BIO Chapter 9 Q's

11 September 2022
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result in hybrid plants **The offspring of the crossing of different varieties are referred to as hybrids.
The cross-fertilization of two different, but true-breeding, varieties of pea plants will _____
recessive to
The result of the following cross indicates the orange eyes are _____ black eyes.
0 homozygous black (BB): 1 heterozygote (black) (Bb): 1 homozygous orange (bb) **The heterozygous black-eyed MendAlien has the genotype Bb. The orange-eyed MendAlien has the genotype bb. The result of this cross is two Bb offspring and two bb offspring. This 2:2 ratio reduces to 1:1.
If B represents the allele for black eyes (dominant) and b represents the allele for orange eyes (recessive), what would be the genotypic ratio of a cross between a heterozygous black-eyed MendAlien and an orange-eyed MendAlien?
1 black : 1 orange **The heterozygous black-eyed MendAlien has the genotype Bb. The orange-eyed MendAlien has the genotype bb. The result of this cross is two Bb offspring and two bb offspring. This means that two of the offspring have black eyes and two of the offspring have orange eyes. This 2:2 ratio then reduces to 1:1.
If B represents the allele for black eyes (dominant) and b represents the allele for orange eyes (recessive), what would be the phenotypic ratio of a cross between a heterozygous black-eyed MendAlien and an orange-eyed MendAlien?
bb ** The result of this cross indicates that the flat headtop allele is dominant to the wild-type headtop. Thus, the only way to express a wild-type headtop is to be homozygous recessive.
The result of the following cross indicates that the genotype of the female parent is _____.
BB ** Since all of the offspring have flat headtops, it is reasonable to conclude that the allele for flat headtop is dominant to the wild-type headtop allele.
The result of the following cross indicates that the genotype of the male parent is _____.
Are all Bb ** This cross indicates that the flat headtop allele is dominant to the wild-type headtop allele, so all offspring are indeed Bb.
The result of the following cross indicates that genotypically the offspring _____.
1. A? x aa ** A testcross is used to determine whether an individual expressing the dominant phenotype is homozygous dominant or heterozygous.
Which of these is a testcross?
Mendel's law of segregation only ** Mendel's law of segregation is based on gametes getting only one copy of each allele of each gene.
That each gamete contains a single allele of the eye color gene is an illustration of _____.
the second filial generation, or the "grandchildren" of the original mating pair **F2 is shorthand for second filial generation, or the "grandchildren" of the original mating pair
In a monohybrid cross, F2 refers to __________.
Perform a cross between two true-breeding individuals and observe the trait or traits expressed by the F1 individuals. **The F1 plants are hybrids that contain both forms of the gene, so the trait the F1 plants display is the dominant trait.
Imagine a particular character (such as flower color) that is determined by a single gene. If this gene is present in two forms, how can you tell which allele is dominant and which is recessive?
EEGgcc **Individuals with one or two dominant alleles of a gene are indistinguishable, so EE and Ee have the same phenotype, as do GG and Gg.
An insect that has the genotype EeGGcc will have the same phenotype as an insect with the genotype _____.
a breeding experiment in which the parental varieties differ in only one character.
A monohybrid cross is
An organism with two different alleles for a single trait is said to be homozygous for that trait.
Which of the following statements regarding genotypes and phenotypes is false?
In giraffes, long necks (N), long legs (L), dark spots (D), and the ability to digest meat (M) are all dominant traits. What possible genotype could a long-necked, short-legged, light-spotted, meat-digesting giraffe have?
is caused by a recessive allele **The most common lethal genetic disease in the United States is cystic fibrosis, which is recessively inherited. The parents in this case would be heterozygotes, or carriers for the disease.
A child with cystic fibrosis can be born to two parents who do not have the disease. This is because the disease _____.
In the ratio 1:1 homozygotes to heterozygotes ** In a cross between two heterozygotes (Aa), the next generation will be in the ratio 1:1 homozygotes (AA, aa) to heterozygotes (2 Aa).
When you cross two heterozygotes (Aa), the offspring will most likely be __________.
The same locus on homologous
The alleles of a gene are found at ________ chromosomes.
an alternative version of a gene **A diploid organism has two alleles for each autosomal gene. The two alleles are found at comparable locations on homologous chromosomes. The alleles may be identical or slightly different, but they affect the same genetic character.
What is an allele?
independent assortment of alleles of one gene relative to the alleles of any other gene **Independent assortment of alleles of one gene relative to the alleles of any other gene
Mendel's principle of independent assortment applies to the __________.
