
27 June 2024
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A monthly fixed rate mortgage payment a. could change. b. never changes. c. increases annually. d. decreases annually.
b. never changes.
This chart shows the actual pricing history for three items. For which product(s) would it be most beneficial to wait before buying? a. game system b. smartphone c. DVD and smartphone d. smartphone and game system
b. smartphone
Which strategy best helps a famous brand company reach consumers? a. selling at trade shows b. sending out mailings in small towns c. advertising nationally d. marketing selectively
c. advertising nationally
At what point does buying in bulk stop being a wise spending choice? a. when the consumer has a lot of space to store bulk items b. when costs rise too quickly due to demand c. when bulk items are not on sale anymore d. when the consumer buys more than is needed
d. when the consumer buys more than is needed
Why do prices increase when demand for a product is high? a. Companies know they can make more money by selling fewer products at higher prices. b. Companies know that people will be willing to spend more to get an in-demand product. c. Companies take advantage of the demand to make people spend more money on excess products. d. Companies know they can stop production and still make money on sales.
b. Companies know that people will be willing to spend more to get an in-demand product.
Which details apply to a financing contract? Check all that apply. a. requires a credit check b. are always less expensive than using a credit card c. includes interest rate information d. requires a signature for rent-to-own agreements d. can be broken at any time
a. requires a credit check c. includes interest rate information d. requires a signature for rent-to-own agreements
What is the purpose of comparison shopping? a. ensuring you are not buying out of emotion b. attempting to find the best deal on a product c. determining whether you truly need a product d. reading reviews to make sure a product is good
b. attempting to find the best deal on a product
Which questions should someone ask when deciding whether to lease or buy a car? Check all that apply. a. Will I use it more than the allowed lease mileage? b. Will my family like the car? c. How long do I want the car? d. How much do I want to spend? e. How much do I like the car's options?
a. Will I use it more than the allowed lease mileage? c. How long do I want the car? d. How much do I want to spend?
Which statements apply to leasing a car? Check all that apply. a. The car may be driven as much as needed. b. Payments are generally higher than buying. c. There are mileage restrictions on the car. d. You must return the car after the lease ends. e. There are penalties for ending the lease early. f. You can sell the car to someone else after the lease ends.
c. There are mileage restrictions on the car. d. You must return the car after the lease ends. e. There are penalties for ending the lease early.
Read the scenario. Raoul has just been promoted to a supervisor's position, which is a steady job. He likes to enjoy life, take vacations, and change things up every now and then. That's why he will not have a lot of extra money to spend on repairs and maintenance on his car. Based on this scenario, Raoul should a. buy a used car. b. lease a used car. c. buy a new car. d. lease a new car.
d. lease a new car.