Chapter 8 Biology An Introduction Into Metabolism

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Which of these statements about enzyme inhibitors is true? View Available Hint(s) -When the product of an enzyme or an enzyme sequence acts as its inhibitor, this is known as positive feedback. -A noncompetitive inhibitor does not change the shape of the active site. Inhibition of enzyme function by compounds that are not substrates is something that only occurs under controlled conditions in the laboratory. A competitive inhibitor binds to the enzyme at a place that is separate from the active site. The action of competitive inhibitors may be reversible or irreversible
The action of competitive inhibitors may be reversible or irreversible
Which of the following statements about anabolic pathways is true? - They release energy by degrading polymers to monomers. They consume energy to build up polymers from monomers. They are usually spontaneous chemical reactions. They decrease the entropy of the organism and its environment.
They consume energy to build up polymers from monomers.
"Conservation of energy" refers to the fact that _____.
energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another,
Chemical energy is a form of _____ energy.
Potential Chemical energy is a form of stored energy.
In your body, what process converts the chemical energy found in glucose into the chemical energy found in ATP?
cellular respiration This is the name given to the process by which the body converts food energy to energy stored in ATP.
Which of these are by-products of cellular respiration?
heat, carbon dioxide, and water
Which of the following is an example of potential rather than kinetic energy? a molecule of glucose a crawling beetle foraging for food light flashes emitted by a firefly water rushing over Niagara Falls
A molecule of glucose
A decrease in entropy is associated with which type of reaction? hydrolysis depolymerization dehydration catabolic
Which of the following statements about anabolic pathways is true? - They release energy by degrading polymers to monomers. - They consume energy to build up polymers from monomers. - They are usually spontaneous chemical reactions. - They decrease the entropy of the organism and its environment.
They consume energy to build up polymers from monomers
Which of the following statements about the combustion of glucose with oxygen to form water and carbon dioxide (C6H12O6 + 6 O2 โ†’ 6 CO2 + 6 H2O) is correct? See Concept 8.2 (Page 147) View Available Hint(s) - The free energy lost in this combustion is less than the energy that appears as heat. - The entropy of the universe decreases as the result of this reaction. - This is the process of cellular respiration, an anabolic pathway that releases free energy. - The entropy of the products is greater than the entropy of the reactants. - The reverse reaction, making glucose from water and carbon dioxide, must be an exergonic reaction
The entropy of the products is greater than the entropy of the reactans
Which of the following statements is true for all exergonic reactions? - The products have more total energy than the reactants. - A net input of energy from the surroundings is required for the reactions to proceed. -The reaction goes only in a forward direction: all reactants will be converted to products, but no products will be converted to reactants. - The reaction proceeds with a net release of free energy.
The reaction proceeds with a net release of free energy.
Which of the following statements is true for a system at chemical equilibrium? -The system consumes energy at a steady rate. -The kinetic energy of the system is zero. -The system can do no work. -The system releases energy at a steady rate.
The system can do no work
ATP is made of ____________
Ribose, 3 phosphorus, and nitrogenous base
What type of reaction breaks the bonds that join the phosphate groups in an ATP molecule? anabolism dehydration synthesis dehydration decomposition entropic hydrolysis
Hydrolysis Hydrolysis involves breaking bonds with the addition of water.
Which of the following statements describes a common characteristic of catabolic pathways? -They are exergonic and provide energy that can be used to produce ATP from ADP and i. -They require energy from ATP hydrolysis to break down polymers into monomers. -They are endergonic and release energy that can be used for cellular work. -They combine small molecules into larger, more energy-rich molecules.
They are exergonic and provide energy that can be used to produce ATP from ADP and i
When chemical, transport, or mechanical work is done by an organism, what happens to the heat generated?
It is lost to the environment.
Diagram on page 26
ATP is a molecule that acts as an intermediary to store energy for cellular work.
In general, enzymes are what kinds of molecules?
Enzymes work by _____.
Enzymes work by reducing the energy of activation. reducing EA
An enzyme _____.
is an organic catalyst Enzymes are proteins that behave as catalysts.
What name is given to the reactants in an enzymatically catalyzed reaction?
As a result of its involvement in a reaction, an enzyme _____.
is unchanged
The binding of a compound to an enzyme is observed to slow down or stop the rate of the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme. Increasing the substrate concentration reduces the inhibitory effects of this compound. Which of the following could account for this observation? See Concept 8.4 (Page 157)
The compound is a competitive inhibitor. A competitive inhibitor slows down the enzyme by competing with the substrate for binding at the active site. Increasing substrate concentrations will reduce the effectiveness of a competitive inhibitor.
Which of the following is true when comparing an uncatalyzed reaction to the same reaction with a catalyst?
The catalyzed reaction will have the same G.
What is the name of the thermodynamic barrier that must be overcome before products are formed in a spontaneous reaction?
activation energy
How does a noncompetitive inhibitor decrease the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?
by binding to an allosteric site, thus changing the shape of the active site of the enzyme
A series of enzymes catalyze the reactions in the metabolic pathway X โ†’ Y โ†’ Z โ†’ A. Product A binds to the enzyme that converts X to Y at a position remote from its active site. This binding decreases the activity of the enzyme. What is substance X?
a substrate
A series of enzymes catalyze the reactions in the metabolic pathway X โ†’ Y โ†’ Z โ†’ A. Product A binds to the enzyme that converts X to Y at a position remote from its active site. This binding decreases the activity of the enzyme. With respect to the enzyme that converts X to Y, substance A functions as ________.
an allosteric inhibitor
Which of the following statements about feedback regulation of a metabolic pathway is correct? See Concept 8.5 (Page 159)
The final product of a metabolic pathway is usually the compound that regulates the pathway. It is quite common that the end product of the pathway controls the overall rate of the pathway.
