Chapter 17

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According to research on stereotype threat, we should be especially concerned about standardized tests if they include instructions that are long and complex. ask for race/ethnic information before the test starts. are claiming to be culturally/racially sensitive. are administered by men and women from different racial/ethnic backgrounds.
ask for race/ethnic information before the test starts.
While they are sitting eating their lunch, several of Sheldon's friends suggest that the new girl in class is very pretty. Sheldon does not think that she is pretty. He will probably tell his friends that he did not get a good look at her. ignore his friends' comments. disagree with his friends and say she is not very attractive. agree with his friends and say she is very attractive.
agree with his friends and say she is very attractive.
Classic experimental studies of conformity were conducted in the 1950s by: Solomon Asch. Stanley Milgram. Philip Zimbardo. Leon Festinger.
Solomon Asch.
According to Asch's pioneering work on conformity, which of the following statements is true? Conformity refers to behavior that occurs only in response to direct social pressure. Groups that unanimously support a position show the least pronounced conformity pressures. Having just one person present who shares the minority point of view is sufficient to reduce conformity pressures. The more attractive a group appears to its members, the lesser its ability to produce conformity.
Having just one person present who shares the minority point of view is sufficient to reduce conformity pressures.
Discrimination refers to: a set of generalized beliefs and expectations about a particular group and its members. consideration of individuals for their personal qualities and not their membership in a group. behavior directed toward individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular group. a negative (or positive) evaluation of a particular group and its members.
behavior directed toward individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular group.
The likelihood that an individual will help someone in an emergency situation is _____ correlated with the number of other people present. not negatively positively curvilinearly
Which of the following attribution biases is correctly matched with its definition? Assumed-similarity bias—The tendency to attribute personal success to personal factors (skill, ability, or effort) and to attribute failure to factors outside oneself. Halo effect—An initial impression that an individual has some positive (or negative) traits leads us to infer that they have many other positive (or negative) characteristics as well. Fundamental attribution error—We assume that other people are similar to ourselves, even when we first meet them. Self-serving bias—We overemphasize dispositional factors when explaining other people's behavior.
Halo effect—An initial impression that an individual has some positive (or negative) traits leads us to infer that they have many other positive (or negative) characteristics as well.
Susan drives by a particularly unusual apartment building each day on her way to and from work. Initially, she does not think much of the structure and actually has a mild dislike for it. However, after several months of commuting, she starts to like the apartment building and is even considering trying to rent an apartment there. This change in Susan's feelings about the building best demonstrates social exchange theory. the mere exposure effect. the social comparison effect. informational social influence.
the mere exposure effect.
Which of the following sales techniques is based on the "norm of reciprocity"? Foot-in-the-door technique Not-so-free-sample technique That's-not-all technique Door-in-the-face technique
Not-so-free-sample technique
Ten year old Joanne expresses her love for her mother every morning before she leaves to school. This is an example of _____ love. passionate consummate romantic companionate
Which of the following was a significant finding in studies conducted by Asch on conformity? Conformity is considerably higher when people must respond publicly. Tasks at which an individual is less competent than others in the group make conformity less likely. Groups that unanimously support a position show the least pronounced conformity pressures. People working on ambiguous tasks and questions (those with no clear answer) are less susceptible to conformity.
Conformity is considerably higher when people must respond publicly.
Which of the following is true of the findings made by Asch on conformity? Groups that unanimously support a position show the most pronounced conformity pressures. There is less chance for conformity when an individual is less competent at a task than others in the group. The more attractive a group appears to its members, the lesser its ability to produce conformity. Conformity is considerably higher when people must respond privately than it is when they can do so publicly.
Groups that unanimously support a position show the most pronounced conformity pressures.
_____ are brought about by something in the environment. Situational causes Dispositional causes Internal causes Personality causes
Situational causes
Which of the following compliance techniques is correctly matched with its description? Door-in-the-face—When salespeople provide samples to potential customers, they do so to instigate the norm of reciprocity. That's-not-all technique—When a salesperson offers you a deal at an inflated price, immediately after the initial offer, the salesperson offers an incentive, discount, or bonus to clinch the deal. Not-so-free sample—You ask a person to agree to a small request which—because it is small—the likelihood that he or she will comply is fairly high. Foot-in-the-door—Someone makes a large request, expects it to be refused, and follows it with a smaller one.
