Chapter 4: Multiple Choice

9 September 2022
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To provide the top-level formatting for a page, a style sheet commonly formats a. body and HTML5 semantic elements b. classes c. universal selectors d. attributes
body and HTML5 semantic elements
When you use an external style sheet with an HTML document, you get all but one of the benefits that follow. Which one is it? a. Your HTML files are smaller and simpler b. Your CSS files are easy to create and maintain c. You provide consistent formatting for all of the pages that use the style sheet d. You can modify the formatting for all of the related pages by changing one style sheet
your CSS files are easy to create and maintain
Which of the following units of measurement is equal to the font size for the current font? a. a pixel b. a point c. an em d. a percentage
an em
Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that you can specify a color in CSS? a. color: white; b. color: rgb(50%, 25%, 25%); c. color: getColor("red"); d. color: #cd5c5c;
color: getColor("red");
The RGBA and HSLA colors that are available with CSS3 let you specify a. the opacity of the color b. the concentration of the color c. a pattern for the color d. a name for the color
the opacity of the color
Which of the following is a valid selector for a class named menu? a. menu b. #menu c. .menu d. > menu
A child selector in CSS allows you to select elements that a. are any descendant of an element b. are a direct descendant of an element c. have an attribute that matches the specified child d. have a class that matches the specified child
are a direct descendant of an element
Pseudo-class selectors let you apply formatting a. to selected portions of text b. to elements that specify multiple classes c. when a button control is clicked d. when specific conditions occur
when specific conditions occur
If two CSS rules conflict, which of the following rules overrides the other rule? a. the rule marked as !important in a web page b. the normal rule in a web page c. the normal rule in a user style sheet d. the default rule for the web browser
the rule marked as !important in a web page
Which of the following selectors is most specific? a. .nav b. #nav c. a d. div