Unit Test 1

2 September 2022
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Read the sentence. After the group went canoeing, they returned to the dock exhilarated and ready to go kayaking. Which word in the sentence is a past participle?
Read the passage from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Consequently the perfection of our nature and capability of happiness, must be estimated by the degree of reason, virtue, and knowledge, that distinguish the individual, and direct the laws which bind society: and that from the exercise of reason, knowledge and virtue naturally flow, is equally undeniable, if mankind be viewed collectively. Which is the best description of the author's diction in the passage?
The author repeats words with positive connotations to help emphasize her point.
In The Farewell Speech, Queen Elizabeth's use of first-person point of...
allows her to share her personal thoughts and ideas.
Read the passage from Hamlet, Act I, Scene iii. Hamlet: ... but tell Why thy canoniz'd bones, hearsed in death, Have burst their cerements; why the sepulchre, Wherein we saw thee quietly inurn'd,55 Hath op'd his ponderous and marble jaws, To cast thee up again. What may this mean, That thou, dead corse, again in complete steel Revisit'st thus the glimpses of the moon ... Which phrases provide clues that sepulchre means "grave"? Check all that apply.
canoniz'd bones hearsed in death
Read the excerpt from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. There is no concept of "health and safety" in Elizabethan England, so you will inevitably feel vulnerable when you arrive. Nauseating smells and sights will assail your senses; contemporary standards of cleanliness will worry you. People die every day from unknown ailments, the young as often as the old. Infectious diseases periodically kill thousands within a few weeks. Even when plague is not in town, it lurks as an anxiety in the back of people's minds and, when it does strike, their worry turns to terror. On top of the illnesses, the chances of being attacked and hurt are much higher than in the modern world, and workplace injuries are far more common. What is the topic of this paragraph?
health and safety in Elizabethan England
Read the passage from Beowulf. "We are retainers from Hygelac's band. Beowulf is my name. If your lord and master, the most renowned son of Halfdane, will hear me out and graciously allow me to greet him in person, I am ready and willing to report my errand." How did Seamus Heaney incorporate Old English poetry elements in this modern translation?
His punctuation copies the half-lines used in Old English poetry.
Which features of the Anglo-Saxon culture are present in Beowulf? Check all that apply.
competition marriage
Read the excerpt from Spencer's narrative. As we waited for our new football coach to enter the locker room, we all secretly wondered what he would be like. Would he be tough but fair? Would he be demanding but understanding? Would he motivate us before each game with a rousing speech the way Coach Jackson always had? These thoughts were abruptly interrupted when our new coach entered the locker room, stood before us, and commanded our attention. "He" was a "she"! Our new coach was a female? Stunned, my mouth gaping, I barely heard what she said to the team next. Which element of a personal narrative would be best for Spencer to include next?
detailed descriptions of each player's reaction to the new coach
How does the play-within-a-play in Act III of Hamlet represent Elizabethan drama?
by teaching a spiritual lesson to the characters of the play
Read the passage from Ivanhoe. About the hour of ten o'clock, the whole plain was crowded with horsemen, horsewomen, and foot-passengers, hastening to the tournament; and shortly after, a grand flourish of trumpets announced Prince John and his retinue, attended by many of those knights who meant to take share in the game, as well as others who had no such intention. The reader can conclude that the passage takes place in the medieval period because it portrays
a powerful monarch backed by a noble fighting class.
Read the sentence. We took a long walk along the path beside the bubbling stream. Which description of the sentence is correct?
The sentence contains a single independent clause.
Read the excerpt from Hamlet. Gertrude: O Hamlet! speak no more; Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul; And there I see such black and grained spots As will not leave their tinct. Hamlet: Nay, but to live In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stew'd in corruption, honeying and making love Over the nasty sty,— Gertrude: O! speak to me no more; These words like daggers enter in mine ears; No more, sweet Hamlet! The excerpt supports the conclusion that Gertrude
can't bear listening to Hamlet because she knows he's right.
In A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, Wollstonecraft contrasts her logic and reasoning with
various priests' works.
Read the sentence. The brash seagull swooped over the divers before they plunged into the water. Where is the best place to insert the participial phrase "synchronizing their watches" in the sentence?
after "divers"
Read the paragraph from a personal narrative. 1 It may have seemed like an ordinary day to everyone else, but to me, it couldn't have been further from it. 2 Today was my first day working as a waitress at Pete's Pizza Haven, and I could not have been more excited. 3 In fact, I was so excited that I rushed to get ready much faster than I typically do. 4 "I'm ready to go!" I shouted, bouncing down the stairs and flying into the kitchen, where my mom was making breakfast. 5 "I have so much to learn and don't want to be late," I declared for emphasis. 6 My mom just grinned and placed a steaming plate of eggs before me. Which best revises sentence 3 to make it more precise?
