Human Use Of Land

25 August 2022
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Explain what type of logging would most likely necessitate reforestation afterwards.
Clear-cutting logging would be more likely to necessitate reforestation afterwards than selective cutting. Clear-cutting removes all trees in an area and results in more significant environmental damage, making it more difficult for the trees to regrow naturally. With selective cutting only some of the trees are harvested, so the overall ecosystem is preserved which makes it more likely that trees will be able to regrow naturally.
How many wilderness areas are there in the United States? a. 25 b. 50 c. 120 d. 474
Explain why the populations of great apes in Africa are declining.
Deforestation in Africa as a result of logging for agriculture and human settlement are destroying the great apes' native habitats. Every year over 13,000 square kilometers of forest is being cleared which may lead to the extinction of Africa's great apes within 20 years
Which of the following are possible consequences of logging in forests? a. habitat destruction b. deforestation c. erosion d. all of the above
Which of the following is not a negative impact of pesticide use? a. toxic to insects b. promotion of pesticide resistance in insects c. harmful to wildlife d. pollution
When animals feed off of land faster than the plants can regrow, the land is _______. a. below its carrying capacity b. forested c. overgrazed d. depleted
Explain why biological control methods are generally environmentally superior to chemical pest control methods.
Chemical pest control methods like pesticides are often toxic to many plants and animals and can be pollutants in the environment. Biological control methods, however, make use of natural methods of controlling pests that do not generally pollute or harm other organisms in the environment.
Explain why clear-cutting is a more destructive method of wood harvesting that selective cutting.
Clear-cutting removes all the trees in an area, leaving none behind to provide cover for delicate topsoil or homes for wildlife. This in turn leads to soil erosion and the destruction of soil fertility as well as removing the trees needed to produce seeds for natural forest growth to proceed. Clear-cutting also forces animals to seek out new homes and forces populations out of their native territory.
California's rice fields are _______. a. visited by migrating waterfowl b. flooded during the summer c. a source of wild bird meat d. all of the above
What is meant by the unexpected consequences of environmental manipulation?
Sometimes when humans manipulate their environment consequences other than those predicted also occur. These unexpected and unintended consequences are generally negative, such as happened with the green revolution where the overuse of fertilizer eventually led to lower crop yields. Specifically, unexpected consequences can refer to consequences that were not intended to occur as a result of the environmental manipulation.