Homework Unit-11 ( Big Bucks Bank)

6 September 2022
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Each member of the Board of Governors Board is selected by the The Federal Reserve Board of Governors The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) includes The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
U.S. president and confirmed by the Senate. coordinates policies for the 12 Federal Reserve Banks. the Board of Governors members and 5 of the 12 presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks, of which, the president of the New York Fed has a permanent voting seat. votes on the Fed's monetary policy and directs the purchase or sale of government securities.
When economists say that the Federal Reserve Banks are 'central' banks, this means When economists say that the Federal Reserve Banks are quasi-public banks, this means When economists say that the Federal Reserve Banks are 'bankers' banks, this means Which of the following are included in the functions of the Federal Reserve System?
the policies are coordinated by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. they are a blend of private ownership and public control. they perform the same functions for banks as banks perform for the public. Issuing Federal Reserve Notes, providing for check collection, and supervising the operation of banks
Economists nearly uniformly support an independent Fed rather than one beholden directly to either the President or Congress because
this independence allows the Fed to more effectively control the money supply and maintain price stability.
An asset on a bank's balance sheet is something
owned by the bank, whereas a liability is something owed by the bank.
Net worth is equal to
assets minus liabilities.
A balance sheet must always balance because the sum of
assets must equal the sum of liabilities plus net worth.
The banking system in the United States is referred to as a fractional reserve bank system because In a fractional reserve system, deposit insurance
banks hold a fraction of deposits on reserve. guarantees that depositors will always get their money, avoiding bank runs.
Consider the following statement: "When a commercial bank makes loans, it creates money; when loans are repaid, money is destroyed." This statement is
correct because lending increases the money supply, and the repayment reduces checkable deposits, lowering the money supply.
Suppose that Mountain Star Bank discovers that its reserves will temporarily fall slightly below those legally required. It can temporarily remedy this situation by Assume Mountain Star Bank finds that its reserves will be substantially and permanently deficient. To remedy this situation, Mountain Star Bank can
borrowing funds from other banks in the Federal funds market. reduce the amount of loans outstanding.
What is the monetary multiplier?
1 / reserve ratio
A decrease in the reserve requirement causes the size of the money multiplier to
increase, the amount of excess reserves in the banking system to rise, and the money supply to increase.
Suppose the assets of the Silver Lode Bank are $250,000 higher than on the previous day and its net worth is up $40,000. By how much and in what direction must its liabilities have changed from the day before? Liabilities ____ correct by $____.
By definition (balance-sheet approach) the total amount of assets must equal liabilities plus net worth. Assets = liabilities + net worth. We can extend this logic to changes. That is, the change in assets must equal the change in liabilities plus the change in net worth. Ī” Assets = Ī” liabilities + Ī” net worth. Substituting the values above, we have $250,000 = Ī” liabilities + $40,000. This implies that Ī” liabilities = $210,000, which is obviously an increase in liabilities. increased $210,000.
Suppose that Serendipity Bank has excess reserves of $8,000 and checkable deposits of $150,000. If the reserve ratio is 20 percent, what is the size of the bank's actual reserves? $____.
The first step is to calculate the required reserves for the bank. This equals the product of the required reserve ratio (decimal form) and checkable deposits. Required reserves = 0.20 Ɨ $150,000 = $30,000. The second step is to calculate actual reserves. This is the sum of required reserves and excess reserves. Actual reserves = required reserves + excess reserves = $30,000 + $8,000 = $38,000. $38,000.
Third National Bank has reserves of $10,000 and checkable deposits of $100,000. The reserve ratio is 10 percent. Households deposit $5,000 in currency into the bank and that currency is added to reserves. What level of excess reserves does the bank now have? $____.
The first step is to calculate checkable deposits. This equals the original checkable deposits plus the new deposit, or $105,000 (= $100,000 + $5,000). The second step is to calculate required reserves for the deposits. This equals the product of the required reserve ratio (decimal form) and checkable deposits. Required reserves = 0.10 Ɨ $105,000 = $10,500. The third step is to calculate excess reserves. This equals actual reserves minus required reserves. Since the $5,000 deposit was added to the original reserves of $10,000, the new (actual) reserves equal $15,000. Excess reserves = actual reserves - required reserves = $15,000 - $10,500 = $4,500. $4,500.
Suppose that Third National Bank has reserves of $10,000 and checkable deposits of $100,000. The reserve ratio is 10 percent. The bank sells $10,000 in securities to the Federal Reserve Bank in its district, receiving a $10,000 increase in reserves in return. What level of excess reserves does the bank now have? $____.
The $10,000 sale of securities is directly transferred into the reserves of the bank. This increases reserves by $10,000 to $20,000, but since this was a sale of securities there is no change in checkable deposits immediately following the transaction. The fact that checkable deposits have not changed implies that required reserves have not changed, so required reserves still equal $10,000. Thus, excess reserves equal $10,000 (= actual reserves - required reserves = $20,000 - $10,000). $10,000.