Because I was so nervous, I could not stop thinking about my new job even as I rushed to shower and get ready faster than I ever had.
Read the facts about Mary Wollstonecraft. · Lived during the time of the American and French Revolutions · Published A Vindication of the Rights of Woman in 1792 (in response to a French government report advocating that women should be educated only for household duties) · Was embraced by twentieth-century women's rights advocates Now read the passage from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. In the present state of society, it appears necessary to go back to first principles in search of the most simple truths, and to dispute with some prevailing prejudice every inch of ground. Based on the facts, which inference about the passage is justified?
By challenging accepted principles, Wollstonecraft was one of the first proponents of women's rights.
Read the passage from The Iliad. Thus he spoke, and they all held their peace, till Menelaus of the loud battle-cry addressed them. "And now," he said, "hear me too, for it is I who am the most aggrieved. I deem that the parting of Achaeans and Trojans is at hand, as well it may be, seeing how much have suffered for my quarrel with Alexandrus and the wrong he did me. Let him who shall die, die, and let the others fight no more." Menelaus most strongly affects the epic plot through his
compelling speech
In The Iliad, one reason Hector can be considered an epic hero is because he
conveys a message
Read the passage from The Iliad. When Hector heard this he was glad, and went about among the Trojan ranks holding his spear by the middle to keep them back, and they all sat down at his bidding . . . Based on the passage, which description best characterizes Hector?
He is an epic hero because he is a brave leader.
A reader using a historical lens to analyze a text will be most concerned with
culture and events.
Read the excerpts from Samuel Johnson's preface to A Dictionary of the English Language. In both excerpts, the word endeavour means to
make an effort or attempt, or to try.
Read the passage from The Farewell Speech. Shall they, think you, escape unpunished that have oppressed you, and have been respectless of their duty and regardless our honour? No, I assure you, Mr Speaker, were it not more for conscience' sake than for any glory or increase of love that I desire, these errors, troubles, vexations and oppressions done by these varlets and lewd persons not worthy of the name of subjects should not escape without condign punishment. Which best describes Queen Elizabeth's speaking style in the passage?
She appeals to her audience through their emotions.
Read the historical fact. In medieval England, there was great tension between the Saxons and the Normans. When reading Ivanhoe, it is helpful to know this fact because it explains
why there is tension between the two sides in the tournament.
Which is an example of a proper focus for an essay?
the biggest snowstorms of the decade
Read the excerpt from Hamlet, Act I, Scene i. Marcellus: What! has this thing appear'd again to-night? Bernardo: I have seen nothing. Marcellus: Horatio says 'tis but our fantasy, And will not let belief take hold of him Touching this dreaded sight twice seen of us: Therefore I have entreated him along With us to watch the minutes of this night; What is the effect of this dialogue?
It creates an air of suspense in the plot.
Which evaluation of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman makes an accurate conclusion about Wollstonecraft's beliefs and correctly supports it with text evidence?
Wollstonecraft writes, "Such deeply rooted prejudices have clouded reason." This supports the idea that she believes people must overcome existing prejudices to reason correctly.
Elementary school students are not ____________ to talk while the teacher reads __________ after lunch. Which words complete the sentence correctly?
allowed, aloud
Which detail from Gilgamesh: A New English Version is the best example of an intervention by a supernatural force?
A voice from heaven tells Gilgamesh to attack Humbaba.
What is the overall purpose of Queen Elizabeth's Address to the Troops at Tilbury?
to inform the troops of their obligations
Read the excerpt from Act II of Hamlet. Guildenstern: Which dreams, indeed, are ambition, for the very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream. Hamlet: A dream itself is but a shadow. Rosencrantz: Truly, and I hold ambition of so airy and light a quality that it is but a shadow's shadow. In this excerpt, the characters describe the nature of
dreams and ambition by using metaphors.
Which excerpts from Act III of Hamlet show that plot events have resulted in Claudius feeling guilty? Check all that apply.
2 4 5
Read the excerpt from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. In 1574 the city authorities are given powers to restrict playhouses, forcing the actors to find new premises in the suburbs. This becomes a golden opportunity for John Brayne and his brother-in-law, James Burbage, who in 1576 build a new theater, simply called The Theatre, at Shoreditch, just half a mile north of Bishopsgate. The following year a second theater, the Curtain, is built just two hundred yards away. Despite some heavy opposition from Puritan preachers and moralists, both theaters are successful. Which event happened third?
The Curtain, a second theater in the area, was built.
Read the excerpt from Act III of Hamlet. For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of dispriz'd love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Based on this part of the soliloquy, which best describes Hamlet's perception of life?
He believes that life is full of pain and suffering.
Which words contain an affix? Check all that apply.
2 4 5 6
Read the passage from Beowulf. "We are retainers from Hygelac's band. Beowulf is my name. If your lord and master, the most renowned son of Halfdane, will hear me out and graciously allow me to greet him in person, I am ready and willing to report my errand." How did Seamus Heaney incorporate Old English poetry elements in this modern translation?
