Grammar: Personal Pronoun Usage

23 August 2022
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Which sentence correctly uses a pronoun in the possessive case as an adjective? A. I feel much safer performing stunts on hers black horse. B. I feel much safer performing stunts on mine black horse. C. I feel much safer performing stunts on our black horse. D. I feel much safer performing stunts on yours black horse.
C. I feel much safer performing stunts on our black horse
Which sentence correctly uses a pronoun in the objective case as an indirect object? A. They gave Team USA a standing ovation at the end of their performance. B. The crowd gave them a standing ovation at the end of their performance. C. Our team received a standing ovation at the end of our performance. D. Team USA received a standing ovation at the end of their performance.
B. The crowd gave them a standing ovation at the end of their performance
Nathan Heinz, __________ many consider a highly skilled vaulter, will be competing today. Which personal pronoun completes the sentence? a. whose b. who c.whom d. whoever
C. whom
The music will be played softly when it is our turn to enter the ring. Determine the case and function of the underlined pronoun our. A. possessive; direct object B. nominative; subject C. objective; indirect object D. possessive; adjective
D. possessive; adjective
Pronouns in the objective case may function as __________. A. subjects B. objects C. adjectives D. predicate nominatives
B. objects
An ambiguous reference occurs when a pronoun __________. A. may refer to two or more antecedents B. refers to an unknown antecedent C. modifies an adjective, adverb, or verb D. functions as the object of a preposition
A. may refer to two or more antecedents
The trainer choreographed a routine that helped them win it. Identify the case of the underlined pronoun (it) as well as the antecedent to which it refers. A. objective; ambiguous B. nominative; trainer C. possessive; routine D. objective; indefinite
D. objective; indefinite
Pronouns in the nominative case may function as __________. A. gerunds B. objects C. adjectives D. subjects
D. subjects
Which sentence correctly uses a pronoun in the nominative case as a subject? A. Stefani and me stretch for thirty minutes prior to our vaulting competition. B. Prior to our vaulting competition, Stefani and I stretch for thirty minutes. C. Our team stretches for thirty minutes prior to our vaulting competition. D. Their trainer requires that the team members stretch for thirty minutes prior to a vaulting competition.
B. Prior to our vaulting competition, Stafani and I stretch for thirty minutes
A weak or indefinite reference occurs when a pronoun __________. A. functions as the object of a preposition B. modifies an adjective, adverb, or verb C. refers to an unknown antecedent D. may refer to two or more antecedents
C. refers to an unknown antecedent
Natasha expressed to Carol that she was nervous about the dangerous aerial stunt chosen by the trainer. Identify the case of the underlined pronoun as well as the antecedent to which it refers. A. nominative; Natasha B. possessive; ambiguous C. objective; Carol D. nominative; trainer
A. nominative; Natasha
Which possessive pronoun may function as an adjective? A. ours B. mine C. my D. yours
C. my
The music will be played softly when it is our turn to enter the ring. Determine the case and function of the underlined pronoun. A. possessive; direct object B. nominative; subject C. objective; indirect object D. possessive; adjective
D. possessive; adjective
The trainer choreographed a routine that helped them win it. Identify the case of the underlined pronoun as well as the antecedent to which it refers. A. objective; ambiguous B. nominative; trainer C. possessive; routine D. objective; indefinite
D. objective; indefinite