Using Reference Resources

31 August 2022
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Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone? The art teacher thought you're drawing was exceptionally detailed. Some of the neighbors just saw you're dog running down the street. I think you left your biology notebook on the bleachers yesterday. If you want to finish the assignment, your going to need another pen.
I think you left your biology notebook on the bleachers yesterday.
Use the dictionary entry for crude to answer the question. crude crude ['krüd] adj from Latin crudus 1. the quality of being unchanged from the original state 2. the quality of being primitive or uncultured 3. the quality of being obvious 4. the quality of being rough in execution Which word best defines the word crude? polished undeveloped skilled mature
Use the thesaurus entry for mediate to answer the question. mediate adj Definition: occupying a middle position Synonyms: central, intermediate, medium, middle Antonyms: extreme, farthest, outermost, utmost verb Definition: to get something by working with both sides in a dispute Synonyms: interpose, intercede, intervene Antonyms: avoid, disregard, ignore, overlook Use the drop-down menu to choose a synonym for the word mediate as it would be used in this sentence. After looking at much of the evidence, Arlo took a(n) ______ stance on the issue, believing that there was no absolute right or wrong.
Use the dictionary entry for lavish to answer the question. lavish la•vish ['la-vish] from Middle French lavasse adj 1. given in large amounts 2. having a very rich and expensive quality verb 1. giving or using in large amounts Use context clues to choose the sentence that best uses the last definition of the word lavish. There was a lavish amount of food and drinks set upon the table. Finn noticed the lavish nature of the items in the jewelry store. For his birthday, his friends would lavish him with many gifts. According to the papers, the wedding was a lavish affair.
For his birthday, his friends would lavish him with many gifts.
Use the thesaurus entry for labyrinth to answer the question. labyrinth noun Definition: a place that has many confusing paths and passages; something that is extremely difficult to understand Synonyms: entanglement, puzzle, web Which sentences contain possible synonyms for the word labyrinth? The business venture became such a tangle that everyone agreed to go separate ways. It would take days to get to the other side of this jungle of vines, hedges, shrubs, and weeds. Emma was determined to find the way through this maze of pathways, tunnels, and bridges. Perhaps, Julian would not have gotten lost if he had brought a map or a compass. After spending several days in the wilderness, the group of explorers was happy to be back home.
It would take days to get to the other side of this jungle of vines, hedges, shrubs, and weeds. Emma was determined to find the way through this maze of pathways, tunnels, and bridges.
Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone? This morning, Shelly wore a pear of gloves to school. I had a sandwich, some cheese, and a pear for lunch. Eduardo ate all of the apple, but he did not like the pair. Ravi noticed that the pair tree in the yard was in full bloom.
I had a sandwich, some cheese, and a pear for lunch.
hich homophone best completes the sentence? Though I prefer to eat fruit, I enjoy vegetables ________. your you're too two
Use the thesaurus entry for assess to answer the question. assess verb Definition: to make a judgment about something Synonyms: appraise, judge, test, value Antonyms: guess, ignore, neglect Which word is another possible synonym for the word assess? evaluate decide regard apply
Use the thesaurus entry for abstract to answer the question. abstract noun Definition: a summary of points in brief form Synonyms: summary, brief, digest, synopsis verb Definition: to make a summary of Synonyms: summarize, outline adjective Definition: expressing a quality apart from an object, without a direct representation Synonyms: theoretical, conceptual, nonrepresentational, ideal Which is a possible synonym for the word abstract as it is used in this sentence? The medical students were asked to abstract the information in the related case studies. synopsis summarize ideal conceptual
Use the dictionary entry for crude to answer the question. crude crude ['krüd] adj from Latin crudus 1. the quality of being unchanged from the original state 2. the quality of being primitive or uncultured 3. the quality of being blunt or offensive 4. the quality of being rough in execution Which sentence correctly uses the word crude as it is defined? Check all that apply. Despite their hard work, the miners were only able to find a small amount of crude minerals in the mine they were excavating. Kenzo became much more polite and crude after the teacher spoke to his parents about how poorly he had been behaving in class. The architect drew a crude sketch of his designs to give his clients a general idea of what he wanted to build. The audience booed the comedian off the stage because his crude jokes were very inappropriate. The baker decorated the wedding cake with flowers made of sugar that were so crude that they looked like real flowers.
Despite their hard work, the miners were only able to find a small amount of crude minerals in the mine they were excavating. The architect drew a crude sketch of his designs to give his clients a general idea of what he wanted to build. The audience booed the comedian off the stage because his crude jokes were very inappropriate.