Chapter 2- Signs, Signals And Roadway Markings

25 July 2022
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1. What are the meanings of the eight shapes of signs: octagon, triangle, vertical rectangle, pentagon, round, pennant, diamond, horizontal rectangle?
Octagon -> Stop. Triangle -> Yield. Vertical Rectangle -> Regulatory. Pentagon -> School. Round -> Railroad Crossing. Pennant -> No Passing. Diamond -> Warning. Horizontal Rectangle -> Guide.
2. What are the meanings of the eight colors used for traffic signs: Red, Yellow, White, Orange, Black, Green, Blue, Brown?
Red -> Stop, Yield, or Prohibited. Yellow -> Warning. White -> Regulatory. Orange -> Construction or Detour. Black -> Regulatory. Green -> Guide. Blue -> Motorist Services. Brown -> Public Recreation
3. What actions should you take at a STOP, YIELD, and speed limit signs?
At a STOP sign, come to a complete stop and yield the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles. At a YIELD sign, slow or stop and give the right of way to cross traffic. Speed limit signs indicate the safe maximum or minimum speed.
4. What are five situations where warning signs might be used?
Warning signs might be used to indicate any number of hazards; no passing zones, railroad crossings, school zones, sharp curves, intersections ahead, or animal crossings.
5. How can guide signs and international signs help you when driving?
Guide signs point out routes, intersections, services, and points of interest. International signs use symbols rather than words.
6. What should you do at a green light, a yellow light, and a red light?
At a red light, come to a complete stop behind a stop line, crosswalk, or before an intersection. Make every safe reasonable effort to stop at a yellow light. Go through the intersection at a green light only if it is clear of traffic.
7. What action should you take when approaching a flashing red signal or a flashing yellow signal?
Come to a complete stop at a flashing red signal. Slow down and prepare to stop at a flashing yellow signal. You are not required to stop at a flashing yellow, so proceed with caution.
8. What actions should you take with pedestrian signals and traffic control officers' signals?
The WALK signal and the green light are for pedestrians and drivers going in the same direction. The DON'T WALK signal usually flashes just before the yellow light appears. A traffic- control officer holds up a hand for stop and waves a hand for go.
9. What is the difference between broken yellow lines and broken white lines?
Broken yellow lines separate two-way traffic. Broken white lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.
10. What is the difference between a shared left turn lane and a left turn lane?
Shared left turn lanes help drivers make safer mid-block left turns. Drivers going in both directions can use these lanes. A left turn lane is the lane a driver should be in to turn left at an intersection
11. What are six types of special roadway markings?
No parking zones, handicapped parking spaces, yellow or white markings for roadway obstructions, railroad crossing markings, white markings that show where an exit ramp begins, and rumble strips to warn you to slow for an upcoming hazard.