Suspense In "The Cruel Tribute" | English 1

23 August 2022
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To explore the ____________, or effect of mythical literature on contemporary literature, a reader should identify key characters, settings, and plots.
Read the passage from "Cruel Tribute." Then the youths and maidens ran to Theseus and kissed his hands and feet, and thanked him for his great deed; and, as it was already growing dark, Theseus bade them follow him while he wound up the silken thread which was to lead them out of the Labyrinth. Through a thousand rooms and courts and winding ways they went, and at midnight they came to the outer door and saw the city lying in the moonlight before them; and, only a little way off, was the seashore where the black ship was moored which had brought them to Crete. The door was wide open, and beside it stood Ariadne waiting for them. "The wind is fair, the sea is smooth, and the sailors are ready," she whispered; and she took the arm of Theseus, and all went together through the silent streets to the ship. In this excerpt, the sequence of events creates suspense by:
speeding up the plot to move the story forward and build tension.
In part one of "Cruel Tribute," how do King Aegeus's actions affect the advancement of the plot?
He causes the birth of a hero in Troezen.
Writers can use __________ to build suspense.
sequence of events
The contemporary novel The Hunger Games features a lottery where children are selected to fight to the death in combat. The section of "Cruel Tribute" that best features a similar mythological element is:
"The Tribute"
Read the passage from "Cruel Tribute." Years passed by. Every spring when the roses began to bloom seven youths and seven maidens were put on board of a black-sailed ship and sent to Crete to pay the tribute which King Minos required. In every house in Athens there was sorrow and dread, and the people lifted up their hands to Athena on the hilltop and cried out, "How long, O Queen of the Air, how long shall this thing be?" In the meanwhile the little child at Troezen on the other side of the sea had grown to be a man. His name, Theseus, was in everybody's mouth, for he had done great deeds of daring; and at last he had come to Athens to find his father, King Aegeus, who had never heard whether he was alive or dead; and when the youth had made himself known, the king had welcomed him to his home and all the people were glad because so noble a prince had come to dwell among them and, in time, to rule over their city. In this excerpt, the sequence of events creates suspense by:
slowing down the plot to focus on an important character.
Read the excerpt from a summary of the contemporary novel Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. To help save the day, Harry must get past a scary three-headed guard dog. In order to do this, he gets help from his friends Hermione and Ron. They all have become close friends during the course of the school year. After they solve this challenge, they move on to the next part of their plan. Which line from the summary best justifies the conclusion that Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was influenced by Ancient Greek mythological literature?
To help save the day, Harry must get past a scary three-headed guard dog.
Read the passage from "Cruel Tribute." "Now then," said Minos, "you shall hear my decree. Athens has robbed me of my dearest treasure, a treasure that can never be restored to me; so, in return, I require from Athens, as tribute, that possession which is the dearest and most precious to her people; and it shall be destroyed cruelly as my son was destroyed." "The condition is hard," said the elders, "but it is just. What is the tribute which you require?" "Has the king a son?" asked Minos. The face of King Aegeus lost all its color and he trembled as he thought of a little child then with its mother at Troezen, on the other side of the Saronic Sea. But the elders knew nothing about that child, and they answered: "Alas, no! he has no son; but he has fifty nephews who are eating up his substance and longing for the time to come when one of them shall be king; and, as we have said, it was they who slew the young prince, Androgeos." By placing this passage at the beginning of the story, the author builds suspense for the arrival of
Read the summary of the contemporary novel Jurassic Park. A wealthy businessman uses modern DNA technology to bring dinosaurs back from extinction. He breeds many varieties of dinosaurs and plans to open a theme park where visitors can see them. However, the dinosaurs soon escape their pens and wreak havoc across the park, resulting in death and destruction. How did Ancient Greek mythological literature most likely influence this story?
through the use of frightening creatures
Which line from "Cruel Tribute" best supports the idea that the elders help to advance the plot?
"It is better that a few should perish than that the whole city should be destroyed," they said.