How do enzymes lower activation energy?
by locally concentrating the reactants One of the ways enzymes work is to increase the concentrations of reactants at a single place.
Which of the following statements about enzymes is/are true? Enzymes speed up the rate of the reaction without changing the DG for the reaction. Enzymes react with their substrate (form chemical bonds), forming an enzyme-substrate complex, which irreversibly alters the enzyme. The more heat that is added to a reaction, the faster the enzymes will function. Enzymes increase the rate of a reaction by raising the activation energy for reactions. All of the listed responses are correct
Enzymes speed up the rate of the reaction without changing the DG for the reaction. Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering the activation energy barrier for the reaction. Enzymes cannot change the DG for the reaction.
What is the free energy change (ฮ”G) of the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP?
The free-energy change (ฮ”G) of the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pi may vary considerably with variations in pH, temperature, atmospheric pressure, and concentrations of reactants and products. The free-energy change (ฮ”G) of the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and Pi is -7.3 kcal/mole under standard conditions. Standard conditions are defined as a temperature of 298 K (or 250C), 1 atm, pH 7, and equal 1M concentrations present of all reactants and products. In living cells, conditions do not conform to standard conditions, primarily because reactant and product concentrations differ from 1 M. For example, when ATP hydrolysis occurs under cellular conditions, the actual ฮ”G is about -13 kcal/mol, 78% greater than the energy released by ATP hydrolysis under standard conditions. Provide Feedback
If, during a process, the system becomes more ordered, then __________.
In an endergonic reaction, in which order is increased, the change in entropy, symbolized by ฮ”S, is negative.
What do the sign and magnitude of the ฮ”G of a reaction tell us about the speed of the reaction?
The speed of a reaction is determined by the activation energy barrier of the reaction and the temperature (which determines how many reactants have the energy to overcome the barrier).
Which of these statements about enzyme inhibitors is true? View Available Hint(s) -When the product of an enzyme or an enzyme sequence acts as its inhibitor, this is known as positive feedback. A noncompetitive inhibitor does not change the shape of the active site. Inhibition of enzyme function by compounds that are not substrates is something that only occurs under controlled conditions in the laboratory. A competitive inhibitor binds to the enzyme at a place that is separate from the active site. The action of competitive inhibitors may be reversible or irreversible.
The action of competitive inhibitors may be reversible or irreversible. Competitive inhibitors that bind covalently to the enzyme would be irreversible, and those that bind weakly would be reversible.
In cellular respiration, most energy is released and transferred to ATP when _____.
high-energy electrons "fall" to lower energy levels
The process of stabilizing the structure of an enzyme in its active form by the binding of a molecule outside the active site is an example of __________.
allosteric activation
In general, the hydrolysis of ATP drives cellular work by
releasing free energy that can be coupled to other reactions With the help of specific enzymes, the cell can couple the energy of ATP hydrolysis directly to endergonic processes.
A (n)competitive inhibitor has a structure that is so similar to the substrate that it can bond to the enzyme just like the substrate. 2. A (n)noncompetitive inhibitor binds to a site on the enzyme that is not the active site. 3. Usually, a(n) irreversible inhibitor forms a covalent bond with an amino acid side group within the active site, which prevents the substrate from entering the active site or prevents catalytic activity. 4. The competitive inhibitor competes with the substrate for the active site on the enzyme. 5. When the noncompetitive inhibitor is bonded to the enzyme, the shape of the enzyme is distorted. 6. Enzyme inhibitors disrupt normal interactions between an enzyme and its substrate.
Competitive inhibitors compete physically and structurally with the substrate for an enzyme's active site; they can be outcompeted by adding extra substrate. Noncompetitive inhibitors do not compete for the active site, but inhibit the enzyme by binding elsewhere and changing the enzyme's shape. Irreversible inhibitors bind directly to the active site by covalent bonds, which change the structure of the enzyme and inactivate it permanently. Most medications are enzyme inhibitors of one kind or another.
You have added an irreversible inhibitor to a sample of enzyme and substrate. At this point, the reaction has stopped completely. What can you do to regain the activity of the enzyme?
The enzyme is inactive at this point. New enzyme must be added to regain enzyme activity. Because they bind directly to the active site by covalent bonds, irreversible inhibitors permanently render an enzyme inactive. Some drugs are irreversible inhibitors, including the antibiotic penicillin (which inhibits an enzyme involved in bacterial cell-wall synthesis) and aspirin (which inhibits cyclooxygenase-2, the enzyme involved in the inflammatory reaction).
You have an enzymatic reaction proceeding at the optimum pH and optimum temperature. You add a competitive inhibitor to the reaction and notice that the reaction slows down. What can you do to speed the reaction up again?
Add more substrate; it will outcompete the inhibitor and increase the reaction rate. Competitive inhibition can be overcome by adding more substrate to outcompete the inhibitor. Many drugs used to treat different medical conditions, including hypertension, are competitive inhibitors. It is fairly easy to make a molecule that is similar in structure to a particular substrate because the known enzyme's shape can be used as a model of what the molecule needs to look like. It is more difficult to make a noncompetitive inhibitor because it is less obvious what the noncompetitive inhibitor's shape and structure should be.
Which of the following is an example of the second law of thermodynamics as it applies to biological reactions?
The second law of thermodynamics states that every energy transformation makes the universe more disorderedโ€”carbon dioxide and water are more disordered than glucose.