CVS Health Practice Interview

6 September 2022
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Tell me about yourself
What is your greatest achievement?
One of my greatest achievements thus far in my career was receiving letter of gratitude from a client and receiving kudos from management for it. * When the phone call started, the client clearly extremely upset and frustrated and wanted to take her frustration out on me. * I remained calm and asked probing questions so that I was able to fully understand her concerns. * She was so impressed with my patience that after our phone call, she sent me a card addressed to me to the management. * It was the first time any of supervisors had witnessed a customer go so out of their way to thank one of their employees. wasn't sure that the new technique would work, and because of that I received kudos for it.
Why Do you want to work for CVS?
I want to work for CVS because I want to start a career that allows me to hone my skills and develop as a professional and I believe that CVS Health is the perfect company to do just that. I did do a bit of research and found that CVS Health ranked #47 for the world's most valuable brand and ranked #3 on Fast Company's 50 Most Innovative Companies list for 2016
Why should we hire you?
When I read the job posting, I noticed that you specifically mentioned you were looking for someone who can answer questions and problem solve any concerns from MED D members. As you can see on my resume, I have two years of experience in addressing customer service issues quickly as well as resolving customer complaints, but what I think really sets me apart from other candidates and will make me a valuable addition to your team is my ability to combine that with my people skills. I really value lasting relationships and actively seek to build those with clients, co-workers and managers alike. I enjoy interacting with customers and know that a happy client is a repeat customer. My passion for this industry and the job I do drives me to deliver high-quality work every day.
When is is best to allow a customer to speak with a sup?
In my experience, I can honestly say that In my two years of working there: *I rarely had to transfer customers to a sup because I was able to calm customers down in an efficient manner.
What do you know about Med D
I don't know much about Med D, but I do know that Med D is a prescription drug plan for Medicare members, which is a federal government plan for the elderly and disabled. I do not have any hands-on experience with Med D, but I am a fast learner, and I am willing to take all the necessary steps become an expert on the topic.
Why did you leave your last job?
My last job was a great learning experience, but due to time constraints and my desire to graduate within a timespan of 4 years, I decided it was best for me to quit during last semester so that I was able to place my full attention on my school work.
How do you manage your time?
-One of the techniques that I like to use in a situation where I have to meet a certain deadline or when I'm under time constraints is a create a mental road map. So I would draw out what exactly needs to get done and from there I would prioritize what necessary steps need to be taken in order to accomplish certain matrixes.
Do you have any experience multi-tasking?
Yes, at my last job, I was responsible for handling calls in a timeframe of 3 minutes and 30 seconds or under, while researching infomation for the customers account, while also documenting. I find that I multitask far better than I single task. When I tackle one problem at a time, I tend to dwell on the solution, while when I have multiple things to accomplish, I am able to focus on the most accurate solution right away.
What was a humbling experience you've had in the past?
(Graduating college in a timespan of 4 years) I would have to say the most hubling experience thus far would have to be graduating college in a 4-year timespan while maintaining a full work schedule. When I was working a full job and enrolled as a full-time student, it often, it felt like there wasn't enough time in the day, but I soon learned that there was by prioritizing my time and by staying focus during challenging times.
Describe a time when you had to convince a group of people to see your way of thinking or follow a plan you came up with?
As the Vice President of the NAACP, I often had to persuade my fellow eboard members so that we were able to successfully carry out a plan or follow through on an event. One situation that still sits with me until this day is the time when I have to convince our organization that we needed to host at least one event a month in order to retain members. Some of the members were not on board at first because of the costs, but after I explained how higher retention rates would bring in more funds from the University for our org and listed all of the pros and cons all of the eboard members were on board. Hosting at least one event a month did prove to retain members and in turn we did recieve more funding from the univeristy.
What are three of your strengths?
