Drinking Quizzes

Drinking alcohol has become a common practice among adults in many societies. While moderate consumption of alcohol is generally accepted as safe and even beneficial, excessive drinking can have serious health repercussions. Moreover, drinking can lead to social problems such as violence and crime. Therefore, it is important to understand the risks associated with consuming alcohol and to make informed decisions when doing so. The most immediate risk associated with drinking alcohol is that of becoming intoxicated. When blood alcohol levels reach 0.08%, which typically occurs after consuming four or five drinks within an hour for men, a person will become legally intoxicated in the United States. At this point, it becomes dangerous to operate any machinery or vehicle, including a boat or an airplane. In addition, intoxication leads to impaired judgment and decision-making skills that can lead people into risky situations such as unprotected sex and engaging in fights with strangers. Excessive drinking over long periods of time can also lead to physical health complications such as liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis and various forms of cancer especially if done in combination with smoking cigarettes. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), excessive drinking leads to an estimated 88000 deaths each year making it the country’s third leading cause of preventable death behind tobacco use and poor diet/physical inactivity combined. Finally, there are significant social consequences that come with heavy long-term alcohol use such as family discord due to arguments over one’s drinking habits; increased risk of being involved in criminal activities; increased risk of being involved in motor vehicle accidents; loss of job due to absenteeism; financial problems due to spending money on alcoholic beverages rather than food or rent; etc It is important for individuals who choose drink responsibly understand the risks associated with their behavior so they can make informed decisions about how much they consume on any given occasion – both immediately and over time – if they wish remain safe from harm’s way both physically and socially speaking.

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Case Martin

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Yoshiaki Lee

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Issac Walker

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Helen Coleman

Women’s Suffrage

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