Using Reference Resources - English 9A

20 August 2022
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Which word is another possible synonym for the word assess?
Which sentence correctly uses the word crude as it is defined? Check all that apply.
x 2+
Use context clues to choose the sentence that best uses the fourth definition of the word crude.
Elijah and his brother quickly built a crude shelter that would keep them warm and dry through the night.
Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone?
They're still not finished with the project that was due yesterday.
Which homophone best completes the sentence? ________ not going to believe what I just heard about the principal.
Which is a possible synonym for the word abstract as it is used in this sentence? The medical students were asked to abstract the information in the related case studies.
Which sentences contain possible synonyms for the word labyrinth? Check all that apply.
x 2+
Which sentence shows the correct use of a common homophone?
I had a sandwich, some cheese, and a pear for lunch.
Which synonym best replaces the word assess in the sentence below? We asked the antiques dealer to assess the value of the clock before we decided to sell it.
Use context clues to choose the sentence that best uses the last definition of the word lavish.
NOT There was a lavish amount of food and drinks set upon the table.
Which is an effective research question in developing an essay topic?
What is the story of Hercules, and what lesson does it teach?
Where should the quotation below be placed to further develop the paragraph? A noted expert has written, "Health and hygiene are still represented today by the rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff" (Atkin 286).
before sentence 3
Elise needs to revise her essay's conclusion to use a more formal tone. Hera is a Greek goddess you should get to know. I like her because she's strong, smart, and beautiful. Which revision of Elise's conclusion best uses a formal tone?
Readers should become familiar with the Greek goddess, Hera. Her strength, wisdom, and beauty set her apart from other Olympians.
Which would most likely be found in informal writing?
opinion statements
A formal tone is most appropriate to use in
Plagiarism can be avoided by
using MLA format to cite sources
What should an effective research question be? Check all that apply.
answerable complex specific compelling
Jacob receives the writing prompt below. Write an informative essay about an event in Greek mythology. Summarize the plot, and explain how the myth has influenced modern culture. He decides to write about an event involving Odysseus. Which are effective research questions to best develop his topic?
What happened in Odysseus's attempt to capture Troy? What impact has this had upon modern life?
Darcy receives the writing prompt below. Write an informative essay about a hero in Greek mythology. Summarize his or her life, and explain how this character is a true hero. She decides to write about Perseus. Which are effective research questions to best develop this topic?
What events shaped Perseus's life? How did he overcome obstacles and prove himself a hero?
Spencer needs to revise his essay to use a more formal tone. One cool fact I found studying Greek mythology is the connection to modern names. For instance, my hometown, East Sparta, Ohio, is named after the home of the awesome Greek warriors! Which revision of Spencer's essay best uses a formal tone?
An interesting fact about Greek mythology is its connection to many modern names. One example is East Sparta, Ohio, a town that takes its name from the home of Greece's famous warriors.
Read the sentence from "Initiation." It would be an hour before they came to get her, but then Rat Court would be all over and she would say what she had to say and go home. The author includes the sentence in the exposition to
imply the resolution of the story.
Read the passage from "Initiation." For tonight was the grand finale, the trial by fire. There really was no doubt now that she would get in. She could not think of anyone who had ever been invited into the high school sorority and failed to get through initiation time. But even so, her case would be quite different. She would see to that. The author includes this excerpt in the falling action to
clarify the resolution.
An internal conflict features character vs.
Which excerpt from "Initiation" is the best example of an internal conflict?
. . .thinking, this is beginning to sound serious. Worse than a loyalty test, this grilling over the coals. What's it supposed to prove anyway?
Based on the plot structure of "Initiation," which sentence would most likely be part of the implied resolution?
There was a stunned moment of silence following Millicent's proclamation.
When an author uses actions, thoughts, and speech to show the reader who a character is, the author is using
indirect characterization
How should a reader analyze indirect characterization? Check all that apply.
by noticing how the character interacts with other characters by noticing details about what the character says, does, and thinks by noticing how the other characters perceive the character by noticing the context, and use it to make inferences about the character
Read the sentence from "Initiation." And from that time on, initiations didn't bother Millicent at all. Which revision of this sentence best uses direct characterization?
