CNA 21 Skills

10 September 2022
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1. Hand washing
1. Turn on the faucet so that clothes do not touch the sink 2. Wet wrists & hands (lower than elbow level) 3. Soap to hands 4. Wash with friction for 15-20 secs 5. Rinse with fingers pointed down 6. Dry hands with paper towels & toss 7. Use dry towel to turn faucet off & dispose
2A. Oral hygiene: teeth
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Position resident & put towel across chest 3. Rinse mouth with mixture of 1/2 water & 1/2 mouthwash 4. Have emesis basin under chin to spit out 5. Brush teeth 6. Dispose of equipment
2B. Oral hygiene: dentures
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Take dentures & place in a paper lined basin 3. Place washcloth or paper in sink to avoid breakage 4. Brush teeth with toothpaste or denture cleanser 5. Rinse with cool water 6. Dispose of equipment
3A. Shave a resident: razor
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Position resident & put towel across chest 3. With basin full of warm water, apply warm washcoth to soften 4. Apply shaving cream/soap 5. With taut skin & going in the direction of growth. Rinse as needed. 6. Wash off the rest of soap/cream with washcloth 7. Apply aftershave as appropriate 8. Dispose of razor
3B. Shave a resident: electric shave
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Position resident & put towel across chest 3. Make sure razor is clean & that resident has clean & dry face 4. With taut skin & going in the direction of growth. 5. Clean razor after use 6. Apply aftershave as appropriate
4. Nail care
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Fill basin with warm water 3. Soak resident hands for 10 mins & dry 4. Clean under the nails 5. Trim one at a time 6. File 7. Apply lotion as needed
5A. Perineal care: female
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Fill basin with warm water & have washcloth ready 3. Provide privacy. Cover the resident appropriately to avoid exposure. 4. Place waterproof pad under butt 5. Wet washcloth & apply cleansing solution 6. Separate labia, cleaning front to back, using clean area of cloth with each downward motion. Use additional cloths as needed. 7. Turn patient on side, facing away, clean anal area by washing front to back 8. Remove waterproof pad & discard it
5B. Perineal care: male
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Fill basin with warm water & have washcloths ready 3. Provide privacy. Cover the resident appropriately to avoid exposure 4. Place waterproof pad under butt 5. Wet washcloth & apply cleansing solution 6. Grasp penis, cleaning tip in circular motion, wash down shaft of penis, & wash testicles. Use additional cloths as needed. 7. Turn patient on side, facing away, clean anal area by washing front to back 8. Remove waterproof pad & discard it
6. Partial bath:
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Position resident 3. Provide privacy. Cover the resident appropriately to avoid exposure 3. Fill basin with warm water & have washcloths ready 4. Wash face (nose to outside of face), ears, neck 5. Place towel under arm. Put patient's hand in water and wash. Wash the armpit. 6. Wash perineal areas 7. Dispose of linens 8. Prepare for dressing
7. Shower / Tub bath
1. Wash hands & put on gloves 2. Prepare resident to go in robe & slippers 3. Place towel on floor outside shower. 4. Adjust water temperature to resident preference 5. Wash, rinse, and dry in head to toe sequence 6. Shampoo hair as appropriate. Covering eyes. 7. Prepare resident to leave shower / tub area. 8. Comb hair was appropriate.
8. Occupied bed
1. Wash hands & put on gloves. 2. Remove top bedspread, keeping resident covered with sheet. 3. Flatten bed as allowed. Loosen sheets. Position resident on side with side rail up as needed. 4. Tuck dirty linen under individual 5. Replace bottom linen on first side, tucking corners & sides neatly. Put rail up as appropriate. 6. Re-position person on other side 7. Remove dirty linen away from clothing 8. Wash hands 9. Complete tucking in clean linens on other side 10. Re-position resident, placing clean top sheet over, and sliding dirty one away. 11. Tuck in clean sheet as indicated and top linen 12. Replace pillowcase under head. Place bed in appropriate position.
