temporarily reduced his anxiety on many past occasions. The therapist's suggestion highlights the influence of a) reinforcement b) linkage analysis c) dissociation d) explanatory style
a) reinforcement
a major depressive disorder is most likely to be characterized by a) alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism b) feelings of personal worthlessness c) delusions of persecution d) a persistent irrational fear of other people
b) feelings of personal worthlessness
those with the narcissistic personality disorder are likely to be preoccupied with a) delusions of persecution b) their own self-importance c) physical symptoms of distress d) an irrational fear of people
b) their own self-importance
Luke suffers from acrophobia, a fear of high places. Luke's therapist suggests that his reaction to heights is a generalization of the fear triggered by a childhood playground accident in which he fell off a jungle gym. The therapist's suggestion highlights the influence of a) dissociation b) temperament c) explanatory style d) conditioning
d) conditioning
a learning theory would be most likely to emphasize the role of ________ in the onset of anxiety disorders a) flat affect b) classical conditioning c) linkage analysis d) dissociation
b) classical conditioning
the medical model of psychologically disordered behavior is most likely to be criticized for neglecting the importance of a) the DSM-IV-TR b) genetically influenced abnormalities c) social circumstances and psychological factors d) biological evolution
c) social circumstances and psychological factors
positive symptoms of schizophrenia are the ________ of inappropriate behaviors, and negative symptoms are the ________ of appropriate behaviors a) presence; presence b) absence; absence c) presence; absence d) absence; presence
c) presence; absence
of those who commit suicide about ________ have tried to kill themselves before and ________ discussed suicide beforehand a) one-third; only a minority b) one-third; most c) one-tenth; only a minority d) one-tenth; most
b) one-third; most
evidence suggests that prenatal viral infections contribute to a) bipolar disorders b) generalized anxiety disorders c) obsessive-compulsive disorder d) schizophrenia
d) schizophrenia
clinicians diagnose the presence of a personality disorder using ________ of the DSM-V a) axis IV b) axis II c) axis III d) axis I
b) axis II
Mr. Hunt believes that he is the president of the United States and that he will soon become the "King of the Universe." Mr. Hunt is most clearly suffering from a) hallucinations b) obsessions c) compulsions d) delusions
d) delusions
schizophrenia is most likely to be characterized by a) disorganized and fragmented thinking. b) a lack of guilt feelings. c) periodic intervals of uncontrollable violence. d) alternations between extreme hopelessness and unrealistic optimism
a) disorganized and fragmented thinking
in which disorder do people alternate between states of lethargic hopelessness and wild optimism? a) obsessive-compulsive disorder b) schizophrenia c) panic disorder d) bipolar disorder
d) bipolar disorder
in comparison to generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder is characterized by periods of distress that are a) less intense and less prolonged b) more intense and less prolonged c) less intense and more prolonged d) more intense and more prolonged
b) more intense and less prolonged
Freud suggested that for those suffering a generalized anxiety disorder, the anxiety is a) cyclical b) free-floating c) completely outside of conscious awareness d) catatonic
b) free-floating
the incidence of OCD is greatest among a) preadolescent children b) older retired persons c) teens and young adults d) middle-aged adults
c) teens and young adults
most combat-stressed soldiers do not later exhibit PTSD. This best illustrates survivor a) resiliency b) dissociation c) catatonia d) mania
a) resiliency
obsessions are a) false beliefs of persecution or grandeur b) offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person with anxiety c) persistent, irrational fears of specific objects, activities, or situations d) periodic episodes of intense dread accompanied by frightening physical sensations
b) offensive and unwanted thoughts that persistently preoccupy a person with anxiety
a sense of being separated from your body and watching yourself with a sense of detachment is a symptom of a) agoraphobia b) obsessive-compulsive disorder c) dissociation or hallucinogenic drug use d) generalized anxiety disorder
c) dissociation or hallucinogenic drug use
DSM-V is most likely to be criticized for a) failing to base diagnoses on observable behaviors b) attempting to explain behavior by simply labeling it c) classifying an excessively broad range of human behaviors as psychologically disordered d) inhibiting scientific efforts to discover the underlying causes of psychological disorders
c) classifying an excessively broad range of human behaviors as psychologically disordered
compared with the general population, those who have suffered ________ have at least 5 times greater risk of suicide a) panic disorder b) major depressive disorder c) dissociative identity disorder d) obsessive-compulsive disorder