That's-not-all technique—When a salesperson offers you a deal at an inflated price, immediately after the initial offer, the salesperson offers an incentive, discount, or bonus to clinch the deal.
Which of the following potential explanations is correctly paired with the process it reflects? One sees high-status individuals, such as celebrities or athletes, receive reinforcement for reflecting stereotypes in their behavior - cognitive dissonance A change in behavior in response to the commands of others - Conformity Behavior is brought in line with a stereotype to reduce the tension created by the discrepancy between the stereotype and one's own experience - observational learning Awareness of a negative view of ones' group generates anxiety, which impairs performance - stereotype threat
Awareness of a negative view of ones' group generates anxiety, which impairs performance - stereotype threat
Which of the following is suggested by Sternberg in his theory on love? The love we feel for our parents, other family members, and even some close friends belongs to the category of passionate love. Relationships are happiest in which the strength of the various components are different between the two partners. The different combinations of the three components vary over the course of relationships. Sternberg proposes that love is not a necessary ingredient of marriage.
The different combinations of the three components vary over the course of relationships.
In a recent softball game, Cindy misplayed a ground ball for an error. Later in the same game, she made a great catch on a very difficult play. According to the self-serving bias, she would attribute her error to ________ and her good catch to _______. a bad bounce; luck a bad bounce; good fielding skills bad fielding skills; good fielding skills bad fielding skills; luck
a bad bounce; good fielding skills
"But are you in love?" Lynette asks her friend. Lynette is trying to determine whether her friend is experiencing _____ love. companionate cathartic physical passionate
"Drinking may be harmful to my health, but I'll die having a good time." This statement illustrates an attempt to reduce the exposure effect. cognitive dissonance. self-objectification. social contagion.
cognitive dissonance.
In the _____ technique, one asks a person to agree to a small request which—because it is small—the likelihood that he or she will comply is fairly high. that's-not-all not-so-free foot-in-the-door door-in-the-face
The idea of "do onto others as you would have them do onto you" best describes reciprocity. conformity. ethnocentrism. attribution.
The advertising committee for a politician is going door to door and asking people to put a big ugly election sign on their lawn. If people refuse, they ask them if they would consider putting a smaller sign on the lawn. The committee is using the elaboration likelihood model. the negative appeal approach. the door-in-the-face strategy. the foot-in-the-door strategy. Social Cognition
the door-in-the-face strategy.
Consider the distinction many researchers make between passionate and companionate love. How do the two types of love differ? Passionate love does not involve feelings of closeness and connectedness; companionate love does. Companionate love does not involve feelings of closeness and connectedness; passionate love does. Passionate love does not involve commitment; companionate love does. Companionate love does not involve physical intimacy; passionate love does.
Companionate love does not involve physical intimacy; passionate love does.
In the _____ technique, someone makes a large request, expects it to be refused, and follows it with a smaller one. door-in-the-face foot-in-the-door not-so-free that's-not-all
door in the face
Tommy just hit the game winning home run for his team. He is most likely to attribute his success to the coach. himself. poor pitching by the other team. the fans.
Conformity is to obedience as Zajonc is to Milgram. Milgram is to Sherif. Milgram is Zajonc. Asch is to Milgram.
Asch is to Milgram.
In Juanita's community, girls are not expected to enjoy or excel at mathematics. Juanita's algebra grades drop; by the time she is a high school junior, she is enrolled only in consumer mathematics courses. Which concept does Juanita's example best illustrate? Entrapment Cognitive dissonance Social identification Self-fulfilling prophecy
Self-fulfilling prophecy
A study by Rosenthal and Jacobson found that children who were labeled as "late bloomers" at the start of the school year showed larger IQ gains than other, non-labeled students, even though these particular children were chosen randomly. The children's teachers were informed about these labels, but the students themselves were not. The results from this study are most relevant to which of the following? Dissonance theory Mere exposure effect Self-fulfilling prophecy Self-serving bias
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Michael is the new department head. He expects everyone to "get on board" with his restructuring of the department, and he publicly reprimands anyone who disagrees with his new policies. On the other hand, Michael praises department members for unanimity, cohesiveness, and harmony. Michael is creating an atmosphere most conducive to groupthink. stereotype threat. social altruism. collectivism.
