Hemingway's World War I

24 August 2022
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Read the excerpt from Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. "They come after you. They take your home. They take your sisters." "I don't believe it," Passini said. "They can't do that to everybody. Let everybody defend his home. Let them keep their sisters in the house." "They hang you. They come and make you be a soldier again. Not in the auto-ambulance, in the infantry." The use of simple and vigorous words in A Farewell to Arms reflects
the harsh and powerful reality of war.
Based on A Farewell to Arms, how does Hemingway create realistic dialogue for his characters?
The characters use simple words and speak in short, clear sentences.
Read the excerpt from Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. The major asked me to have a drink with him and two other officers. We drank rum and it was very friendly. Outside it was getting dark. I asked what time the attack was to be and they said as soon as it was dark. The casual behavior of the characters during a difficult time demonstrates Hemingway's belief that a hero should
exhibit grace under pressure.
Read the excerpt from Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. "There is nothing worse than war." "Defeat is worse." "I do not believe it," Passini said. . . . "What is defeat? You go home." "They come after you. They take your home. They take your sisters." "I don't believe it," Passini said. "They can't do that to everybody. Let everybody defend his home. Let them keep their sisters in the house." This excerpt exemplifies how Hemingway's dialogues typically includes
common language and vague pronouns to refer to complex ideas.
Which best describes the purpose of style in writing?
Which best describes the purpose of style in writing?
Read the excerpt from Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. We parked the cars beyond the brickyard. The ovens and some deep holes had been equipped as dressing stations. There were three doctors that I knew. I talked with the major and learned that when it should start and our cars should be loaded we would drive them back along the screened road and up to the main road along the ridge where there would be a post and other cars to clear them. Which best describes Hemingway's style of writing in the excerpt?
straightforward and simple, while still relating a lot of information to the reader
Read the excerpt from Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. The major was a little man with upturned mustaches. He had been in the war in Libya and wore two wound-stripes. He said that if the thing went well he would see that I was decorated. I said I hoped it would go well but that he was too kind. I asked him if there was a big dugout where the drivers could stay and he sent a soldier to show me. I went with him and found the dugout, which was very good. The drivers were pleased with it and I left them there. In the excerpt, what does the diction, or words used to express an idea, show about the narrator?
It makes the narrator seem discliplined.
Read the excerpt from Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. The major was a little man with upturned mustaches. He had been in the war in Libya and wore two wound-stripes. He said that if the thing went well he would see that I was decorated. I said I hoped it would go well but that he was too kind. I asked him if there was a big dugout where the drivers could stay and he sent a soldier to show me. I went with him and found the dugout, which was very good. The drivers were pleased with it and I left them there. Hemingway uses vague pronouns and simple language to
reflect the reality of the characters' situation in a straightforward manner.
Read the excerpt from Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms. Outside it was getting dark. I asked what time the attack was to be and they said as soon as it was dark. I went back to the drivers. They were sitting in the dugout talking and when I came in they stopped. I gave them each a package of cigarettes, Macedonias, loosely packed cigarettes that spilled tobacco and needed to have the ends twisted before you smoked them. Manera lit his lighter and passed it around. What about the actions of these men exemplifies them as Hemingway heroes?
They act casually and go about regular business, such as smoking, while actually in grave danger.
Read the excerpt from A Farewell to Arms. The major asked me to have a drink with him and two other officers. We drank rum and it was very friendly. Outside it was getting dark. I asked what time the attack was to be and they said as soon as it was dark. I went back to the drivers. They were sitting in the dugout talking and when I came in they stopped. I gave them each a package of cigarettes, Macedonias, loosely packed cigarettes that spilled tobacco and needed to have the ends twisted before you smoked them. Manera lit his lighter and passed it around. The lighter was shaped like a Fiat radiator. I told them what I had heard. In the passage, Hemingway's characterization of the narrator and his peers
allows the reader to fill in the details without being given all of the information.