Chapter 9: Inflation/Unemployment

29 April 2023
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Which one of the following is not a measure of the price​ level?
A. Producer Price​ Index: an average of prices received by firms for goods and services at all stages of production. B. Government Price​ Index: an average of the prices paid by the government for goods and services used only by different government agencies. C. Consumer Price​ Index: an average of the prices of goods and services a typical family of four would purchase. D. GDP​ Deflator: broadest measure of the average price level as it includes prices of every final good and service. B
The price index which is used to measure changes in the cost of living is the
Consumer Price Index​ (CPI).
Briefly explain whether you agree or disagree with the following​ statement: ​"I don't believe the government price statistics. The CPI LOADING... for 2016 was 210​, but I know that the inflation rate LOADING... ​couldn't have been as high as 110 percent in​ 2016."
Disagree. The inflation rate is the percentage increase in the price level from the previous​ year, not the base year.
In the fall of​ 2015, Apple introduced a new model of its iPhone. The new model had a faster processor and a better camera than the previous model but sold for the same price. How was the CPI affected by the introduction of the new model of the​ iPhone? If​ Apple's new iPhones offer more features for the same price as the previous​ model, how was the consumer price index affected by the introduction of the new​ iPhone?
The CPI does not change.
What index is used to measure the average prices paid by a typical​ family? An average of the prices of the goods and services purchased by a typical family is​ the:
consumer price index​ (CPI).
Suppose the​ economy's consumer price index​ (CPI) in 2008 was 190 and the CPI in 2009 was 204
The inflation rate over the period from​ 2008-2009 was equal to 7.4​%
Which of the following causes changes in the CPI to overstate the true inflation​ rate?
All of the above: New product bias Substitution bias Increase in quality bias
Which of the following statements about prices and inflation is not​ correct?
A. The inflation rate shows the percentage change in prices across periods of time. B. Inflation represents a general rise in prices over periods of time. C. Prices generally increase at the same rate across most periods of time. D. The price level measures the average prices of goods and services across the economy. C
The difference between a nominal variable and a real variable is that
nominal variables are calculated in​ current-year prices and the real variables are measured in dollars of the base year for the price index to correct the effects of inflation.
In​ 1924, the famous novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote an article for the Saturday Evening Post titled​ "How to live on​ $36,000 a​ Year," in which he wondered how he and his wife had managed to spend all of that very high income without saving any of it. In​ 1924, the consumer price index​ (CPI) was​ 17, and the CPI in 2012 was 230. ​Source: F. Scott​ Fitzgerald, "How to live on​ $36,000 a​ Year," Saturday Evening Post​, April​ 5, 1924.
The income you would have needed in 2012 to have had the same purchasing power that​ Fitzgerald's $36,000 had in 1924 is ​ $487,059
The difference between the nominal interest rate and the real interest rate is
the nominal interest rate is the stated interest rate whereas the real interest rate is the nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate.
The chapter explains that it is impossible to know whether a particular nominal interest rate is​ "high" or​ "low" because
it all depends on the inflation rate.
The following appeared in a newspaper​ article: ​"Inflation in the Lehigh Valley during the first quarter of​ [the year] was less than half the national​ rate...So, unlike much of the​ nation, the fear here is​ deflation-when prices sink so low that the CPI drops below​ zero." ​Source: Dan​ Shope, "Valley's Inflation Rate​ Slides," (Allentown,​ PA) Morning Call​, July​ 9, 1996. Do you agree with the​ reporter's definition of deflation?
No. Deflation is defined as a negative inflation rate.