Solar System Quizzes

The Solar System is the collection of celestial bodies that orbit around the sun, located at the centre of our galaxy. It consists of eight planets, their moons and other astronomical objects such as asteroids and comets. The Solar System formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a large cloud of gas and dust known as the solar nebula. Over time, gravity caused this material to coalesce and form the sun in its centre, as well as planets orbiting around it.The eight planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune can all be seen by naked eye from Earth if one knows when and where to look for them. Each planet has its own unique characteristics which distinguishes it from others in the system. For instance, Mercury is much closer to the Sun than any other planet; it’s also very hot due to its proximity with our star but has almost no atmosphere so it is difficult to observe things happening on its surface without special equipment. On the other hand, Jupiter is much further away from our star but has an extremely thick atmosphere due to which we can easily observe its great red spot or swirling clouds with a telescope on Earth’s surface.In addition to these 8 planets there are numerous moons orbiting each one of them; many of these are large enough that they have been studied separately by astronomers over time due to their interesting features or potential habitability conditions (e.g., Europa moon orbiting Jupiter). Apart from planetary bodies like these two examples above there are also asteroids travelling through space between planets which could potentially collide with them if their orbits cross paths; comets made up mostly ice particles that enter our Solar System periodically; etcetera… All these objects contribute in shaping this vast region we call home: The Solar System.

We've found 6 Solar System quizzes

PsychologySocial ScienceSolar System
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Aria Brown

ConstructionSolar System
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Luciano Diaz

ScienceSolar SystemSpace Science
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Zaira Sanchez

Astronomy Ch. 23

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CosmologyScienceSolar SystemSpace Science
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Heidi Sanchez

ScienceSolar SystemSpace Science
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Camilla Murphy

CosmologyScienceSolar SystemSpace Science
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Seamus Diaz

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