Millicent's tense posture evaporated, replaced by a genuine smile.
Read the passage from "Initiation." "Get up, gopher," Bev ordered. There was something about her tone that annoyed Millicent. It was almost malicious. And there was an unpleasant anonymity about the label "gopher," even if that was what they always called the girls being initiated. It was degrading, like being given a number. It was a denial of individuality. Rebellion flooded through her. "I said get up. Are you deaf?" Millicent got up, standing there. "Into the house, gopher. There's a bed to be made and a room to be cleaned at the top of the stairs." This is an example of external conflict because it features character vs. __________
Which are elements of plot structure that the reader can study in order to understand the resolution? Check all that apply.
climax exposition falling action rising action
Read the excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis." I thought myself pretty smart at many things, like holding my breath, running, jumping, or climbing the vines in Old Woman Swamp, and I wanted more than anything else someone to race to Horsehead Landing, someone to box with, and someone to perch with in the top fork of the great pine behind the barn, where across the fields and swamps you could see the sea. I wanted a brother. What does the imagery in this excerpt best show about the narrator?
He enjoys nature and wants someone to share it with.
Which excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis" most foreshadows that the narrator will feel regret for something he has done to Doodle?
There is within me (and with sadness I have watched it in others) a knot of cruelty borne by the stream of love, much as our blood sometimes bears the seed of our destruction, and at times I was mean to Doodle.
Which excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis" most foreshadows Doodle's death?
"Dead birds is bad luck," said Aunt Nicey, poking her head from the kitchen door. "Specially red dead birds!"
Read the excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis." The knowledge that Doodle's and my plans had come to naught was bitter, and that streak of cruelty within me awakened. I ran as fast as I could, leaving him far behind with a wall of rain dividing us. The drops stung my face like nettles, and the wind flared the wet glistening leaves of the bordering trees. Soon I could hear his voice no more. What best describes the purpose of the foreshadowing present in the narrator's words, "Soon I could hear his voice no more"?
It creates suspense as the reader wonders why the narrator can no longer hear Doodle's voice.
Read the excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis." Daddy, Mama, and I went back to the dining-room table, but we watched Doodle through the open door. He took out a piece of string from his pocket and, without touching the ibis, looped one end around its neck. Slowly, while singing softly "Shall We Gather at the River," he carried the bird around to the front yard and dug a hole in the flower garden, next to the petunia bed. Now we were watching him through the front window, but he didn't know it. His awkwardness at digging the hole with a shovel whose handle was twice as long as he was made us laugh, and we covered our mouths with our hands so he wouldn't hear. When Doodle came into the dining room, he found us seriously eating our cobbler. He was pale and lingered just inside the screen door. "Did you get the scarlet ibis buried?" asked Daddy. Doodle didn't speak but just nodded his head. Which example of sensory imagery from the excerpt best shows that Doodle is upset about the death of the scarlet ibis?
He was pale and lingered just inside the screen door
In "The Scarlet Ibis," Old Woman Swamp is a symbol of _________ to Doodle and his brother.
Read the excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis." But Mama, crying, told me that even if William Armstrong lived, he would never do these things with me. He might not, she sobbed, even be "all there." He might, as long as he lived, lie on the rubber sheet in the center of the bed in the front bedroom where the white marquisette curtains billowed out in the afternoon sea breeze, rustling like palmetto fronds. What best describes the effect of the sensory imagery used in this excerpt?
It helps the reader to better visualize the life that might lie ahead for Doodle.
In "The Scarlet Ibis," Doodle is best symbolized by the bird, the scarlet ibis, because
both are fragile creatures who struggle in their environments before dying tragic deaths.