b) major depressive disorder
people who suffer chronic depression are at high risk for experiencing a) excessive levels of norepinephrine b) unrealistic optimism c) reduced self-awareness d) social rejection
d) social rejection
compulsive hand washing often increases in frequency because it relieves feelings of anxiety. This best illustrates the impact of ________ on compulsive behaviors a) dissociation b) stimulus generalization c) observational learning d) reinforcement
d) reinforcement
delusions of persecution are most common among those with ________ schizophrenia a) residual b) disorganized c) catatonic d) paranoid
d) paranoid
the onset of schizophrenia is typically associated with early a) childhood b) infancy c) adolescence d) adulthood
d) adulthood
which of the following disorders is characterized by the most sudden and unpredictable episodes of distress? a) social phobia b) panic disorder c) bulimia nervosa d) bipolar disorder
b) panic disorder
in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association discontinued classifying homosexuality as a disorder because mental health workers came to consider same-sex attraction as NOT inherently a) compulsive b) psychotic c) dysfunctional d) illegal
c) dysfunctional
antisocial personality disorder is most likely to be characterized by a) a persistent, irrational fear of people b) a lack of guilt feelings c) disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity d) episodes of intense autonomic nervous system arousal
b) a lack of guilt feelings
episodes of depression that consistently begin in the cold winter months and end with the onset of spring are indicative of a) a negative explanatory style b) seasonal affective disorder c) a viral infection d) catatonia
b) seasonal affective disorder
anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult is indicative of a) obsessive-compulsive disorder b) agoraphobia c) bipolar disorder d) a mood disorder
b) agoraphobia
the DSM-V does NOT a) provide reliable guidelines for diagnosing psychological disorders b) include a very broad range of psychological disorders c) explain the causes of the various psychological disorders d) include a classification of personality disorders
c) explain the causes of the various psychological disorders
the prominent feature of mood disorders is the experience of a) social phobia b) emotional extremes c) flat affect d) paranoia
b) emotional extremes
disruptions in conscious awareness and sense of identity are most characteristic of a) generalized anxiety disorder b) bipolar disorder c) obsessive-compulsive disorder d) dissociative disorders
d) dissociative disorders
a fundamental problem with the diagnostic labeling of psychologically disordered behaviors is that the labels often a) bias our perceptions of the labeled person b) interfere with effective treatment of these disorders c) interfere with effective research on the causes of these disorders d) represent attempts by psychologists to explain behavior by simply naming it
a) bias our perceptions of the labeled person
Anthony is 32 years old, well above average in intelligence, and quite charming. He has swindled several older people out of their life savings, and he seems to have little feeling for his victims, nor does he fear the consequences of getting caught. His behavior is evidence of a) a personality disorder b) schizophrenia c) obsessive-compulsive disorder d) a dissociative disorder
a) a personality disorder
Alexis is socially withdrawn and has few close friends. This behavior is most likely to be diagnosed as a symptom of psychological disorder if it is a) preventing her from functioning effectively b) also noticeable in other members of her family c) difficult for her to change d) not caused by a biological disorder
a) preventing her from functioning effectively
rats that received unpredictable electric shocks in a laboratory experiment subsequently became apprehensive when returned to that same laboratory setting. This best illustrates that anxiety disorders may result from a) classical conditioning b) observational learning c) stimulus generalization d) reinforcement
a) classical conditioning
according to the medical model, psychological disorders are a) purely imaginary symptoms of distress b) maladaptive responses to a troubling environment c) learned habits that need to be extinguished d) sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and in most cases cured
d) sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and in most cases cured
Cecil is preoccupied with thoughts of jumping out the window of his tenth-floor apartment. To reduce his anxiety, he frequently counts his heartbeats aloud. Cecil would most likely be diagnosed as experiencing a) generalized anxiety disorder b) obsessive-compulsive disorder c) panic disorder d) bipolar disorder
b) obsessive-compulive disorder
depression is more likely to be a shared tendency between identical twins than between fraternal twins. This most clearly supports explanations of this mood disorder from a ________ perspective a) psychoanalytic b) humanistic c) social-cognitive d) biological
d) biological