Reference Quizzes

A reference group is a group of people that an individual uses as a comparison in forming their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Reference groups can be used to assess one’s sense of belonging, identity, and values. People often use reference groups to identify with different social categories and gain acceptance from them. Reference groups can be classified as either formal or informal. Formal reference groups are typically organized or established by some authority figure such as a business organization or school system. These types of reference groups have predetermined rules and regulations that members must abide by in order to remain part of the group. Examples include professional organizations like the American Bar Association or student organizations like Student Government Associations at universities. In contrast, informal reference groups are formed naturally through personal relationships among individuals who share common interests or experiences such as family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.. Although there are no official rules within these types of groups they still provide valuable feedback for individuals on how they should act within certain situations based on what other members do or say in similar situations. Being part of a reference group can have both positive and negative effects on individuals’ behavior and self-esteem. Positive effects include increased self-esteem due to feeling accepted by the group and having access to resources not available outside of it; while negative effects include limiting individual autonomy due to conforming to the norms set by the group instead of thinking independently about issues that are important to them personally.

We've found 24 Reference quizzes

Computer SkillsEducationReference
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Zaira Sanchez

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Margaret Collins

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Luka Rivera

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Wisdom White

AlgebraLinear EquationsMathReference
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Layla Bailey

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Sonny Williams

Algebra 1 B

8 answers

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Braden Howard

Ap Stats Review

32 answers

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Adam Washington

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Paula Rodriguez

Algebra 4

73 answers

AlgebraLinear EquationsMathReference
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Catalina Bailey

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Aria Brown

English LanguageLanguagesReference
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Douglas Cook

English LanguageLanguagesReferenceSelf-HelpTechnology
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Juliette Cooper

CanoeingEnglish LanguageLanguagesReference
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Landen Hill

English LanguageLanguagesReference
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Uria Lee

English LanguageLanguagesReference
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Eve Nelson

English LanguageLanguagesReference
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Kate Morris

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