Part 3: Text Structure In An Informational Text Quiz

20 August 2022
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Which excerpt from the text signals the sequence of events?
"At the start of the reign the majority of productions are miracle plays . . ."
What does a chronological text structure use to signal the sequence of time?
words or dates
Read the excerpt from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. By the end of the reign he [Jonson] has married, had two children and lost one, tried to become an actor and failed, become a playwright, been arrested for a scurrilous play and released, killed another actor in a duel, been arrested again and put on trial for murder, and escaped hanging by pleading benefit of the clergy. The play for which he is arrested, The Isle of Dogs, coauthored with Thomas Nashe, is so slanderous and offensive that the privy council orders the closure not just of the play but of every theater in London. Which event most directly caused the council to order the closure of all theaters in London?
Jonson and Nashe writing The Isle of Dogs
What should a reader consider when tracing chronological text structure? Check all that apply.
-the causal relationships between events -the responses and reactions to events -the factors that influence events
Descriptive details help the reader
envision a concept or scenario.
Which excerpt from the text signals the sequence of events?
"Eight years later Francis Langley erects the Swan . . ."
Organization, tone, and word choice should be considered when evaluating effective
text structure and style.
Read the excerpt from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. More theaters open their doors to the public. The Rose is built by Philip Henslowe at Southwark, not far from the bear-baiting and bull-baiting arenas, in 1587. Eight years later Francis Langley erects the Swan on a site nearby; and in 1596 Richard Burbage builds the Blackfriars Theatre, an indoor venue, although it does not open its doors until 1599. Which theater opened last?
Read the excerpt from The Time Traveler's Guide to Elizabethan England. Eight years later Francis Langley erects the Swan on a site nearby; and in 1596 Richard Burbage builds the Blackfriars Theatre, an indoor venue, although it does not open its doors until 1599. Most important of all, Shakespeare, Richard and Cuthbert Burbage, and their partners dismantle The Theatre and remove its beams to a new site at Southwark, where it is rebuilt in 1599 as the Globe. When Edward Alleyn builds the Fortune on the northern edge of the city in 1600, the array of Elizabethan theaters is complete. How does the author effectively show the establishment of Elizabethan theaters?
by listing in chronological order when several important theaters were built.
Which excerpt most effectively conveys a conversational and engaging tone?
"You will see people standing in hats with pipes in hand, and women in their headdresses, all chatting, with an eye open for people they know."