31. Sharing The Road - Part 2

11 September 2022
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T or F: Bicyclists must ride as close to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway as safety allows, except when passing, turning left, avoiding an obstacle, or when the roadway does not allow a bicycle and vehicle to travel safely side by side.
To increase the safety margin when passing a bicyclist, move into the left lane if possible. If you are not able to change lanes, pass with as much clearance as possible—a safe margin is at least three feet. This may require waiting for a break in oncoming traffic. When passing children on bicycles, slow down, and be aware that they may unpredictably swerve into your lane.
what should you do when passing a bicyclist?
T or F: In Idaho, cyclists do not need to come to a complete stop at stop signs
False. Bicyclist do need to yield the right of way
T or F: Bicyclist do not need to yield the right-of-way to vehicles in or already at the intersection, and then proceed with caution through the intersection.
Bicyclists may proceed with caution through a red light after stopping and yielding the right of way to vehicles already in the intersection. True or False
False: They do not need to come to a complete stop when turning right on a red light.
T or F: Bicyclists need to come to a complete stop when turning right on a red light.
When stopped, never only look to the left before turning right. Always look both left and right, checking the right first. A cyclist riding against traffic or on the sidewalk may be approaching on your right. Also, a cyclist may be pulled up alongside to turn right. A crash is easily preventable if you look both directions before turning.
what should you do as a driver before making a right turn?
If you are preparing for a right turn and a bicyclist is ahead of you, do not assume that you can beat the bicycle to the turn. Misjudgment can result in a broadside crash called the "right hook." Avoid right-hook crashes by slowing and remaining behind the bicyclist until he rides past the point where you will turn. On streets with bike lanes, remember that you are turning across a dedicated travel lane. Always look for and expect bicyclists.
what is a 'right-hook' crash with a bicyclist?
When proceeding through or turning at an intersection, always scan the corners of the intersection more than once. An approaching cyclist can easily travel 50 to 100 feet in a few seconds, so what you saw on your first look may change. Looking one last time before proceeding is a good safety practice.
What should you do when proceeding through or turning on an intersection?
True: Bicyclists can legally ride on sidewalks in most communities although there is no legal requirement to use them. Young children usually ride on the sidewalk, so be extremely cautious when pulling in or out of a driveway.
T or F: In some cases, bicyclists can ride on sidewalks?
Be aware that children riding along the street often change direction unexpectedly, so pass them with extra caution and distance.
what should you do when you see children riding their bicycle on a street you are driving?
True: Bicyclists are not as noticeable as motor vehicles. Their position on the road, smaller size, and slower speed requires drivers to consciously look for them.
T or F: Always drive with the expectation that bicyclists are on the road.
A typical 12-foot-wide travel lane is not wide enough to safely share with a bicyclist. Cycling instructors and riding manuals teach bicyclists to ride at least 3 feet from the edge of pavement to avoid accumulated edge debris and have enough space to the right, away from traffic, for an emergency maneuver. Three feet is the minimum passing space that motorists should leave when passing a bicyclist. Higher speeds require more passing space. Always wait until you can see oncoming traffic and then safely pass by moving partially or fully into the other lane. This delay is usually brief.
what is a safe passing distance for cars and bicycles?
Do not tailgate a bicycle
The design of some streets and highways requires that for safety bicyclists must occupy the travel lane by riding in the center, not to the right. Do not tailgate the bicyclist. These are usually brief stretches of narrow roadway where it is unsafe for a motorist to pass a bicyclist.
T or F: If you want to make sure a bicyclist sees you, wave a hand or nod your head, and wait for the bicyclist's reaction. Do not depend on making "eye contact."
False. Never honk when close to a bicyclist, it is startling
T or F: you should always honk your horn when coming up behind a bicyclist so that he knows you are there
Always look behind you for approaching bicyclists before opening the driver's door.
What should you always do after you have parallel parked your car and before you get out?
No. Parking in bike lanes is not allowed. These are designated travel lanes for bicyclists and should not be blocked.
Are you allowed to park your car in a bike lane?
Take extra care when driving in residential areas and school zones and at times and places where children are likely to be found near the roadway. Before getting into your vehicle, walk around it to be sure no children are playing near it that you may not be able to see from the driver's seat. When backing out of a driveway, watch for children who may run behind your vehicle. OBEY THE SPEED LIMIT and be alert when vehicles are parked along the roadway. Darting into traffic from between or around a parked car is a common cause of serious injury to children. They are often too short to be seen easily when playing near parked cars, so use extra caution when you see any children near the roadway. They may have an unseen playmate who cannot see you either.
what should be be aware of regarding children and roads?
T or F: People riding horses are allowed to use most public roads. They also have the same rights as motor vehicle operators and must obey the same rules.
When approaching someone riding a horse, take care to avoid frightening the animal—slow down and allow plenty of room when passing. Never sound your horn because you may frighten the horse and cause an accident. If you encounter a rider that is having difficulty controlling an animal, be sure to use extreme caution when going around them. Stop if necessary to prevent becoming a part of the hazard.
What should you do if you approach or come up from behind a horse and rider on the road?
1. Do not drive between or join vehicles in the formation unless you are authorized to do so by a police officer. 2. Do not pass the procession in the right lane on a multi-lane highway unless the procession is in the farthest left lane. 3. You may not enter an intersection when the procession is proceeding through (regardless of the color of the traffic light) unless you can do so without crossing the path of the procession. Always give funeral processions the right of way.
What should you do if you see a funeral procession on the road?
1. All vehicles in a funeral procession are required to have their headlights and tail lights turned on. 2. The first and last vehicles in the procession must also have their warning lights flashing to indicate the beginning and ending points of the formation.
You are driving a car that is part of a funeral procession. What should you do?