Airway Management Post Test

24 July 2022
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Folded Pipe Cleaners
A nurse for a patient who has a tracheostomy tube with an inner cannula in place. Which of the following supplies should be used to dry the inner cannula of the patient's tracheostomy tube after cleaning it ?
Re positioning the ET tube in the patient's mouth every 12 hours
A nurse is caring for a patient who has a cuffed endotracheal (ET) tube in place ? Which of the following is an appropriate component of ET care for this patient?
Yankaur Catheter - tonsil tip suction catheter helps clear secretions from mouth
A nurse is preparing to suction secretions from the mouth of a patient who has dysphagia. Which of the following is the appropriate suction device or method for the nurse to use ?
Reuse the catheter repeatedly
A nurse is suctioning a patient's airway using in-line suctioning. When using this method, it is appropriate for the nurse to:
Vibration - used during or after the percussion to increase the turbulence of exhaled air and loosen secretions.
A nurse is performing a chest physiotherapy for a patient who needs help mobilizing and expectorating thick pulmonary secretions. To increase the turbulence of the air the patient exhales, the nurse should use which of the following techniques ?
Have tincture of benzoin ready to apply to patients face
A nurse is preparing to perform endotracheal (ET) tube care and plans to use tape to secure the tube. Which of the following is an appropriate preparatory action for this procedure ?
Tracheostomy tube - used for long term airway support
A nurse is caring for a patient who sustained trauma to his head and neck and will require long-term airway support. Which of the following devices will be required for home health care for this patient ?
Commercially prepared fenestrated dressing - made of material that does not unravel and has a fenestration designed to fit around tracheostomy
A nurse is caring for a patient who has a tracheostomy tube in place. During tracheostomy care, which of the following should the nurse place underneath the flanges of the outer cannula ?