World History FLVS 4.01 Science And Rebirth Quiz

28 August 2022
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Use the following excerpt from Boccaccio's The Decameron to answer the following question: "In the year of our Lord 1348, there happened at Florence, the finest city in all Italy a most terrible plague; which, whether owing to the influence of the planets, or that it was sent from God as a just punishment for our sins, had broken out some years before in the Levant (Middle East) and, after passing from place to place, and making incredible havoc all the way, had now reached the west..." Public Domain How does Boccaccio let you know that he recognized that the plague spread widely from one location to another?
He states that it spread from the Middle East.
Which of the following was not an effect of the Great Famine of 1315?
Southern European countries were more heavily affected than northern European countries.
(04.01 MC)Use the following excerpt from Boccaccio's The Decameron to answer the following question: "In the year of our Lord 1348, there happened at Florence, the finest city in all Italy a most terrible plague; which, whether owing to the influence of the planets, or that it was sent from God as a just punishment for our sins, had broken out some years before in the Levant (Middle East) and, after passing from place to place, and making incredible havoc all the way, had now reached the west..." Public Domain According to Boccaccio, what did some people believe to be the cause of the plague?
Which of the following completes the cause-and-effect table?
NOT - The Great Schism of 1054
In Medieval Europe, it took a few years for the Black Death to consume all of Europe. In 2009, the H1N1 disease spread all over the world in a few months. Considering the information on the map, how might the H1N1 virus have spread so quickly throughout the world?
NOT - The virus was spread throughout the world by flocks of migratory birds.
Which nation had the highest number of casualties resulting from the Spanish flu pandemic in October of 1918?
The United States
What might account for the fact that developed countries were more affected than developing countries during the H1N1 pandemic?
People in developed countries traveled more and exposed more people.
Which of the following is the most likely culprit for why Africa has such a low life expectancy rate compared to almost everywhere else?
The spread of the AIDS virus
Why do developing nations tend to be more heavily affected by pandemics than developed nations?
Developing nations lack the resources to control the spread of disease.
Considering the dangers associated with spreading a disease, why are people who are affected by communicable diseases told not to travel on airplanes?
The tight cabin space makes it easier for the disease to spread
What does this map indicate about the dispersion of H1N1 cases in 2009?
The developed countries were affected more than the developing countries.
Use the following excerpt from Boccaccio's The Decameron to answer the following question: "In the year of our Lord 1348, there happened at Florence, the finest city in all Italy a most terrible plague; which, whether owing to the influence of the planets, or that it was sent from God as a just punishment for our sins, had broken out some years before in the Levant (Middle East) and, after passing from place to place, and making incredible havoc all the way, had now reached the west... " Public Domain Based on the passage, how would Boccaccio likely feel about the actions of the flagellants, who warned Christians to repent?
He would find their actions appropriate because he believed human sin may have caused the plague.
Why is there such a contrast between the expressions on the faces of the two figures?
Because the man is afraid of Death, but Death is happy to have another victim