CWV Quiz 4

20 August 2022
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Read Philippians 2:5-8 and briefly describe the direction Jesus' life took.
Jesus made no reputation for himself and was in the form of a servant. He was made to be like man, so he did not take the form of a king. He was obedient, even when he faced death on the cross.
Read John 1:1-3. What other familiar passage in Scripture does this remind you of?
John 1:1-3 reminds me of Genesis 1 because it starts off with "in the beginning" like John 1:1-3 does. It also talks about the Word of God, where Genesis talks about creation. Both of them talk about God and how all of creation was made by Him.
In what ways does the textbook say that Jesus is similar to Moses and David?
The textbook says that Jesus is similar to Moses and David because they were great leaders and deliverers. Moses strengthened the conscience of the people and ruled with justice. Jesus did the same in which He told His people how to do right be God and follow Him. Jesus also ruled with justice and was fair. David strengthened the fortunes of Israel. Jesus strengthened the fortunes of people by giving them the gift of sight and feeding those who were hungry.
Briefly summarize the Parable of the Sower from Mark 4.
The birds that came down and at the seeds that the Sower sowed is Satan. Satan comes down and takes the Word of God out of the hearts of His people. The seeds that were thrown upon grown but didn't have deep roots are people who don't have root in themselves, so when something arises, they become offended. The thorns that choke are people who give into riches and lust, choking out the word. The seeds that landed on good ground and grew fruitfully are those that hear the word, receive it, and bring forth fruit.
Briefly list the three temptations of Jesus from Matthew 4.
The devil tried to tempt Jesus to turn the stones to bread. Satan also tried to tempt Jesus to jump from the highest point of the temple. The third temptation was to bow down to Satan and the devil will give Jesus all of the kingdoms.
How is Jesus described in 1 Corinthians 1:24 and John 1:1?
Jesus is described as all powerful and wise.
In the lecture, Jesus is described as fully God and fully man; now briefly describe the Trinity and Jesus' position in the Trinity.
The Trinity is God in three different forms. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Jesus, being the God the Son, is in the Trinity to show how relational God is with his creation. To show that God is fully relational, He became man, Jesus, so he can show Christians how to follow Him and redeem us
Briefly describe the kingdom of God as taught in the textbook.
The kingdom of God is a place where God and God's creation can dwell together in peace, justice, and truth.
Read John 10:1-18 and briefly summarize how Jesus cares for His sheep.
Jesus cares for His sheep by leading them in truth and by his "voice" which can be translated to God's word.
Briefly summarize the context and story of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan talks about how a man was beaten, robbed, and left for dead. Men who people perceive as "good" and "neighborly" passed by the man and crossed the street when they saw him, but a Samaritan came by and took mercy on him. The Samaritan bandaged the man's wounds, brought the man to an inn, and requested the innkeeper to take care of the man and the innkeeper will be compensated for any extra expense.
According to the lecture, what is the atonement and where in the Old Testament is this referred to in prophecy seven times?
Jesus willingly bearing the sins of the world on the cross is called the atonement. The atonement is found in the prophecy seven times in the prophecy of Isaiah 53.
What does the incarnation refer to?
Incarnation is referred to God taking on flesh and dwelling among His creation.
According to the lecture, what three reasons are stated in Scripture for why God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ?
In the Scripture John 3:16 God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ because "[...] He so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." Also in Matthew 20:28, "The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Another reason God became a person in the son of Jesus Christ is told in Titus 2:11-14. In this scripture, it states that God wanted to wash His people of all sin so that they can dwell with Him in His Kingdom.
Read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25. What is the Apostle Paul referring to when he says at the end that "the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men?"
The Apostle Paul is referring to the message of the cross. It is written that God will destroy the wisdom of the wise and frustrate the intelligence of the intelligent.
According to Jim's lecture, in John 1:1-18, what words or phrases does John use to describe Jesus?
The words or phrases John uses to describe Jesus are, the Word, pre-existent, separate from God yet God himself, part of the creation process, active in creation, source of life, light in the darkness, and this divine being comes into the world.
According to Jim, in John 20: 30, 31, what are the reasons John writes his gospel?
John writes his gospel because of the four truths. He wants to persuade us to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He identifies Jesus as the Messiah, the promised Old Testament deliverer. That Jesus shares in the divine nature as God
What does John 3:16 tell us about why God sent Jesus into the world?
John 3:16 tells us that God sent Jesus into the world to atone our sins and teach us to follow God.
In Matthew 16:13-20, when Jesus asks the disciples who they think he is, what is Peter's response?
Peter's response was the Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the living God.