Health - Dangers Of Tobacco

4 September 2022
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What purpose do warning labels on tobacco products serve?
Warning labels on tobacco products inform people who might use them of the risks associated with that use.
In what year was tobacco advertising banned from the television and the radio? A. 1995 B. 1984 C. 1969 D. 1975
Which of the following represents a way in which children and infants can be exposed to tobacco products? A. particles adhering to clothes B. secondhand smoke C. particles lingering on furniture D. all of the above
Why have certain ingredients used in tobacco products been banned?
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Some ingredients, such as flavorings, are not allowed in tobacco products because they make the tobacco product more appealing. The hope is that by banning the use of these ingredients in tobacco products, individuals will be discouraged from smoking or at least discouraged from beginning to smoke.
__________ is a short-term risk associated with tobacco use. A. Lung cancer B. Heart disease C. Stroke D. Coughing
Which of the following statements about the dangers of tobacco use is TRUE? A. Tobacco use is only harmful to those who use it directly. B. Tobacco use has consequences to both smokers and nonsmokers. C. Tobacco use has many short-term consequences, but no long-term consequences. D. Tobacco use has many long-term consequences, but no short-term consequences.
Explain how choosing not to smoke can be beneficial to an individual's health.
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: An individual who chooses not to smoke can reduce the likelihood of developing certain smoking-related illnesses. Smoking increases the likelihood of developing conditions such as lung cancer, asthma, and cardiovascular disease. By not smoking, an individual reduces the risk of developing these conditions.
Why should pregnant women refrain from smoking?
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Pregnant women should refrain from smoking because of the potential negative effects that smoking can have on a developing fetus. The developing fetus can be exposed to the dangerous chemicals found in cigarette smoke as it receives nourishment from its mother. Pregnant women who smoke are at increased risk of having a miscarriage, early birth, having children with low birth weights, and delivering a stillborn child.
Explain why smoking has been prohibited in many public places.
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Smoking in public places increases exposure to secondhand smoke for nonsmokers. Exposure to secondhand smoke is as dangerous as direct exposure to smoke that smokers experience. Individuals who are in public places where smoking is permitted do not have a choice as to their exposure to damaging secondhand smoke, so many states have chosen to prohibit smoking in public places.
All of the following are long-term risks associated with exposure to secondhand smoke EXCEPT: A. increased risk of respiratory illness B. increased risk of lung cancer C. change in senses D. increased risk of cardiovascular disease