Topic Test Unit 2 English

31 August 2022
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All of the following are common organizational strategies except __________. chronology sentence structure order of importance comparison/contrast
sentence structure
Which term is a type of detail? style chronology statistic prose
When writing a psychological suspense, which type of activity does an author use to develop the plot? physical mental group futuristic
In the movie Thor (2011), Thor and his brother Loki physically battle for the throne. Which term describes the conflict best? external internal friendly ironic
Which type of protagonist is common to psychological suspense? female highly intelligent overly friendly ambiguous
What is one key difference between the critical acclaim received by Edgar Allan Poe and that received by Stephen King? Poe received the prestigious Noble Prize for Literature, but King has not. Acknowledgment of Poe's skill came primarily after his death, while King has received numerous awards during his lifetime. Praise for Poe's work came from women, while acclaim for King's work has been primarily from men. Poe only inspired English writers, while King has inspired chiefly French and German writers.
Acknowledgment of Poe's skill came primarily after his death, while King has received numerous awards during his lifetime.
Read the poem below and complete the statement that follows. "Irony" by Jennifer T. The shards of glass littered the cold, black asphalt like sparkling stars strewn across the night sky. Their brilliance catching the corner of my eye, making me slow down, just to look at them a little longer. In my awe of the sheer beauty of merely broken glass, I couldn't help but think How someone else's tragedy could be so beautiful to me. Source: T., Jennifer. "Irony." Teen Ink. Teen Ink, n.d. Web. 6 July 2011. The poem is an example of __________. external conflict internal conflict dramatic irony situational irony
situational irony
How do facts in a memoir differ from facts in other types of nonfiction? Facts in a memoir are filtered through the perception of the author. Facts in a memoir are the same as the opinions. Facts in a memoir are much longer than facts in other types of nonfiction. Facts in a memoir are included in a list at the end of the book.
Facts in a memoir are filtered through the perception of the author.
What major topic do both Edgar Allan Poe's "The Philosophy of Composition" and Stephen King's On Writing address? how to clearly write long sentences writing expository essays when to write a letter the writer's craft
the writer's craft
What is the definition of "memoir"? a fictional work that is read by a large number of people a nonfictional work that is popular with children and adults a narrative that recounts personal experience and development a poem that describes the conflict between a character and society
narrative that recounts personal experience and development
Which phrase refers to the contrast between what is expected to happen and what actually does happen? situational irony dramatic irony verbal irony conflict and resolution
dramatic irony
Which two factors come together to create psychological suspense? horror and suspense science and horror mystery and suspense fantasy and mystery
horror and suspense
All of the following are types of details except __________. spatial facts examples anecdotes
spatial I think
Into what genre do both Edgar Allan Poe's "The Philosophy of Composition" and Stephen King's On Writing fall? fiction nonfiction drama poetry
Which statement about the tragedy is true? It uses poetic techniques to explore thoughts and feelings about a subject in a concise way. It uses logical examples and explanations to examine a topic in an organized way. It uses narrative techniques to reveal the human experience in a complex and multifaceted way. It uses dramatic elements to depict the flaws of human nature in a succinct, poignant way.
It uses dramatic elements to depict the flaws of human nature in a succinct, poignant way. ithink
Over the centuries the story has been told and retold and told again, often with a widely varying cast of characters. Knights, priests and priestesses, kings and queens, and various users of magic come and go, but always there is Arthur, the sun around which all else revolves, his faithless wife (Guinevere), his equally-faithless best friend (Lancelot), the illegitimate son (Mordred) who becomes his baneβ€”and Merlin. Whatever his role, Merlin is always there, and it is always clear that Arthur could not have existed, survived, or become King without him. Source: Bradley, Marion Zimmer. "The Once and Future Merlin." Fictionwise LLC, n.d. Web. 7 July 2011. Why does the author list the "varying cast of characters" in the passage above? to inform the reader that the essay will examine the story of King Arthur to create a long sentence that is difficult to read to persuade the reader that Merlin is the most important character to educate the audience about Mordred and Lancelot
to inform the reader that the essay will examine the story of King Arthur
Read the selection below from The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights by John Steinbeck and answer the question that follows. And Lancelot knelt down and took the king's beloved hand in both of his and kissed it. "Good night, my liege lord, my liege friend," he said, and then stumbled blindly from the room and felt his way down the curving stone steps past the arrow slits. As he came to the level of the next landing, Guinevere issued silently from a darkened entrance. He could see her in the thin light from the arrow slit. She took his arm and led him to her dark chamber and closed the oaken door. "A strange thing happened," she said softly. Source: Steinbeck, John. The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights. New York: Penguin, 2009. Google Books. Web. 7 July 2011. Which idea is addressed in the passage above? family and seasons betrayal and hatred confusion and anger friendship and love
friendship and love
In life-threatening circumstances, the instinct to survive overcomes everything else. Which supporting detail from Night by Elie Wiesel reflects the above theme best? "Dozens of inmates were there to receive us, sticks in hand, striking anywhere, anyone, without reason." "Never shall I forget those things, even were I condemned to live as long as God Himself." "A barrel of foul-smelling liquid stood by the door. Disinfection. Everybody soaked in it." "Our senses were numbed, everything was fading into a fog. We no longer clung to anything."
"Our senses were numbed, everything was fading into a fog. We no longer clung to anything." I think
cruelty, respect, option, kindness Which theme can you develop from all the key ideas above? Kindness is impossible to demonstrate when encountering disrespect. To remain in power, it is important to use cruel tactics. When faced with extreme cruelty, a person can still choose to remain human. Desiring compassion from others is the easiest way to lose friends.
When faced with extreme cruelty, a person can still choose to remain human.
Which genre uses narrative techniques to recount personal experience and development? lyric poem expository essay memoir tragedy
Who or what is the protagonist in "The Colomber" by Dino Buzzati? the colomber Stefano the father the mother
What is the definition for "imperceptible"? not having a large range of motion not wanting to leave a place not learning in an efficient manner not distinguishable by the senses
not distinguishable by the senses
Which theme does the short story "The Colomber" by Dino Buzzati support best? Hatred leads to destruction. One cannot escape what one fears. True love can overcome any obstacle. The path to redemption is often deadly.
One cannot escape what one fears
Read the words below and answer the question that follows. danger, apathy, endurance, detachment Which theme can you create using all the key ideas above? In hazardous situations, the instinct to survive overcomes everything else. When danger looms, people usually fight back with great force. Although a people might become detached from reality, they can still love. Caring about other people is impossible when faced with terrible situations.
In hazardous situations, the instinct to survive overcomes everything else. I think
Which statement about facts and opinions in memoirs is true? Facts and opinions in memoirs are synonymous. Many of the facts in memoirs would be considered opinions in other types of nonfiction. There is no such thing as a fact in a memoir: everything is opinion. Most of the opinions in memoirs would be considered facts anywhere else.
Many of the facts in memoirs would be considered opinions in other types of nonfiction.