If A is dominant to a and B is dominant to b, what is the expected phenotypic ratio of the cross AaBb Ɨ AaBb?
four ... one **DdEe individuals can produce the following gametes: DE, De, dE,de. A ddee plant can produce only de gametes.
DdEe pea plants can produce _____ type(s) of gametes, but a ddee plant can produce _____ type(s) of gametes.
Either one of her parents or both of her parents were heterozygous for the trait. **From the information provided, it is not possible to discern which of these is correct for sure. If one of Mary's siblings did develop the disorder, you could determine that both of the parents were heterozygous.
Two normal parents have three normal children: one son and two daughters. Their son and one of their daughters marry and also have normal children. Their second daughter, Mary, marries a man with a rare, recessive blood disorder. They have two children, and both children develop the blood disorder. What were the genotypes of Mary's parents?
heterozygous for the trait and able
A carrier of a genetic disorder who does not show symptoms is most likely to be ________ to transmit it to offspring.
Lethal dominant alleles are harmful whether they are carried in homozygous or heterozygous form, so there is always strong selection against these alleles. **The ability of lethal recessive alleles to "hide" from selection in heterozygotes accounts for their prevalence relative to dominant alleles, which are always visible to selection.
Why are lethal dominant alleles so much more rare than lethal recessive alleles?
not affected at all by the disease.
Most people afflicted with recessive disorders are born to parents who were
1/4 **This is the probability of giving birth to an HH homozygote, the only genotype conferring normal cholesterol levels.
Hypercholesterolemia is a disorder in which blood cholesterol levels are elevated. The H allele is incompletely dominant to the h allele, with hh homozygotes having extremely high levels of blood cholesterol. A husband and wife are both Hh heterozygotes. What is the chance that their first child will have normal levels of blood cholesterol?
cannot strictly account for the patterns of inheritance of many traits.
For most sexually reproducing organisms, Mendel's laws
Which of the following is an example of incomplete dominance in humans?
.5 **About half the offspring would be expected to inherit the IA allele and be phenotypically A.
If one parent is blood type AB and the other is type O, what fraction of their offspring are expected to have blood type A?
The expression of both alleles for a trait in a heterozygous individual illustrates
50% **The woman must be ii. The husband is A, but must be a carrier of the i allele, as his father was B. (The father did not give him a B allele, or the husband would be AB, so he must have given him a recessive i allele.) The cross ii Ɨ IA i yields a 50% probability that the child will be ii, or type O.
A woman with type O blood is expecting a child. Her husband is type A. Both the woman's father and her husband's father had type B blood. What is the probability that the child will have type O blood?
the pleiotropic effects of the sickle-cell allele ** Sickle-cell disease is pleiotrophic; that is, the gene influences many symptoms.
In people with sickle-cell disease, red blood cells break down, clump, and clog blood vessels. Blood vessels and broken cells accumulate in the spleen. Among other symptoms, this leads to physical weakness, heart failure, pain, and brain damage. Such a suite of symptoms can be explained by __________.
The sex chromosome complement of a normal human female is
one X chromosome and one Y chromosome
What is the normal complement of sex chromosomes in a human male?
How many sex chromosomes are in a human gamete?
is called a sex-linked gene.
Any gene located on a sex chromosome
100% **Because daughters receive one of their X chromosomes from their father, and this chromosome contains the dominant allele, all daughters will be affected.
Vitamin D - resistant rickets is an X-linked dominant bone disorder. A man with this form of rickets marries a normal woman. What proportion of the couple's daughters is expected to have vitamin D - resistant rickets?
XCXc **Because this is an X-linked recessive condition, she must possess at least one allele for color blindness to have an affected son. Because she has normal color vision, she must also have one normal allele.
A woman and her male partner have normal color vision. However, her father and her first son are colorblind. What is her genotype? Use C as the gene for colorblindness.
50% of sons and 50% of daughters Correct.s Because sons obtain their single X chromosome from their mother, they have a 50% chance of inheriting the homolog that carries the hemophilia allele. And because daughters inherit their father's only X chromosome and one of the two X chromosomes of their mother, in this cross they have a 50% chance of being homozygous for the hemophilia allele.
A woman who is a carrier of hemophilia marries a man affected with hemophilia. What percentage of their sons and daughters is expected to have hemophilia?
men need to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the condition to be fully expressed.
Sex-linked conditions are more common in men than in women because