Developing Positive Self Esteem example #73156

14 March 2023
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Cutting class and getting bad grades could be a result of low self-esteem.
Listing the things you have tried to accomplish without success is one way to improve your self-esteem.
Discuss how self-esteem level has been linked to perceived successes and failures in life.
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: High self-esteem has been linked to success in making and meeting goals where those with low self-esteem have difficulty making and achieving goals. Overall, those with high self-esteem have reported greater fulfillment in life, while those who lack esteem often make poor decisions regarding their social relationships and other decisions involving their surrounding environment.
How can the media negatively affect self-esteem?
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: The media often does not accurately portray reality. Therefore, when individuals compare themselves to individuals portrayed in the media, they may begin to view themselves as unworthy or lacking in some way. Because the media often gives an inaccurate portrayal of an individual's life, an individual can develop unrealistic expectations. If these expectations are never met, then personal self-esteem can be negatively affected.
Which statement is TRUE about genetics and environment?
C. Scientists agree that both genetics and environment are important in developing self-esteem.
Scientists agree that both genetic and environmental factors influence self-esteem.
Describe what self-esteem is.
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Self-esteem involves having self-respect and believing that one is worthy and valuable. It can be measured as high or low, depending if one feels they are likable and loving or not. Those having high self-esteem generally feel happier or optimistic, set and work toward goals, etc. Someone with low self-esteem may generally feel insecure, depressed, needy, etc.
List some things that you can do to help improve your own self-esteem.
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: In order to build up self-esteem, you should strive to be honest, trustworthy, and sincere in your actions. These characteristics are all associated with strengthening your integrity. You can also engage in positive self-talk and give yourself compliments daily. Additionally, it is important to choose good friends that accept who you are and support you. Lastly, gain self-acceptance. Accepting your own strengths and weaknesses is important in improving your self-esteem.
List the environmental factors that affect your self-esteem.
Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Family, school, friends, and media are all environmental factors that affect someone's self-esteem. An environmental factor is an external factor from a person's surroundings.
Many times the media will broadcast images that can lead to __________.
A. negative self esteem