Freestanding Sculptures

28 August 2022
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Can a sculpture in the round be appreciated fully if it is viewed from only one angle? Explain what occurs, and what can be noticed, when a sculpture in the round is viewed from all angles.
A sculpture in the round is designed to be view, and cannot be fully appreciate or understood from a single angle. When looking at a sculpture in the round from all angles, our focus changes and we notice different features. We notice that the staging, or the parts that appear to overlap at a given angle, changes depending on the angle we are looking from. The division of positive and negative space changes depending on the viewing angle.
In sculpture, what is modeling? Name two benefits to this technique of sculpture.
Modeling is the process of forming a pliable medium with hands or tools. Modeling is one of the least expensive and easiest of sculpting techniques.
List the primary materials used in sculpture.
ā€¢ cast bronze (lost wax) ā€¢ bronze(bonded or cold cast) ā€¢ marble (bonded or cold cast) ā€¢ sculptured marble ā€¢ clay and terracotta ā€¢ fiberglass ā€¢ soapstone ā€¢ aluminum ā€¢ Durastone
What must an artist consider before creating a sculpture in the round? Why do you rarely see figures, in sculptures in the round, unposed (standing straight up)?
An artist must consider how the sculpture will look from all angles, in other words whether the sculpture will be interesting and pleasing from all angles. Figures are rarely unposed because the artist wants the viewer to have different and interesting details to take in, no matter what angle the sculpture is looked at from.
Define the term, sculpture in the round. How is sculpture more representational and communicative than other forms of art?
A sculpture in the round is a three dimensional art that is meant to be seen from all sides. Answers may vary, but should be similar to the following: Sculpture allows the artist a greater degree of freedom. It also communicates forms, figures, movement, and dynamic shapes, among others.
How is casting done in sculpture? What is the lost wax method?
Casting is a substitution process in which the artist models an image in a soft medium such as wax, and then replaces it with something more durable such as bronze. First a wax model is created. This model is a replica of what the finished product with look like. This model is then heated until the wax is lost - hence the term "lost wax" casting. Then the mold is filled with the desired material, such as bronze.
In sculpture, what does carving refer to? What influences the materials an artist chooses when creating a carving? Provide one example of a carving from the lecture, including the name and material it was sculpted out of.
Carving is the use of tools to chip away at a base in order to produce the sculpture. The materials an artist chooses depends on cost, and availability of both tools and materials. An example of a carving is, Fu Lions, which was sculpted out of ivory.
In sculpting, what is assemblage? What feature is unique to assemblage sculpture? In what type of art is assemblage most common?
Assemblage is an additive process where artists construct work by putting together objects and attaches them in some way. Assemblage sculpture can include a variety of materials in the same sculpture, where as other types of sculpture may only be made out of one or perhaps two materials. Assemblage allows the artist a great degree of freedom. Assemblage sculpture is most common in modern art.
What technique was used to create this sculpture? What materials were used?
This sculpture was carved out of limestone. After it was carved, it was painted and gilded, meaning it had gold details.
Name the sculpture shown above and its artist. Where is this sculpture located? What can we notice about this sculpture?
This sculpture is entitled Pieta, and was sculpted by Michelangelo. It is located inside St. Peter's Basilica, inside the Vatican. The main thing we can notice is that the light hits the different figures and parts of the sculpture so that each casts shadows onto one another.