Read the excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis." Within a few months Doodle had learned to walk well and his go-cart was put up in the barn loft (it's still there) beside his little mahogany coffin. Now, when we roamed off together, resting often, we never turned back until our destination had been reached, and to help pass the time, we took up lying. From the beginning Doodle was a terrible liar and he got me in the habit. Had anyone stopped to listen to us, we would have been sent off to Dix Hill. What does this passage foreshadow?
Doodle's eventual death
Read the excerpt from "The Scarlet Ibis." The lightning was near now, and from fear he walked so close behind me he kept stepping on my heels. The faster I walked, the faster he walked, so I began to run. The rain was coming, roaring through the pines, and then, like a bursting Roman candle, a gum tree ahead of us was shattered by a bolt of lightning. When the deafening peal of thunder had died, and in the moment before the rain arrived, I heard Doodle, who had fallen behind, cry out, "Brother, Brother, don't leave me! Don't leave me!" The imagery in this excerpt most reflects
the sense of sound to emphasize the intense volume of the storm.
Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". "Thanks, thanks a lot, Mom!" Yoyo stormed out of that room and into her own. Her daughters never called her Mom except when they wanted her to feel how much she had failed them in this country. She was a good enough Mami, fussing and scolding and giving advice, but a terrible girlfriend parent, a real failure of a Mom. Based on this excerpt, what can be concluded about the daughters?
They sometimes wish their mother would be more like the American moms.
Which excerpt from "Daughter of Invention" contains language that best represents the preservation of Dominican values?
"What is wrong? I will tell you what is wrong. It show no gratitude. It is boastful. I celebrate myself? The best student learns to destroy the teacher?"
Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". "iYa, ya!" She waved them out of her room at last. "There is no use trying to drink spilt milk, that's for sure." What does Laura's attempt at trying to use an English idiom reveal about her character?
She is eager to try English phrases and expressions.
Which of Laura's misquoted idioms from "Daughter of Invention" is intended to mean that it makes no difference to her?
"It's half of one or two dozen of another."
Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". Yoyo didn't need much encouragement. She put her nose to the fire, as her mother would have said, and read from start to finish without looking up. When she concluded, she was a little embarrassed at the pride she took in her own words. She pretended to quibble with a phrase or two, then looked questioningly to her mother. Laura's face was radiant. Yoyo turned to share her pride with her father. What does the underlined idiom tell the reader about Yoyo?
She worked hard to finish her speech for the assembly.
Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". But Laura's inventing days were over just as Yoyo's were starting up with her school-wide success. Rather than the rolling suitcase everyone else in the family remembers, Yoyo thinks of the speech her mother wrote as her last invention. It was as if, after that, her mother had passed on to Yoyo her pencil and pad and said, "Okay, Cuquita, here's the buck. You give it a shot." Which context clue provides the best hint for the meaning of the underlined idiom in this excerpt?
after that, her mother had passed on to Yoyo her pencil and pad
Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". "Ay, Cuquita." That was her communal pet name for whoever was in her favor. "Cuquita, when I make a million, buy you your very own typewriter." (Yoyo had been nagging her mother for one just like the one her father had bought to do his order forms at home.) "Gravy on the turkey" was what she called it when someone was buttering her up. She buttered and poured. "I'll hire you your very own typist." Based on this excerpt, what can be concluded about Laura?
She does not know the grammar rules in English.
Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". But now, Carlos was truly furious. It was bad enough that his daughter was rebelling, but here was his own wife joining forces with her. Soon he would be surrounded by a houseful of independent American women. He too leapt from the bed, throwing off his covers. The Spanish newspapers flew across the room. He snatched the speech out of Yoyo's hands, held it before the girl's wide eyes, a vengeful, mad look in his own, and then once, twice, three, four, countless times, he tore the speech into shreds. In this excerpt, Carlos is mostly in conflict with _____
Read the excerpt from "Daughter of Invention". The house fell silent a moment, before Yoyo heard, far off, the gun blasts and explosions, the serious, self-important voices of newscasters reporting their TV war. What type of conflict is presented in this excerpt?
A conflict within society.
To understand a character, what variations in language should the reader look for? Check all that apply.
pronunciation vocabulary syntax grammar