Suppose that Big Bucks Bank has the simplified balance sheet shown below. The reserve ratio is 20 percent. Instructions: Enter your answers as whole numbers. a. What is the maximum amount of new loans that Big Bucks Bank can make? $____. Show in columns 1 and 1' how the bank's balance sheet will appear after the bank has lent this additional amount. Assets (1' ) (2' ) Reserves [27,000] [____] [____] Securities [38,000] [____] [____] Loans [35,000] [____] [____] Liabilities and net worth (1' ) (2' ) Checkable deposits [100,000] [____] [____] b. By how much has the supply of money changed? $____. c. How will the bank's balance sheet appear after checks drawn for the entire amount of the new loans have been cleared against the bank? Show the new balance sheet in columns 2 and 2'. d. Using the original figures, revisit questions a, b, and c based on the assumption that the reserve ratio is now 15 percent. What is the maximum amount of new loans that this bank can make? $. Show in columns 3 and 3' (below) how the bank's balance sheet will appear after the bank has lent this additional amount. By how much has the supply of money changed? $____. Assets (3' ) (4' ) Reserves [27,000] [____] [____] Securities [38,000] [____] [____] Loans [35,000] [____] [____] Liabilities and net worth (3' ) (4' ) Checkable deposits [100,000] [____] [____] How will the bank's balance sheet appear after checks drawn for the entire amount of the new loans have been cleared against the bank? Show the new balance sheet in columns 4 and 4' in the table above.
a. The first step is to calculate required reserves. This equals the product of the required reserve ratio (decimal form) and checkable deposits. Required reserves = 0.20 Ɨ $100,000 = $20,000. The second step is to calculate excess reserves. This equals actual reserves minus required reserves. Excess reserves = actual reserves - required reserves = $27,000 - $20,000 = $7,000. This is the maximum amount of new loans that the bank can make. After making a loan of $7,000 (excess reserves), loans will increase by $7,000. There is no change in reserves initially (checks have not been drawn against the loan yet) or securities. Once the bank makes the loan, it will also credit the borrower's account (checkable deposits) equal to the value of the loan. Thus, checkable deposits will increase by $7,000. $7,000. b. The immediate effect is an increase in the money supply by $7,000. Checkable deposits have increased by $7,000. (Note that we have not worked through the monetary multiplier yet, so this is the immediate effect of the transaction.) $7,000. c. After checks are drawn against the loan, checkable deposits will fall by $7,000 (the amount of the loan) and reserves will fall by $7,000 (the amount of the loan) after the checks clear. Assets (1' ) (2' ) Reserves [27,000] [27,000] [20,000] Securities [38,000] [38,000] [38,000] Loans [35,000] [42,000] [42,000] Liabilities and net worth (1' ) (2' ) Checkable deposits [100,000] [107,000] [100,000] d. Answer questions a, b, and c on the assumption that the reserve ratio is 15 percent. For part a, the first step is to calculate required reserves. This equals the product of the required reserve ratio (decimal form) and checkable deposits. Required reserves = 0.15 Ɨ $100,000 = $15,000. The second step is to calculate excess reserves. This equals actual reserves minus required reserves. Excess reserves = actual reserves - required reserves = $27,000 - $15,000 = $12,000. This is the maximum amount of new loans that the bank can make. After making a loan of $12,000 (excess reserves), loans will increase by $12,000. There is no change in reserves initially (checks have not been drawn against the loan yet) or securities. Once the bank makes the loan it will also credit the borrower's account (checkable deposits) equal to the value of the loan. Thus, checkable deposits will increase by $12,000. $12,000 For part b, the immediate effect is an increase in the money supply by $12,000. Checkable deposits have increased by $12,000. (Note that we have not worked through the monetary multiplier yet, so this is the immediate effect of the transaction.) For part c, after checks are drawn against the loan, checkable deposits will fall by $12,000 (the amount of the loan) and reserves will fall by $12,000 (the amount of the loan) after the checks clear. $12,000 Assets (1' ) (2' ) Reserves [27,000] [27,000] [15,000] Securities [38,000] [38,000] [38,000] Loans [35,000] [47,000] [47,000] Liabilities and net worth (1' ) (2' ) Checkable deposits [100,000] [112,000] [100,000]
a. If the required reserve ratio is 10 percent, what is the monetary multiplier? ____. b. If the monetary multiplier is 4, what is the required reserve ratio? ____percent.
