Supporting Conclusions With Evidence In The Dark Game, Part 2

1 September 2022
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To evaluate the text structures used by the author, which questions should a reader ask? Check all that apply.
What important ideas does the text include? What text structure does the author use? How effective is the text structure in sharing the important ideas?
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. On several occasions Room 40 received an unexpected but welcome gift when a German codebook was recovered after a sea battle and presented to the British code breakers. One such gift was a codebook from the German ship Magdeburg, a light cruiser that ran aground on an island off of Finland. When Russian ships quickly bore down on the cruiser, the captain of the stranded ship immediately did what all naval officers were taught to do: he ordered his signalman to bring him the ship's codebook so he could throw the book, wrapped in lead covers, into the sea. But before the signalman could deliver the book to his captain, he was killed by Russian guns. When the Russians recovered his body, the sailor was still clutching the codebook in his arms. Which type of structure is used in the text?
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. Mr. H. quickly began talking to his contacts in the city. Soon he heard of a British printer in Mexico City who had been falsely arrested for printing counterfeit money. Mr. H. intervened with the British minister, who got the frightened printer released from custody and the charges against him dropped. The printer, overjoyed to be free, told Mr. H. that he would welcome the opportunity to repay the agent for his intervention. As a matter of fact, Mr. H. told him, there was a favor the printer could do for him. Which inference can a reader make based on the information in the excerpt?
Mr. H knew the printer would help them upon release from prison.
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. The first thing about the Zimmermann telegram that two Room 40 code breakers, Reverend William Montgomery and Nigel de Grey, noticed was its length, more than a thousand groups. Although the length itself was not suspicious, it was out of the ordinary. Then de Grey noticed the top group of numbers in the message, 13042, a variation of 13040, indicated a German diplomatic code. Since Room 40 had a copy of the 13040 codebook, they began using it to decipher the message. Which details in the text indicate a chronological structure? Check all that apply.
The first thing Then
The way a text is built, arranged, and organized is referred to as _________.
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. Arthur Zimmermann had no idea that "Blinker" Hall had read his secret message. But now that Hall had read it, what could he do with this information? On one hand, he believed that President Wilson, faced with the information in the telegram, would declare war on Germany. On the other hand, to share the telegram with Wilson would surely alert Berlin that the British had been reading their secret messages. As he walked back to his office, Hall considered ways that he could share the intelligence in the Zimmermann telegram and establish its authenticity without letting Berlin know that Room 40 had intercepted and read hundreds of their secret messages. Why was Hall concerned that the Germans would learn about the British reading their secret messages?
The Germans would then find a different way of transmitting their messages
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. On January 16, 1917, in a clear attempt to convince the Mexican government to help Germany in the war, Arthur Zimmermann, the German foreign secretary, sent a telegram to Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador in Washington. The foreign secretary wanted to be certain that this message reached von Bernstorff, so he made arrangements for it to be carried aboard a U-boat to Sweden and from there to Washington through diplomatic channels. Which statement best explains how the evidence from this excerpt leads to the inference that the message Zimmermann sent was important?
Because the message was so important and needed to reach von Bernstorff, Zimmermann wanted the message to be carried across the ocean in a U-boat.
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. As a result of the cut cables, Germany lost its most secure long-distance communications system. The Germans now had to rely on radio transmissions from their powerful wireless station at Nauen, a few miles from Berlin. Which was exactly what the British military knew they would have to do. And once the Germans began sending wireless messages, MI8, the British code breakers, began plucking them from the air. Of course, all German correspondence was sent in a complicated cipher system, so that was when the hard work began for the code breakers of MI8. Which type of structure is used in the text?
cause and effect
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. Mr. H. quickly began talking to his contacts in the city. Soon he heard of a British printer in Mexico City who had been falsely arrested for printing counterfeit money. Mr. H. intervened with the British minister, who got the frightened printer released from custody and the charges against him dropped. The printer, overjoyed to be free, told Mr. H. that he would welcome the opportunity to repay the agent for his intervention. As a matter of fact, Mr. H. told him, there was a favor the printer could do for him. Why does Mr. H. intercede on behalf of the British printer?
The printer can help the British.
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. The Russian admiralty decided that their British allies could make better use of the codebook than they could, so it was sent to London. The codebook was a bonanza for the British code breakers. Not only did it contain the columns of code "words"โ€”groups of randomly selected numbersโ€”on which the messages were based, but it also included a changeable key to the cipher systems used to obscure the coded messages. Which piece of textual evidence best supports the inference that the British had better code breakers than the Russians did?
The Russian admiralty decided that their British allies could make better use of the codebook than they could, so it was sent to London.
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. British government leaders didn't present the Zimmermann telegram to Wilson for a few weeks. Hall reminded them that outrage was growing in America over Germany's announcement late in the day of January 31 that the German navy would resume unrestricted submarine warfare. In fact, that policy provoked the U.S. government to cut diplomatic relations with Germany in February. Which can be inferred from the information in the excerpt?
Hall knew that growing outrage among the American public would help Britain's cause.
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. Cable messages from Europe to the United States traveled through transatlantic cables that passed deep in the English Channel. The British saw the cables as an opportunity to gain access to secret diplomatic messages sent from Berlin to its ambassador in Washington, D.C. Knowing they couldn't tap the cables the way they could tap phone lines, the British did the next best thing. The cable ship Telconia cut all five of the cables that carried communications through the channel. To make sure that the sabotage had a lasting effect, the Telconiarolled up a few of the cable ends on her drums and carried them to England. This act of sabotage was Great Britain's first offensive act of the war. Which inference can a reader make based on the information in the excerpt?
The Germans often sent important messages concerning their war efforts to their ambassador in Washington, D.C..
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. Cable messages from Europe to the United States traveled through transatlantic cables that passed deep in the English Channel. The British saw the cables as an opportunity to gain access to secret diplomatic messages sent from Berlin to its ambassador in Washington, D.C. Knowing they couldn't tap the cables the way they could tap phone lines, the British did the next best thing. The cable ship Telconia cut all five of the cables that carried communications through the channel. Which types of structures are used in the text? Check all that apply.
problem and solution chronological
Read the excerpt from The Dark Game. On January 16, 1917, in a clear attempt to convince the Mexican government to help Germany in the war, Arthur Zimmermann, the German foreign secretary, sent a telegram to Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador in Washington. The foreign secretary wanted to be certain that this message reached von Bernstorff, so he made arrangements for it to be carried aboard a U-boat to Sweden and from there to Washington through diplomatic channels. As luck would have it, the departure of the sub was delayed. Impatient, Zimmermann turned to his second option: sending the message to his ambassador through the U.S. State Department. Although Wilson considered the United States to be neutral, he allowed messages to be sent to von Bernstorff via the State Department as a courtesy. The telegram sent, Zimmermann waited for a reply. What Zimmermann didn't know was that the British were doing a thorough job of intercepting German wireless transmissions. Why did Zimmermann choose to send the message through the U.S. State Department?
The content of the message was extraordinarily important.