9. Dressing resident
1. Offer options and ask preference for resident's clean clothes 2. Select top, underwear, dress/pants, socks, and footwear as appropriate
10. Transferring resident to wheelchair
1. Lower bed to height of wheerchair 2. Position wheelchair at bedside & lock brakes 3. Assist resident to seated position & put on gait belt off center (about 1-2 fingers of space) 4. Apply non-skid footwear 5. Grasp belt on both sides with underhand grasp and assist with lift at the count of 3 6. Assist to stand 7. Pivot & sit in wheelchair 8. Place residents feet in footrests as applicable & align in wheelchair
11. Transfer using a mechanical lift
1. Apply appropriate lift for resident 2. Apply sling belt & attach to lift 3. Verify resident's readiness for transfer 4. Maneuver the lift safely 5. Lower the resident to wheelcahir 6. Disconnect sling belt from lift. Remove as applicable.
12. Ambulate with gait belt
1. Lock bed or chair as appropriate 2. Make sure resident has non-skid footwear 3. Assist resident to seated position & put on gait belt off center (about 1-2 fingers of space) 4. Grasp belt on both sides with underhand grasp and assist with lift at the count of 3 5. Assist to stand position 6. Stand at affected side while resident gains balance 7. Assisted to walk on the side and slightly behind. 8. Encourage them to strike the ground with heel first and avoid. Discourage shuffling or sliding. 9. Assist back to bed or chair and remove belt
13. Feeding a resident
1. Prepare resident for meal (wash hands/use toilet) 2. Position resident to seated position as appropriate 3. Match food tray with resident's diet order 4. Protect resident's clothing with bib/napkin 5. Make sure temperature of food is appropriate & feed moderate sized bites 6. Alternate liquids with solids and asking preference 7. Ensure food is swallowed 8. Clean resident as appropriate when completed
14. Calculate intake and output
1. Wrote down the intake and output amounts in units measured quantities (1 oz = 30 cc/mL) 2. Added all the measurements to measure output 3. Recorded total intake and output
15. Placing a resident in sidelying position
1. Raise side rail on unprotected side 2. Position resident on side in the center of the bed 3. Put pillows behind back, under head, between legs, and supporting dependent arm 4. Ensure good body alignment & raise side rails as appropriate
16. Perform passive range of motion
1. Demonstrate three different range of motion exercises 2. Elbow flex/ext, Shoulder abd/add, pro/sup, DF/PF, opposition 3. Observing reaction of resident during procedure 4. Noting resistance/pain during motion
17. Apply & remove PPE
1. Identify type of isolation required 2. Apply appropriate PPE outside of room 3. Mask, gown, gloves 4. Remove PPE inside isolation room 5. Remove gloves and wash hands 6. Remove gown (from clean inside and fold) and wash hands 7. Remove mask and wash hands
18A. Measure and Record: temp
1. Position resident seated or lying down 2. Activate thermometer & cover as appropriate 3. Place probe under tongue 4. Instruct resident to close mouth around thermometer 5. Read thermometer within +/- 0.2 degrees
18B. Measure and Record: pulse
1. Position resident seated or lying down 2. Locate radial pulse at wrist 3. Place fingers over radial artery 4. 30 or 60 seconds (60 for irregular beat) 5. Count pulses 6. Must tell when to start and end count 7. Recorded pulse within +/- 2 beats
18C. Measure and Record: respiration
1. Position resident seated or lying down 2. Position hand on wrist and across the chest for 30 or 60 sec 3. Count respirations 4. Must tell when to start and end count 5. Recorded respirations within +/- 2
19. Measure and record blood pressure
1. Clean earpieces of stethoscope 2. Position resident seated or lying down 3. Position the cuff above the elbow 4. Position the stethoscope above the brachial artery 5. Inflate the cuff per the instructor's direction 6. Identify the systolic over diastolic measures while deflating the cuff 7. Record the measures +/- 4 mm
20. Measure and record weight
1. Balance scale to zero 2. Place paper towels on scale platform 3. Assist individual to scale without footwear 4. Record the measures +/- 1/2 pound 5. Assist individual off scale
21. Measure and record height
1. Place paper towels on scale platform 2. Stand without shoes 3. Read height measurement 4. Record the height +/- 1/2 inch