"* I think one of my greatest strengths is that I am a problem solver. I have the ability to see a situation from different perspectives and I can get my work done even in the face of difficult obstacles. I also feel that my written communication skills are top notch . I've also worked as a customer service representative agent in the past so I know how to relate to clients. -Another attribute that I hone is my ability to conduct accurate research. In order to successfully collect payments from clients at my last job, it was imperative to research the customers financial condition to investigate when the last payment was made. On many instances the customer would make payments to the wrong account If this is something your company would like to consider, I think I could be successful with you as well.
What are three of your weaknesses?
Oh gosh, what's my weakness? I guess you could say I work too hard: because I care too much about the job I'm doing. And I'm a perfectionist. I can't do anything without making sure it's absolutely 100% right... even if that means sacrificing all my free time to work on it
How do you handle difficult team members?
Like everybody, I've certainly had to deal with difficult colleagues on occasion - colleagues who have failed to pull their weight, who have been too ready to blame others for their errors or who simply have an unpleasant and unprofessional attitude. I'm not afraid of making my opinion known and I believe that communication - especially in difficult or high pressure situations - is essential in developing effective working relationships. While some interpersonal conflict is inevitable, I don't believe in clashing head-on with a difficult colleague. It's much more productive to try to understand them, to reason with them and to find ways of working through any difficulties you may have. Communication is the key. You often find that someone, with whom you initially had difficulties, can, once you've reached an understanding, become a valued co-worker
How do work with teams?
-Communicate, Communicate, Communicate -Don't Blame Others (they lose respect for you) -Support Group Member's Ideas and to always actively listem
How do you manage tight deadlines?
"The key to handling the pressure of multiple assignments is to update and keep track of each project independently, as well as prioritize my time in advance so that I know what, when, and how each aspect of the project is occurring, and update myself on its progress. The more I know about each project the better, because it will allow me to adjust accordingly and ensure that I meet each deadline successfully."
When did you have to break a rule at work?
By working while off the clock. At my last job, we dealt with clients from various states and often times, the state guidlines and rules would change depending on the time of the year. I often didn't have time to keep myself updated on the new regulations while on the clock due to the high call volume, so instead when it was time to clock or for lunch or to go home, instead of going to lunch or home, I would read about the new guidelines to keep myself informed.
Tell us about a time you difficultly dealing with a difficult indivudal?
I was assigned to work on a presentation with one of my peers for a cell biology class and we were on a very tight deadline because we were only given a week to work on our project. The classmate that was assigned to my group was very smart, but unfortunately missed a meeting that I scheduled for us. When I approached her about it, she blew up at me. I was taken aback by her response, but I remained calm. I acknowledged that the our presentation was due in a week explained again the reasoning and the importance of having our project ready a few days in advance so that we could practice presenting. She apologized for her blow-up and thanked me for my help. β€’ We successfully completed the presentation on time and received numerous compliments from both our own fellow classmates and prosfessor.
Tell me about when you've dealt with a high-pressure situation or deadline?
Working full-time and being enrolled full-time in school the past few years has naturally been quite a high pressure experience on occasion. I've had to deal with numerous conflicting demands on my time, whether it is preparing for an exam, finishing a project, or taking on more hours at work. With careful planning and organization you can normally reduce the pressure you are under - but there will always be factors at play which are outside of your control. Personally, while it makes a nice break to have a few pressure-free days, I generally thrive under pressure. I use it to help channel my energies into accomplishing as much as possible. Naturally, there are sometimes occasions when the pressure I'm put under is excessive and this can be stressful. However, I'm sufficiently experienced to appreciate that there is only so much you can reasonably be expected to be capable of and the solution is not to panic but to remain focused on delivering your very best.
Tell me about a time you made a mistake, how did you handle it?
In my junior year of college, I was assigned to work on a presentation with a partner. We created an outline what the topics that we were going to discuss in our powerpoint and decided that it would be best assign the slides in an alternating fashion. We decided that I would start off presenting the presentation. My partner assumed that I would present the title slide and I assumed that I would present the first slide after the title slide which led us to practice the same set of slides. We practiced the slides on our own time because of our hectic schedule, so we did not realize our mistake until the day of the presentation. I decided that since I was more knowledge on the subject, that I would present the unrehearsed slides. We still ended up getting an A on the presentation, but I learned that it is important to have a clear line of communication with a co-worker and to make sure that my partner and I are on the same page with everything. It never hurts to go into more detail with an individual that you are working closely with.
