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Which of the following is not true about a relation? A) A relation is a two-dimensional table. B) The cells of a relation must hold a single value. C) A relation may have duplicate column names. D) A relation may not have duplicate rows. E) The order of the rows of a relation is insignificant.
C) A relation may have duplicate column names.
Which of the following is true about a relation? A) The order of the columns in a relation must go from largest to smallest. B) All entries in any column must be of the same kind. C) A relation may have duplicate column names. D) A relation may have duplicate rows. E) A relation may have multiple names.
B) All entries in any column must be of the same kind.
Which of the following terms is synonymous with "tuple"? A) Attribute B) Table C) Field D) Row E) Relation
D) Row
Which of the following terms is synonymous with "relation"? A) Attribute B) Table C) Record D) Row E) Tuple
B) Table
Which of the following is true about a key? A) It may be unique. B) It may be non-unique. C) In may identify more than one row. D) Both A and B E) All of the above
B) It may be non-unique.
A key that contains more than one attribute is called a(n): A) composite key. B) complex key. C) multi-key. D) n-key. E) candidate key.
A) composite key.
A primary key is: A) required to be unique. B) used to represent rows in relationships. C) a candidate key. D) used to identify unique rows. E) All of the above
E) All of the above
A candidate key is: A) required to be unique. B) used to represent rows in relationships. C) a candidate to be the primary key. D) Both A and B E) Both A and C
E) Both A and C
When the primary key of one relation is placed into a second relation, it is called a: A) field key. B) referential integrity. C) foreign key. D) candidate key. E) relocated key.
C) foreign key.
STUDENT (SID, StudentName, Major, AdvisorID) ADVISOR (AdvisorID, AdvisorName, Office, Phone) Given the relations above such that each student is assigned to one advisor, which of the following is true? A) SID is both a primary key and a foreign key. B) AdvisorName is a determinant. C) AdvisorID is a foreign key. D) Phone is a candidate key. E) Major is a candidate key.
C) AdvisorID is a foreign key.
A rule that requires that the values in a foreign key must have a matching value in the primary key to which the foreign key corresponds is called: A) normalization. B) a referential integrity constraint. C) a key matching constraint. D) a functional dependency. E) synchronization.
B) a referential integrity constraint.
A surrogate key may be appropriate under which of the following circumstances? A) The available candidate keys would produce a lot of data duplication when representing relationships. B) The primary key is numeric. C) The available candidate keys would be prone to typographical errors. D) The available candidate keys have little meaning to the users. E) Both A and C
E) Both A and C
Which of the following is not true of surrogate keys? A) They are meaningful to the users. B) They are numeric. C) They are usually generated by the DBMS. D) They are unique. E) They are usually hidden on forms and reports.
A) They are meaningful to the users.
In SQL Server, the starting value of a surrogate key is called the: A) Identity. B) Identity Increment. C) Identity Start. D) Identity Seed. E) Identity Property.
D) Identity Seed.
Which of the following is not true about null values? A) A null value can mean that the value is unknown. B) A null value is ambiguous. C) A null value can mean that the value is known to be blank. D) A null value can mean that no value for the field is appropriate. E) Null values cannot be avoided.
E) Null values cannot be avoided.
MedicineCode ā†’ (MedicineName, ShelfLife, Manufacturer, Dosage) Given the above functional dependency, which of the following statement is not known to be true? A) MedicineCode is a determinant. B) MedicineName is a determinant. C) Manufacturer is functionally dependent on MedicineCode. D) ShelfLife is functionally dependent on MedicineCode. E) MedicineCode is a candidate key of the relation MEDICINE (MedicineName, ShelfLife, Manufacturer, Dosage, MedicineCode).
B) MedicineName is a determinant.
Which of the following functional dependency diagrams accurately represents the following situation: ā€¢ A campus has many buildings. ā€¢ Each building has a unique name. ā€¢ Each building has many rooms. ā€¢ All rooms in any given building are numbered sequentially starting at "101." ā€¢ Each room has a certain capacity, although many rooms in the same building or different buildings may have the same capacity. ā€¢ Each room is assigned to a single department. ā€¢ A department may have many rooms in one or more buildings, each with the same or different capacities. A) BuildingName ā†’ (RoomNumber, Capacity, Department) B) RoomNumber ā†’ (BuildingName, Department, Capacity) C) (Department, Capacity) ā†’ (BuildingName, RoomNumber) D) (BuildingName, Capacity) ā†’ (Department, RoomNumber) E) (BuildingName, RoomNumber) ā†’ (Capacity, Department)
E) (BuildingName, RoomNumber) ā†’ (Capacity, Department)
One important relational design principle is that: A) every determinant must be a candidate key. B) every candidate key must not be a determinant. C) every primary key must be a surrogate key. D) every determinant must be functionally dependent on the primary key. E) every primary key must be functionally dependent on every determinant.