Psychologists have found that prejudice and discrimination may be reduced by: making values and norms against prejudice less conspicuous. encouraging stereotype vulnerability. educating people about other groups. decreasing contact among ingroup and outgroup members.
educating people about other groups.
Rod and Deandra are intense supporters of their favorite football team, the Dallas Cowboys. Their self-esteem is strongly affected by the performance of the Cowboys. Which theory would best explain this effect? Social identity theory Social exchange theory Self-perception theory Realistic conflict theory
Social identity theory
Which of the following is true of the factors that initially attract two people to each other? The less similar others are, the more we like them. Proximity leads to liking. Chances are that one becomes bored of those who lived geographically closest to him or her. Repeated exposure to a person is often not sufficient to produce attraction.
Proximity leads to liking.
Affectionate love is also called ________ love. passionate romantic lasting companionate
According to instinct theories of aggression, which of the following is true? Instinct theories note the prevalence of aggression in animals but not in humans. Aggression is primarily the outcome of innate—or inborn—urges. Aggression includes both intentional and unintentional injury to another person. The shorter the energy builds up, the greater the amount of the aggression displayed when it is discharged.
Aggression is primarily the outcome of innate—or inborn—urges.
Which of the following was a significant finding in studies conducted by Asch on conformity? Groups that unanimously support a position show the least pronounced conformity pressures. People working on ambiguous tasks and questions (those with no clear answer) are less susceptible to conformity. Conformity is considerably higher when people must respond publicly. Tasks at which an individual is less competent than others in the group make conformity less likely.
Conformity is considerably higher when people must respond publicly.
Cognitive dissonance theory states that individuals do not perceive a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior. change behavior in order to be more popular. change attitudes in order to be more popular. try to make attitudes conform to behavior.
try to make attitudes conform to behavior.
The notion of a diffusion of responsibility is most usually applied to the study of: social influence. prosocial behavior. group decision making. aggression.
prosocial behavior.
Which of the following is true of social roles and social norms? Social role refers to behavior that occurs in response to direct social pressure. Conforming to a social role does not induce people to change their behavior in undesirable ways. Social norms are less specific than are social norms, because they do not apply to particular social positions. Social roles are the behaviors that are associated with people in a given position.
Social roles are the behaviors that are associated with people in a given position.
The influential "prison" study of the power of social roles was conducted by: Solomon Asch. Leon Festinger. Philip Zimbardo. Stanley Milgram.
Philip Zimbardo.
Which of the following is true of schemas? Our schemas are never susceptible to error. Schemas help us predict what others are like on the basis of relatively little information. Schemas are absolutely accurate as our moods affect how we perceive others and we make judgments based on our moods. A schema occurs when a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts.
Schemas help us predict what others are like on the basis of relatively little information.
Which of the following is true of the fundamental attribution error? It is more common in Western than in Eastern cultures. It is actually not very common, either in Western or Eastern cultures. There are weak group level differences in the use of the fundamental attribution error. It is more common in Eastern than in Western cultures.
It is more common in Western than in Eastern cultures.
According to instinct theories of aggression, which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding aggression? Most children are not influenced by watching violent shows on TV. We have very little influence over our own aggressive behavior. Certain stimuli act as aggressive cues, making aggressive acts much more likely when the cues are present. We have pent-up aggression that needs to be released on a regular basis.
Certain stimuli act as aggressive cues, making aggressive acts much more likely when the cues are present.
Which of the following strategies did your text offer as effective means of dealing with anger? Use language effectively by saying "you," not "I." Fantasize about expressing your anger and act on it. Never take another person's perspective on the situation. Minimize the importance of the situation.
Minimize the importance of the situation.
The fifth-grade teacher was surprised when her Japanese-American student Hiroko performed poorly in math. The teacher's reaction was due to stereotyping. deindividuation. self-serving bias. polarization.
Fiona got an e-mail from her manager, Rebecca, asking her to meet to discuss a past project. Unfortunately, Fiona was struggling to complete a project due that afternoon and had to reply that she was too busy to meet today. Rebecca was not pleased with Fiona's refusal to meet and told another coworker that she thought Fiona was "too busy and important" to meet with her supervisor thus she is an unpleasant snob. Rebecca is making a ______ attribution of Fiona. situational dispositional secondary primary
When you do poorly on a test, you remind yourself of all the distractions you had at school that week. You are displaying the availability error. the self-objectification effect. confirmation bias. self-serving bias.
self-serving bias.
