From The Middle Ages Through The Renaissance- 92%

21 August 2022
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Read the passage from Utopia this was the only ground of that war in which they engaged with the Nephelogetes against the Aleopolitanes......yet they pretended to no share of the spoil. The purpose of this passage is to provide an
anecdote to illustrate the circumstances under which Utopians go to war
When a reader examines Utopia and then gives an opinion about it, the reader is
critiquing the text
Which excerpt from Everyman best represents how Everyman is characterized overall in the passage?
I believe that they will do so, For kind will creep where it may not go
Read the passage from Everyman. EVERYMAN: Alack! shall we thus depart indeed? Our Lady, help, without any more comfort, Lo, Fellowship foresaketh me in my most need... In the passage, the author develops the character of Everyman through?
what he says
Read the passage from Everyman. COUSIN: No, by our Lady; I have the cramp in my toe. Trust not to me, so God me speed, I will deceive you in your most need, Kindred What does this passage imply about Cousin?
He is making excuses to avoid accompanying Everyman.
Read the excerpt from a paper on Everyman. At first, Kindred says,"In wealth and woe we will with you hold," but then he says, "As for me, ye shall go alone." This leads the reader to conclude that Kindred is shallow, contradictory, and possibly selfish. This paper is
analyzing a character
Read the passage from Utopia. They detest was as a very brutal thing, and which, to the reproach of human nature, is more practiced by men than by any sort of beasts...assist an oppressed nation in shaking off the yoke of tyranny. Which quotation from the passage BEST summarizes the central idea?
... they do not rashly engage in war, unless it be either to defend themselves or their friends from any unjust aggressors, or, out of good nature...
Utopia can be considered a ______ because the author uses humor, irony, and exaggeration in the story to criticize his society
Read the excerpt from "Morte d'Arthur" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Thou wouldst betray me for the precious hilt; Either from lost of gold, or like a girl Valuing the giddy pleasures of the eyes. What does the simile help convey to the reader?
King Arthur's disappointment in Sir Bedivere
Read the excerpt from the Canterbury Tales. I can sting with my tongue and when i preach I sting so hard, the fellow cant escape... Of piety, and seem sincerely pious How does the excerpt satirize the clergy?
by revealing the clergy's vindictive abuse of power
Which should be included in a critique? Check all that apply
the central idea supporting details the reader's position supporting evidence
Read the sentence. To the best of our knowledge, he decided that his major would be acting. Which does the sentence contain?
a gerund
Which statements accurately describe medieval pardoners? Check all that apply
They were authorized to preach they distributed indulgences they accepted donations for the church
Read the excerpt from "Morte d'Arthur" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. I am so deeply smitten thro' the helm Tat without help I cannot last till morn Thou therefore take my brand excalibur, which was my pride: The metaphor emphasizes to the reader how
King Arthur feels about the sword
When a sentence includes a participial phrase, the phrase functions as a(n)
Read the excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight this king was staying at camelot at christmastime with many fair lords and the most beautiful ladies... What element of medieval court culture is evident in the excerpt?
the camaraderie of nobles and knights
Which statements are examples of characterization?
"i dont think your joke is funny," she huffed, glower the lardy bell rang, but he sauntered to class un she waited patiently as she carefully adjusted the
Read the excerpt from the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales The pardon-seller's hair was yellow as wax And sleekly hanging, like a hank of flax. In meagre clusters hung what hair he had: ...His voice was like a goat's, plaintive and thin. Which statement best describes the narrators perception of the pardon-seller in this excerpt?
the unfavorable descriptions of the p-s physical appearance imply that the narrator thinks poorly of this character
Read the excerpt from the Canterbury Tales i preach just as you've heard me say; and tell a hundred taradiddies more as well. ...that its a joy to watch me at my work how does the excerpt satirize pardoners?
by suggesting that their sermons are scripted performances
Read the excerpt from utopia i never saw a clearer instance of the opposite impressions that different customs make on people than i observed in the ambassadors of the Anemolians, who came to... they should look like gods, and strike the eyes of the poor Which is the central idea of this excerpt?
the utopians are not concerned about dressing fashionably
Read the excerpt from the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales She used to wipe her upper lip so clean, No prints of grease inside her cup was seen... and it was dead or bleeding, she would weep. which of the underlined words Best help the reader understand what the nun is like?
daintily greatest charm pleasant
Which line from utopia is an example of an analogy?
They supply or are supplied from one another...
Read the excerpt from the Canterbury Tales "Think what a safeguard it must be for you That I, who can absolve both high and low... All for a penny! Out now with your purse!" Which statement best describes the satire in the excerpt?
Chaucer criticizes the idea that forgiveness is available for purchase
Read the excerpt from the Canterbury Tales For I'll have money, wool, and cheese, and wheat, Though given by the poorest serving-lad,... But hear me out now, gentlemen... Which statement best describes the satire in the excerpt?
The Pardoner's disregard for the poor reveals the Church's hypocrisy
Read the excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The knight on his horse turned in his saddle, And wildly he flashed his red eyes around,... And stretched as a lord might, and made ready to speak. What statement best describes the knight's actions?
he is intimidating and challenging the assembled group.