A) every determinant must be a candidate key.
During the normalization process, the remedy for a relation that is not well formed is to: A) create a surrogate key. B) create a functional dependency. C) break it into two or more relations that are well formed. D) combine it with another relation that is well formed. E) convert it into a list.
C) break it into two or more relations that are well formed.
A table that meets the requirements of a relation is said to be in which normal form? A) Relational normal form (RNF) B) First normal form C) Second normal form D) Boyce-Codd normal form E) Domain/key normal form
B) First normal form
The first step of the normalization process is to: A) identify all the candidate keys of a relation. B) identify all the foreign keys of a relation. C) identify all the functional dependencies of a relation. D) identify all the determinants of a relation. E) split the relation into two or more new relations.
A) identify all the candidate keys of a relation.
In the normalization process, it is not necessary to: A) identify all the candidate keys of a relation. B) identify all the foreign keys of a relation. C) identify all the functional dependencies of a relation. D) identify all the determinants of a relation. E) determine if every determinant is a candidate key.
B) identify all the foreign keys of a relation.
In the normalization process, if you find a candidate key that is not a primary key then you should: A) place the columns of the functional dependency in a new relation. B) make the determinant of the functional dependency the primary key of the new relation. C) leave a copy of the determinant as a foreign key in the original relation. D) All of the above E) None of the above
E) None of the above
In the normalization process, if you find a candidate key that is not a determinant then you should: A) place the columns of the functional dependency in a new relation. B) make the determinant of the functional dependency the primary key of the new relation. C) leave a copy of the determinant as a foreign key in the original relation. D) All of the above E) None of the above
E) None of the above
In the normalization process, if you find that every determinant in a relation is a candidate key then you have determined that: A) the relation is well formed. B) the relation needs to be broken into two or more new relations. C) surrogate keys in the relation may not be correctly linked to other relations. D) the relation needs to have foreign keys added in order to be correctly linked to other relations. E) referential integrity constraints concerning the relation need to be established.
A) the relation is well formed.
Although Microsoft Access is a personal database, it is still subject to the following modification problem(s): A) problems adding data. B) problems changing data. C) problems deleting data. D) All of the above E) None of the above
D) All of the above
In Microsoft Access, relationships between tables are created: A) by the Relationships button on the Create command tab. B) by the Relationships button on the Home command tab. C) in the Relationships window. D) in the Table window of the table containing the primary key. E) in the Table window of the table containing the foreign key.
C) in the Relationships window.
In Microsoft Access, a relationship between two tables is created: A) by entering the name of the foreign key in the appropriate table in Design View. B) by entering the name of the primary key in the appropriate table in Design View. C) by dragging the primary key column of one table onto the foreign key column of the other table in the Relationships window. D) by dragging the foreign key column of one table onto the primary key column of the other table in the Relationships window. E) by dragging the primary key column of one table onto the primary key column of the other table in the Relationships window.
C) by dragging the primary key column of one table onto the foreign key column of the other table in the Relationships window.
In Microsoft Access, referential integrity constraints are created: A) by setting a property value on the primary key in the table which contains it. B) by setting a property value on the foreign key in the table which contains it. C) by setting a property value on the primary key in the Relationships window. D) by setting a property value on the foreign key in the Relationships window. E) by checking the Enforce Referential Integrity check box in the Edit Relationships dialog box.
E) by checking the Enforce Referential Integrity check box in the Edit Relationships dialog box.
In Microsoft Access, the relationship between two tables is not actually created until: A) the OK button in the Create Relationships dialog box is clicked. B) the Create button in the Create Relationships dialog box is clicked. C) the OK button in the Edit Relationships dialog box is clicked. D) the Create button in the Edit Relationships dialog box is clicked. E) the Join button in the Edit Relationships dialog box is clicked.
D) the Create button in the Edit Relationships dialog box is clicked.
Surrogate key values have no meaning to the users.
To represent a relationship in the relational model, the primary key of one relation is placed into a second relation.
If the condition exists such that knowing the value of attribute X determines the value of attribute Y, then attribute Y is functionally dependent on attribute X
Since surrogate keys are used to uniquely identify rows, their values are normally displayed prominently on all forms and reports for the users to see.
Candidate keys may or may not be unique.