American Civil War Quizzes

The American Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, was one of the most devastating and consequential wars in the history of the United States. The Civil War was fought between the northern union and southern confederate states over slavery, state’s rights and the future of the Union. The war saw countless casualties and had a lasting impact on both sides.The main cause of the war was rooted in disagreement over how slaves were viewed and treated by society. The Southern states wanted to keep slavery while Northern states viewed it as an immoral institution that had no place in modern society. As tensions between North and South grew, 11 southern states declared their independence from the United States forming what would become known as The Confederate States of America. President Abraham Lincoln responded with a call for troops to put down this rebellion that he believed threatened the future stability of his nation.This began a four-year conflict that saw some of history’s bloodiest battles fought on American soil. Battles such as Gettysburg, Antietam, Bull Run and Vicksburg resulted in tens of thousands dead or wounded on both sides with no clear victor emerging until late 1864 when General William Tecumseh Sherman captured Atlanta effectively ending any hopes for confederate victory at sea or land. This eventually led to Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Courthouse in April 1865 marking an end to hostilities after four long years of bloodshed across America . The aftermath left a deep scar on Americans both North and South with a death toll estimated at over 600 thousand soldiers combined; making it one of deadliest wars ever fought by Americans against each otheran event that changed US history forever. Aside from lost lives however, perhaps even more devastating were its political implications; leading directly to changes such Reconstruction era legislation including ending slavery via emancipation proclamation (1863) as well as granting full citizenship rights (14th Amendment) while also paving way for new divisions amongst citizens based on race & ethnicity which still exist today In conclusion ,the American Civil War is regarded by many historians as one most significant events not only US history but world history overall due it tremendous human cost & lasting political impacts felt throughout generations afterwards .

We've found 10 American Civil War quizzes

American Civil WarHistory
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Cadence Nelson

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Aubree Barnes

American Civil WarReconstruction
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Paula Simmons

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Opal Evans

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Heidi Sanchez

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Veronica Edwards

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Quartney Roberts

American Civil War
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Izabella Richardson

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Zakari Evans

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Alejandro Adams

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