Shaun is angry at the way a coworker has treated him. Shaun feels justified in his anger because "surely, anybody would feel the same way if the same thing happened to them." This example reveals Shaun's susceptibility to the: self-serving bias. fundamental attribution error. assumed-similarity bias. halo effect.
assumed-similarity bias.
If you were to donate one of your kidneys to whoever might need it, you would be demonstrating a(n) ________ view of human nature. altruistic egoistic empathetic economic
The foot-in-the-door technique works because: of the effectiveness of the norm of reciprocity. an incentive, discount, or bonus is always offered. the first large request is always refused and the smaller request is accepted. involvement with the small request leads to an interest in an issue.
involvement with the small request leads to an interest in an issue.
Sets of cognitions about people and social experiences are called _____. algorithms schemas halo effects images
Cognitive dissonance theory states that individuals do not perceive a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior. try to make attitudes conform to behavior. change behavior in order to be more popular. change attitudes in order to be more popular.
try to make attitudes conform to behavior.
________ is an important element of altruism. Sympathy Empathy Selfishness All of these
Behavior that helps others but that involves some self-sacrifice is termed: empathy. catharsis. prosocial behavior. altruism.
Sharon was made the captain of her softball team due to her excellent playing skills. However, the fact that she did not display good team management skills and was not very cooperative with her teammates was ignored while making her the captain. Which of the following biases is illustrated in this instance? Self-serving bias Halo effect Assumed-similarity bias Fundamental attribution error
Halo effect
The fundamental attribution error is very common because: of the nature of information available to the people making an attribution. we tend to exaggerate the importance of environmental factors in producing others' behavior and minimize the influence of personality characteristics. we center on an individual's immediate surroundings which change rapidly without focusing on the person's behavior. when we view another person's behavior in a particular setting, the most conspicuous information is the person's immediate surrounding.
of the nature of information available to the people making an attribution.
One forms an impression of another individual: very quickly, within a few minutes. gradually, over time. very quickly, within a few seconds. within the first several encounters.
very quickly, within a few seconds.
Affectionate love is also called ________ love. companionate lasting passionate romantic
Which alternative below correctly defines a social influence concept? Obedience - a change in behavior or attitudes in order to follow social norms Conformity - a change in behavior or attitudes in response to direct social pressure Conformity - a change in behavior in response to commands Compliance - a change in behavior or attitudes in response to direct social pressure
Compliance - a change in behavior or attitudes in response to direct social pressure
Classic experimental studies of conformity were conducted in the 1950s by: Stanley Milgram. Leon Festinger. Solomon Asch. Philip Zimbardo.
Solomon Asch.
Which of the following is true of a group? The behavior of members does not have any significant consequence for the success of the group in meeting its goals. A group consists of people who are interdependent. The existence of a person in a group does not affect any other group member. People in a group do not perceive themselves as part of a group.
A group consists of people who are interdependent.
Caroline has volunteered to work with the underprivileged children who are participants in her professor's literacy project. She is hoping that her professor will take this into consideration when calculating her grade. Caroline is expecting a social exchange. reciprocity. altruism. inoculation.
On late-night TV, you see an infomercial claiming that the price of the product has been slashed for a special offer and now includes a bonus sample size of something that is in adjunct to the product. This illustrates the _____ compliance technique. that's-not-all foot-in-the-door door-in-the-face foot-in-the-mouth
The classic "shock" study of obedience is associated with: Stanley Milgram. Leon Festinger. Philip Zimbardo. Solomon Asch.
Stanley Milgram.
The bystander effect occurs because we tend to look to the behavior of others for cues about what to do. if no one else is helping, we assume help is not needed. responsibility is diffused among witnesses. All of these
all of these..... nuts
Mr. and Mrs. Lee warn their new babysitter, Alison, that their son, Dennis, is very aggressive and mischievous. As a result, Alison starts calling the child "Dennis the Menace," and she behaves in ways that elicit aggressive and mischievous behaviors from Dennis. This example best demonstrates the phenomenon called social conditioning. the fundamental attribution error. the self-serving bias. the self-fulfilling prophecy.
the self-fulfilling prophecy.