a. The monetary multiplier equals one divided by the required reserve ratio. Monetary multiplier = 1/required reserve ratio = 1/0.10 = 10. 10. b. We can rearrange this question to solve for the required reserve ratio when given the monetary multiplier. Required reserve ratio = 1/monetary multiplier = 1/4 = 0.25, or 25 percent. 25
Suppose the simplified consolidated balance sheet shown below is for the entire commercial banking system and that all figures are in billions of dollars. The reserve ratio is 25 percent. a. What is the amount of excess reserves in this commercial banking system? $____ billion. What is the maximum amount the banking system might lend? $____ billion. Show in columns 1(a) and 1'(a) how the consolidated balance sheet would look after this amount has been lent. What is the size of the monetary multiplier? ____. b. Using the original figures, answer the questions in part a assuming the reserve ratio is 20 percent. What is the amount of excess reserves in this commercial banking system? $____ billion. What is the maximum amount the banking system might lend? $____ billion. Show in columns 1(b) and 1'(b) how the consolidated balance sheet would look after this amount has been lent. What is the monetary multiplier? ____. What is the resulting difference in the amount that the commercial banking system can lend when the required reserve ratio is 20 percent rather than 25 percent? ____billion. Assets 1 (a) Reserves [56][____] Securities [44][____] Loans [100][____] Liabilities and net worth 1' (b) Checkable deposits [200][____]
a. The first step is to calculate required reserves. This equals the product of the required reserve ratio (decimal form) and checkable deposits. Required reserves = 0.25 Ɨ $200 billion = $50 billion. The second step is to calculate excess reserves. This equals actual reserves minus required reserves. Excess reserves = actual reserves - required reserves = $56 billion - $50 billion = $6 billion. The third step is to calculate the maximum amount the banking system (not a single bank) might lend. This is found by taking the product of the monetary multiplier and the amount of excess reserves. Monetary multiplier = 1/required reserve ratio = 1/0.25 = 4. Maximum amount of loans = 4 Ɨ $6 billion = $24 billion. 6 24 4 16 80 5 56 Assets 1 (a) Reserves [56][56] Securities [44][44] Loans [100][124] Liabilities and net worth 1' (b) Checkable deposits [200][224] Two things to note here: (1) The banking system does not lose reserves and (2) checkable deposits increase by the amount of the loans (money creation through the fractional reserve banking system). b. We follow the same steps but with a required reserve ratio of 20 percent. The first step is to calculate required reserves. This equals the product of the required reserve ratio (decimal form) and checkable deposits. Required reserves = 0.20 Ɨ $200 billion = $40 billion. The second step is to calculate excess reserves. This equals actual reserves minus required reserves. Excess reserves = actual reserves - required reserves = $56 billion - $40 billion = $16 billion. The third step is to calculate the maximum amount the banking system (not a single bank as in problem 5) might lend. This is found by taking the product of the monetary multiplier and the amount of excess reserves. Monetary multiplier = 1/required reserve ratio = 1/0.20 = 5. Maximum amount of loans = 5 Ɨ $16 billion = $80 billion. Assets 1 (a) Reserves [56][56] Securities [44][44] Loans [100][180] Liabilities and net worth 1' (b) Checkable deposits [200][280] With the required reserve ratio of 20 percent (rather than 25 percent), the banking system can lend $56 billion more (= $80 billion - $24 billion).
The basic objective of monetary policy is to
assist the economy in achieving a full-employment, non-inflationary level of total output.
Monetary policy is easier to conduct than fiscal policy because
monetary policy has a much shorter administrative lag than fiscal policy.
A major strength of monetary policy is
its speed and flexibility.
A decrease in the supply of Federal funds is shown as an upshift of the supply curve above because the interest rate
rises to 4.5% which occurs when there are fewer funds available.
Suppose that you are a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The economy is experiencing a sharp rise in the inflation rate. In this case the Federal funds rate should be
Suppose that you are a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The economy is experiencing a sharp rise in the inflation rate. You recommend a contraction of the money supply by
increasing the reserve ratio or discount rate or selling bonds.
Suppose that you are a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The economy is experiencing a sharp rise in the inflation rate. You recommend a contraction of the money supply which would
reduce the lending ability of the banking system, increase the real interest rate, and reduce investment spending, aggregate demand, and inflation.
If there is an increase in the nation's money supply, the interest rate will
fall, investment spending will rise, aggregate demand will shift right, and real GDP and the price level will rise.
Money Supply 500 500 500 500 500 Money Demand 800 700 600 500 400 Interest Rate 2 3 4 5 6 Investment at Interest (Rate Shown) 60 50 40 30 20 Potential Real GDP 350 350 350 350 350 Actual Real GDP at Interest (Rate Shown) 390 370 350 330 310 a. What is the equilibrium interest rate in Moola? ____percent. b. What is the level of investment at the equilibrium interest rate? $____. c. Is there either a recessionary output gap (negative GDP gap) or an inflationary output gap (positive GDP gap) at the equilibrium interest rate and, if either, what is the amount? Recessionary output gap of $____. d. Given money demand, by how much would the Moola central bank need to change the money supply to close the output gap? Increase the money supply by $____. e. What is the (expenditure) multiplier in Moola? ____.
a. The equilibrium interest rate occurs at the interest rate where the quantity of money supplied equals the quantity of money demanded. Thus, the equilibrium interest rate is 5 percent. 5 b. Investment at this interest rate is $30. 30 c. At the interest rate of 5 percent, potential GDP is $350 and actual GDP is $330. Since actual GDP is less than potential GDP, there is a recessionary (negative) GDP gap. The gap is the difference, so the amount of the recessionary gap is $20. 20 d. To eliminate the recessionary gap, that is to move actual GDP to $350 so that it equals potential GDP, the central bank will need to increase the money supply to $600. When the money supply is $600, the equilibrium interest rate is now 4 percent and investment is $40. 100 e. To find the (expenditure) multiplier, we can divide the change in actual GDP by the change in investment. Multiplier = ($350 - $330)/($30 - $20) = $20/$10 = 2. 2