Auto-Evaluation Check-in 8.1

23 August 2022
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Completar: Fill in the blanks with the correct preterite forms of the verbs in parentheses 1. Diego y Javier ___________ (conseguir) un mapa 2. Esta ma帽ana usted ___________ (pedir) mucho caf茅. 3. tu ___________ (sentirse) mal ayer. 4. La semana pasada yo no ___________ (dormir) bien. 5. Amparo _________ (preferir) comer en casa.
1. consiguieron 2. pidi贸 3. te sentiste 4. dorm铆 5. prefiri贸
Explanation: 1. Diego and Javier got a map.2. This morning you asked for a lot of coffee.3. You felt bad yesterday.4. Last week I didn't sleep well.5. Amparo prefers to eat at home.
Oraciones: Write sentences using the information provided. Use the preterite and make any necessary changes Modelo: Edgar / preferir / pollo asado Edgar prefiri贸 el pollo asado. 1. 脕lvaro y yo / servir / los entremeses 2. 驴qui茅n / repetir / las instrucciones? 3. ayer / yo / vestirse / con ropa elegante 4. ustedes / dormirse / a las diez
1. 脕lvaro y yo servimos los entremeses. 2. 驴Qui茅n repiti贸 las instrucciones? 3. Ayer yo me vest铆 con ropa elegante. 4. Ustedes se durmieron a las diez.
Explanation: de la noche1. Alvaro and I served the hors d'oeuvres.2. Who repeated the instructions?3. Yesterday I dressed in elegant clothing.4. You all went to sleep at ten o'clock at night.
La cena: Fill in the blanks with the preterite form of the appropriate verbs from the list. Four verbs will not be used. 1. Anoche Jorge, Iv谩n y yo salimos a cenar a Mi Tierra, un restaurante guatemalteco. Nosotros (1) __________ este lugar porque Jorge (2) _________ una rese帽a (review) en Internet que dec铆a (said) que la comida es aut茅ntica y muy sabrosa. No es un restaurante elegante; entonces nosotros (3) ________ __________ de bluejeans. De verdad, en Mi Tierra mis amigos y yo (4) _______ ___________ como (like) en casa. El camarero que nos (5) ____________- fue muy amable. Para empezar, Jorge e Iv谩n (6) ______________ tamales, pero yo (7) ____________ esperar el plato principal: carne de res con arroz y frijoles. Comimos tanto (so much) que no (8) ______________ nada de postre (dessert). 隆Fue una cena deliciosa!
1. escogimos 2. ley贸 3. nos vestimos 4. nos sentimos 5. sirvi贸 6. escogieron 7. prefer铆 8. escogimos
Explanation: 1. We went to this place because Jorge read a review on the Internet that said the food is authentic and very tasty. It's not a fancy restaurant, so we wore jeans. Really, at Mi Tierra my friends and I felt like we were at home. The waiter who served us was very friendly. To start, Jorge and Ivan ordered tamales, but I wanted to wait for the main dish: beef with rice and beans. We ate so much that we didn't have any room for dessert. It was a delicious dinner!2. Jorge and Ivan ordered tamales, but I wanted to wait for the main dish: beef with rice and beans.3. We ate so much that we didn't have any room for dessert.
Clasificar: Assign the appropriate category to each word. 1. arroz con pollo 2. caf茅 con leche 3. cereales 4. esp谩rragos 5. huevos 6. refresco 7. s谩ndwich de jam贸n 8. entremeses
1. la cena 2. el desayuno 3. el desayuno 4. la cena 5. el desayuno 6. el almuerzo 7. el almuerzo 8. la cena
Explanation: 1. Arroz con pollo is a traditional dish of rice and chicken.2. Caf茅 con leche is a coffee with milk.3. Cereales are cereals.4. Esparragos are asparagus.5. Huevos are eggs.6. Refresco is a soft drink.7. Sandwich de jamon is a ham sandwich.8. Entremeses are appetizers.
Seleccionar: Select the item that does not belong 1. arvejas champi帽ones frijoles entremeses 2. pavo camarones salm贸n at煤n 3. jugo aceite vino t茅 4. naranja ma铆z manzana pera 5. chuleta de cerdo melocot贸n camarero zanahoria 6. lechuga queso yogur leche
1. entremeses 2. pavo 3. aceite 4. ma铆z 5. camarero 6. lechuga
Explanation: 1. The item that does not belong is entremeses. This word is a Spanish word meaning appetizers. The other words in the list are all types of beans.2. The item that does not belong is atun. This word is a Spanish word meaning tuna. The other words in the list are all types of poultry.3. The item that does not belong is te. This word is a Spanish word meaning tea. The other words in the list are all types of juice.4. The item that does not belong is pera. This word is a Spanish word meaning pear. The other words in the list are all types of citrus fruit.5. The item that does not belong is camarero. This word is a Spanish word meaning waiter. The other words in the list are all types of pork.6. The item that does not belong is leche. This word is a Spanish word meaning milk. The other words in the list are all types of lettuce.
驴L贸gico o il贸gico?: Indicate whether each statement is l贸gico or il贸gico. 1. Tengo sed; voy a beber un jugo de pimienta. 2. Normalmente, las salchichas son de carne, de pollo o de cerdo. 3. Comemos la ensalada con mantequilla. 4. Generalmente, el due帽o de un restaurante no sirve los platos. 5. El lim贸n es una verdura. 6. Si quieres merendar, puedes comer una fruta
1. il贸gico 2. l贸gico 3. il贸gico 4. l贸gico 5. il贸gico 6. l贸gico
Completar: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words from the list. Four words will not be used 1. 鈥擸 tu amiga Cristina, 驴come _____________? 鈥擭o, a ella no le gustan nada los mariscos. 2. No conozco este restaurante. 驴Usted me puede recomendar un plato principal? 鈥擲铆. Debe _________ el bistec con cebolla. Es muy __________ 3. 鈥斅縏e gusta la sopa? 鈥擬mm... s铆. __________ mucho a ajo.
1. langosta 2. probar, sabroso 3. Sabe
Explanation: 4. ?Quieres una ensalada? 鈥擭o, gracias. No me gustan las ___________.1. How does your friend Christina feel about seafood? 2. I don't know this restaurant. Can you recommend a main dish? 3. Do you like soup? 4. No, thank you. I don't like vegetables.