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26 August 2022
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The rigid conventions of opera seria were shaped largely by
Explanation: the demands of aristocratic patrons.Opera seria was a form of opera that was popular in the 18th century. It was characterized by its use of arias and its focus on serious subjects. The rigid conventions of opera seria were shaped largely by the demands of aristocratic patrons. These patrons were often wealthy nobles who wanted to see operas that reflected their own high status. They demanded operas that were formal and dignified, and that avoided the vulgarity and violence that was often found in other forms of opera. As a result, opera seria tended to be highly stylized and focused on noble characters and heroic deeds.
How did comic opera differ from opera seria
Explanation: Comic opera differed from opera seria in a few key ways. First, comic opera was usually shorter than opera seria. Second, comic opera often featured spoken dialogue, while opera seria was sung throughout. Third, comic opera tended to have a lighter, more comedic tone, while opera seria was usually more serious and dramatic. Finally, comic opera typically had simpler, more catchy melodies, while opera seria often featured longer, more complex musical passages.
Which of the following was NOT a new type of opera intended to reflect simplicity and real human emotions
opera seria
Mozart's librettist for Don Giovanni was
Lorenzo da Ponte.
Explanation: Lorenzo Da Ponte.Lorenzo Da Ponte was a librettist who worked with Mozart on a number of operas, including Don Giovanni. He was born in 1749 in Venice, and his first opera was produced in 1773. He worked as a librettist for a number of years, before moving to the United States in 1805, where he taught Italian and worked as a grocer. He died in 1838.
Which of the following descriptions characterizes the story of Don Giovanni?
It mixes elements of opera seria and opera buffa
Explanation: The story of Don Giovanni is a story of a man who is consumed by his own appetites. He is a man who is always looking for new experiences and new conquests. He is a man who is willing to go to any lengths to satisfy his desires. He is a man who is always looking for new ways to gratify his lusts.
Don Giovanni attempts to console Donna Elvira, who has been betrayed by:
Explanation: Don Giovanni attempts to console Donna Elvira by telling her that she is not the only one who has been betrayed. He says that he has been betrayed by many women and that it is a part of life. He tells her that she should not let one bad experience ruin her life and that she should move on.
The tone of the Catalogue Aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni is
Explanation: ?The tone of the Catalogue Aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni is light and playful. The aria is sung by the character Don Giovanni, who is a womanizer. In the aria, he is listing all of the women he has slept with. The tone is meant to be mocking and arrogant.
The Catalogue Aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni lists Don Giovanni's
Explanation: sexual conquestsThe Catalogue Aria from Mozart's Don Giovanni is a list of all of the sexual conquests of the title character. In the aria, Don Giovanni boasts of his sexual exploits to Leporello, his servant. He claims to have slept with over a thousand women, including married women, virgins, and even nuns. He brags about his conquests in various cities and countries, and Leporello is both impressed and horrified by his boss's promiscuity.
Comic opera generally was sung in the language of the audience, or the vernacular.
Explanation: Comic opera generally refers to a type of opera that was popular in the 18th and 19th centuries. These operas were typically characterized by light-hearted, often humorous plots, and were sung in the language of the audience, or the vernacular. This made them more accessible to a wider range of people than those operas sung in Latin or other languages.
In the latter part of the eighteenth century, new opera types were developed that featured naturalness and simplicity
Explanation: In the latter part of the eighteenth century, a new style of opera was developed that emphasized naturalness and simplicity. This new style was a reaction against the elaborate, artificial style that had dominated opera for many years. The new style was more realistic, and it sought to portray human emotions and experiences more accurately. This change in opera was part of a broader movement in the arts, known as the Enlightenment, which emphasized reason and individualism.
Opera buffa was typically serious in tone, with plots dealing with historical or legendary figures
Explanation:In the latter part of the eighteenth century, a new style of opera was developed that emphasized naturalness and simplicity. This new style was a reaction against the elaborate, artificial style that had dominated opera for many years. The new style was more realistic, and it sought to portray human emotions and experiences more accurately. This change in opera was part of a broader movement in the arts, known as the Enlightenment, which emphasized reason and individualism.
Mozart's Don Giovanni is a comic opera about a legendary lover
Explanation: .Mozart's Don Giovanni is a comic opera about a legendary lover. The opera is set in Spain during the 17th century and follows the story of Don Giovanni, a young nobleman who is known for his womanizing ways. The opera culminates with a dramatic confrontation between Don Giovanni and the ghost of the man he killed, which leads to his downfall.
Mozart's Don Giovanni is an example of pure opera seria
Explanation: .Opera seria is a form of opera that was popular in the 18th century. It is characterized by its use of arias and recitative, as well as its focus on serious topics. Mozart's Don Giovanni is a prime example of this form of opera, as it tells the story of the titular character's descent into crime and eventual punishment.
Don Giovanni is Mozart's only major opera
Explanation: where the protagonist dies at the endIn Mozart's other operas, the protagonists are generally redeemed by the end of the story. However, in Don Giovanni, the title character dies as a result of his own hubris and refusal to repent for his many crimes. This makes the story much more tragic, and serves as a warning against leading a life of excess and debauchery.