His punctuation copies the half-lines used in Old English poetry.
Which of these were challenges in England during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? Check all that apply.
1 3
Read the sentences. The wind whipped the branches into a frenzy. It looked like the tree was doing a crazy dance. Which revision correctly uses a subordinating conjunction to combine the sentences?
The wind whipped the branches into a frenzy until it looked like the tree was doing a crazy dance.
Read the excerpt from the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson. We, therefore, the Representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States . . How does Jefferson use ethos as a rhetorical appeal?
by establishing the source of the representatives' authority
Which sentence should be revised to have a formal style and objective language?
The long winters in New England sometimes feel like they last forever.
Read the passage from The Farewell Speech. I do assure you there is no prince that loves his subjects better, or whose love can countervail our love. There is no jewel, be it of never so rich a price, which I set before this jewel: I mean your love. For I do esteem it more than any treasure or riches; for that we know how to prize, but love and thanks I count invaluable. The repetition of the word "love" is effective because it
emphasizes the speaker's respect and affection for the audience.
Read the excerpt from "A Modest Proposal." I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavouring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the publick good of my country, by advancing our trade, providing for infants, relieving the poor, and giving some pleasure to the rich. I have no children, by which I can propose to get a single penny; the youngest being nine years old, and my wife past child-bearing. Which statement best describes how irony is used in this excerpt?
Swift states that he is speaking from "the sincerity in [his] heart."
In The Farewell Speech, Queen Elizabeth's use of first-person point of view
allows her to share her personal thoughts and ideas.
Read the excerpt from Act I of Hamlet. Ghost: Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole, With juice of cursed hebona in a vial, And in the porches of mine ears did pour The leperous distilment; whose effect Holds such an enmity with blood of man That swift as quicksilver it courses through The natural gates and alleys of the body. Which correctly analyzes the use of figurative language in the excerpt?
The simile compares the poison to a fast-moving, toxic element, emphasizing its deadliness.
If Kaya wanted to analyze the development of the central ideas in The Farewell Speech, which questions should she ask herself? Check all that apply.
1 2 5
ead the excerpt from Act IV of Hamlet. Claudius: Good Laertes, If you desire to know the certainty Of your dear father's death, is 't writ in your revenge, That, swoopstake, you will draw both friend and foe, Winner and loser? Laertes: None but his enemies. Claudius: Will you know them then? Laertes: To his good friends thus wide I'll ope my arms; And like the kind life-rendering pelican, Repast them with my blood. How does this confrontation advance the plot?
The suspense builds as Claudius clarifies Laertes's goal.
Read the paragraph. A little bit of planning can reap financial rewards. Consider Franco, who chooses to stash his allowance in a piggy bank until a need arises. Weeks later, Franco has money to spend on a meaningful item, unlike a hasty individual who splurges on candy. And study Lorena, the employee who refuses to spend a cent of her raise, opting to put the extra money in a high-interest account. Lorena resists the urge to spend extravagantly, and she is prepared when she is ready to buy a car or home. And of course, there is always the savvy investor who sees the potential in a new company and purchases inexpensive stock. When the company grows, so does the investor's money. Which activities support the central idea about financial planning? Check all that apply.
1 3 5
Read the excerpt from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. Rich landowners do not normally sell their grain immediately after the harvest is in, when prices are low; instead they store it until the numerous small-scale producers have sold all theirs and prices go up again. Pig farmers keep their flitches of bacon back in storage until they can get a better price for them later in the winter. Such tactics are made even more profitable by the unhappy fact that harvests can fail, causing local—and sometimes national—food shortages. What inference can be made about both rich landowners and pig farmers, based on this excerpt?
They cared more about making a profit than charging fair prices.
Read the excerpt from A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. I have repeatedly asserted, and produced what appeared to me irrefragable arguments drawn from matters of fact, to prove my assertion, that women cannot, by force, be confined to domestic concerns; for they will, however ignorant, intermeddle with more weighty affairs, neglecting private duties only to disturb, by cunning tricks, the orderly plans of reason which rise above their comprehension. This idea enhances Wollstonecraft's argument by
suggesting that women's natural curiosity will lead to trickery if it is not nurtured through education.
Read the excerpt from The Canterbury Tales. But, sirs, there's one thing I forgot to add: I've got relics and pardons in my bag As good as anybody's in England, All given to me by the Pope's own hand. If any here should wish, out of devotion, To make an offering, and have absolution, Let them come forward now, and kneeling down Humbly receive my blessing and pardon. What feature of medieval life is reflected in the passage?
the Pope's authority
Read the passage from Act V of Hamlet. Hamlet: Let me see.—[Takes the skull.]—Alas! poor Yorick. I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. The main topic of the passage is