How would you respond if you were given a project you weren't sure you could complete?
I would outline what still needed to be done and anazyle the amount of time I still had so that I could get as much of the project done as possible. For the portion of the project that I would not be able to complete, I notify my manager and ask for assistance from an an esteemed colleague.
How do you manage stress in your daily work?
I try to treat myself at least once during the week to clear my head, whether that means getting my nails done or taking myself out to dinner. I also have a personal rule that stops me from reacting to a problem until I feel calm about it. I think, then act-but I've learned to do that over time."
How do you regroup when things haven't gone as planned?
I take a step back and try to think of the worst possible situation that can arise. From there I think of all of the events that would have to take place in order for that situation to occur and avoid all of those events. This way I usually end up with a result close to the original goal. (Example: studying the wrong material for an exam or focusing on minor exam topics). At the last minute, a professor sent an anouncement on what to study for on an exam, which where topics that I seldomly studied. The worst possible situation in this case was giving up due to frustration or disregarding the email by continuling to study that topics that I had previously been studying (while hoping those topics would still show up on the exam) the correct topics. Instead I took a step back, refreshed my mind and studied as much as I could in the short amount of time.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
My goal right now is to find a position at a company where I can grow and take on new challenges over time. Ultimately, I'd like to assume more management responsibilities by becoming a senior analyst, maybe even an advisor. But most importantly find company where can build a career."
What do you do first when you don't know the answer to something or know how to do it.
I always research things on my own first and try to find the answer online. Usually, you can find a blog or forum where someone else had the same questions. If all else fails, I would reach out to a colleague.
How do you handle difficult team members?
Talk to them so that I able to view their perspective and then in the less confrontation manner, express to them my persceptive so that we are able to come to a solution that works best for us.
What was it about the role (or ad) that attracted their attention?
What attracted me to this position is that it is research based. I love investigating problems and finding solutions, especially for clients. I also like that writing is a critical aspect to this job. Writing has always been a passion of mine and I would enjoy a position that allows me to utilize my writing skills.
How would you handle an upset client?
- I would deescalate the situation - by acknowledging the client's concerns by showing empathy and compassion. - I'd remain calm and ask probing questions so that I am able to fully understand the reason as to why the client is upset. - educate the client on possible solutions to come to an agreement. - At my last job, I prided myself that I was able to calm clients down and find solutions that met their needs without needing a supervisor to intervene.
Give us a time when you had to meet a deadline?
While as far as deadlines are concerned, - - I had many deadlines for projects that were due for school and tests that I had to prepare for. - - I can accomplish a goal that is due on a certain date. - -As the vice president of NAACP, it was imperative to have things done before an event or else our events would have to be canceled and that would reflect badly on the organization.
What is the biggest challenge you've faced, and how did you solve it?
* The biggest challenge I have faced thus far was graduating from Arizona State University with a bachelor of science in Biological Sciences. *It was challenging because not only did it test my skills as a student, but it also tested me as an individual. * The past 4 years have taught me how to prioritize my time and how to successfully meet deadlines, which I am grateful for because now I am equipped with those skills so that I can utilize them in the work place.
If hired, what steps would you take to make important job related decisions?
1. First, I would determine if the decision is one that would benefit the company. 2. I would then assess if and how the decision would fit within the scope of the company's core values. 3. I would assess how a decision might negatively impact the company.
What did you like best and least about your previous job?
"What I liked about my last was I was able to really develop my customer service skills as well as my documentation skills which I know will help me succeed here if I am fortunate enough to be able to join your team. The last job helped me build my customer service skills, but now I want to focus on turning those skills to that of a resolution analyst."
History on CVS Health
-Started out with 3 partners and from a parent company (Mark Steven, Inc) in 1963. Became CVS Caremark in 2007