A(n) _____ is an expectation about the occurrence of a future event or behavior that acts to increase the likelihood the event or behavior will occur. self-fulfilling prophecy entrapment diffusion of responsibility reciprocity-of-liking effect
self-fulfilling prophecy
Research findings indicate that frustration usually leads to obedience. usually leads to egoism. can lead to aggression or passivity. always leads to some form of aggression.
can lead to aggression or passivity. q
Perceived causes of behavior that are based on internal traits or personality factors are called _____ causes. dispositional circumstantial environmental situational
It appears that many attractive people possess a number of positive characteristics. This is possibly due to the self-fulfilling prophecy. the self-serving bias. social conditioning. the fundamental attribution error.
the self-fulfilling prophecy.
The reciprocity-of-liking effect means that we like: people we've seen repeatedly. people who live nearby. people who like us. people similar to ourselves.
people who like us.
Identify the correct statement regarding conformity. Conformity is considerably higher when people must respond privately. People without a clear answer are more susceptible to conformity. Conformity does not arise from subtle social pressure. The higher a person's status in the group, the greater groups' power over that person's behavior.
People without a clear answer are more susceptible to conformity.
The social rank held within a group is termed _____. status social support social pressure groupthink
_____ refers to a negative (or positive) evaluation of a particular group and its members. Prejudice Discrimination Reciprocity-of-liking effect Diffusion of responsibility
Which alternative correctly names the psychologist often associated with a given social influence concept? Obedience - Festinger Conformity - Cialdini Compliance - Asch Obedience - Milgram
Obedience - Milgram
Social psychologist Leon Festinger is associated with the study of: routes to persuasion. obedience. cognitive dissonance. conformity.
cognitive dissonance.
Which of the following theories explains why we like to think of our group as the in-group? Cognitive dissonance theory Self-perception theory Social identity theory Social exchange theory
Social identity theory
June is usually a very quiet individual, but she recently discovered a different side of herself. She was at the Mardi Gras and found herself swept up in the festivities, doing the things that the other party revelers were doing. These were not behaviors that she would have ever considered doing on her own. Social psychologists would most likely attribute June's behavior to social loafing. bystander effect. group polarization. deindividuation.
_____ is the process by which communal groups and individuals exert pressure on an individual, either deliberately or unintentionally. Social influence Diffusion of responsibility Central interaction Altruism
Social influence
Which of the following is true of groupthink? Groupthink typically leads to excellent decisions. Under groupthink, members lose the ability to critically evaluate alternative points of view. Under groupthink, groups increase the list of possible solutions and spend maximum time on considering various alternatives. Groupthink is most likely to occur when a weak leader is surrounded by people of powerful status.
Under groupthink, members lose the ability to critically evaluate alternative points of view.
Which of the following faces would be rated as most attractive? A face with an unusually small forehead and unusually large lips A composite of multiple faces that have been digitally blended to produce an "average" face A round face with unusually large eyes A face in which the distinctive features of the face have been digitally enhanced
A composite of multiple faces that have been digitally blended to produce an "average" face
Roger was screaming for help as he was being beaten up by a group of muggers on a street. There were about 15 people standing nearby. However, none of the bystanders come forward to help Roger. This scenario representing lack of help illustrates: diffusion of responsibility. catharsis. altruism. frustration.
diffusion of responsibility.
_____ involves a state of intense absorption in someone that includes intense physiological arousal, psychological interest, and caring for the needs of another. Companionate love Passionate love Cathartic love Affectionate love
Passionate love
The light turns green, and Kaylee is about to go. A man driving a red truck goes speeding through the red light. Mentally, Kaylee calls him a jerk and thinks to herself that his license should be revoked. Kaylee may be committing the ________ error. fundamental attribution risky shift false consensus conformity
fundamental attribution
Behavior that helps others but that involves some self-sacrifice is termed: catharsis. empathy. altruism. prosocial behavior.
Milgram's participants were told that the study concerned: problem solving. visual perception. learning. obedience.
Which of the following potential explanations is correctly paired with the process it reflects? A change in behavior in response to the commands of others - Conformity One sees high-status individuals, such as celebrities or athletes, receive reinforcement for reflecting stereotypes in their behavior - cognitive dissonance Behavior is brought in line with a stereotype to reduce the tension created by the discrepancy between the stereotype and one's own experience - observational learning Awareness of a negative view of ones' group generates anxiety, which impairs performance - stereotype threat
Awareness of a negative view of ones' group generates anxiety, which impairs performance - stereotype threat