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Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, is a legendary creature believed to inhabit forests and wilderness areas in North America. While its existence has yet to be scientifically proven, Sasquatch sightings have been reported for centuries and are still being reported today.The earliest documented accounts of Sasquatch date back to the 1700s when Native American tribes from the Pacific Northwest told stories about an ape-like creature that lived in dense forests and was incredibly strong and fast. The stories described a large ape-like creature that was covered in fur with a height ranging from 6-10 feet tall. The creature’s footprints were said to measure nearly 24 inches long and 8 inches wide.In the early 1900s, reports of Sasquatch sightings began to appear in newspapers across the United States. Sightings were reported all over North America with some of the most famous occurring in California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains and Washington state’s Olympic National Park. In addition, stories circulated of people hearing strange vocalizations coming from deep within forests at night which only added fuel to the legend of Sasquatch. Today, many researchers believe that there are actually two distinct species of Sasquatch: one inhabiting western North America and one inhabiting eastern North America due to differences between reports from both geographic locations. Some believe that these two species may even be related or descended from an ancient common ancestor that lived long ago – however this theory remains unproven as no physical evidence has yet been found linking them together or proving their existence either way. Despite lack of scientific proof, belief in Sasquatch continues today with thousands of people claiming they have seen the creature or heard its vocalizations throughout North America’s wilderness areas – leaving some hopeful that someday science will catch up with popular belief.

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