Trifles: The Rise Of Modern Feminism On The Stage, Part 2

25 August 2022
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Read the excerpt from part two of Trifles. MRS. HALE. It's log cabin pattern. Pretty, isn't it? I wonder if she was goin' to quilt or just knot it? (Footsteps have been heard coming down the stairs. The Sheriff enters, followed by Hale and the County Attorney.) SHERIFF. They wonder if she was going to quilt or just knot it. (The men laugh, the women look abashed.) What is ironic about this excerpt?
The men believe the women are incapable of discovering anything of substance when, in fact, they are the ones who discover evidence.

Explanation: The irony in this excerpt is that the women are more concerned with the quilt than the murder, while the men are more concerned with the murder than the quilt.
Based on part two of Trifles, the symbolism of the dead bird implies that Mr. Wright
had an oppressive demeanor that killed the bird and his wife's spirit.

Explanation: killed his wifeThe bird in the play is a symbol for Mrs. Wright. Just as the bird was killed by Mr. Wright, Mrs. Wright was killed by her husband. The bird being in a cage also represents how Mrs. Wright was trapped in her marriage.
In part two of Trifles, which of the following is an example of situational irony?
The men overlook the important details because they believe the kitchen holds nothing but trivial kitchen items

Explanation: The sheriff and prosecutor visit the Wright's home to investigate a crime, but they are the ones who are actually committing a crime.
Based on part two of Trifles, the symbolism behind the uneven stitching in Mrs. Wright's otherwise perfect quilt indicates that she
was agitated or distracted by something during her quilting.

Explanation: was a victim of domestic abuse.The fact that Mrs. Wright's quilt is otherwise perfect except for the uneven stitching is symbolic of the fact that she was a victim of domestic abuse. The quilt is a symbol of her domestic life, and the fact that it is not perfect indicates that her domestic life was not perfect. The uneven stitching is symbolic of the fact that Mrs. Wright was not able to stitch her life together perfectly because she was constantly being abused by her husband.
Read the excerpt from part two of Trifles. MRS. HALE. It's a log cabin pattern. Pretty, isn't it? I wonder if she was goin' to quilt or just knot it? (Footsteps have been heard coming down the stairs. The Sheriff enters, followed by Hale and the County Attorney.) SHERIFF. They wonder if she was going to quilt or just not it. (The men laugh, the women look abashed.) Which theme is best reinforced by the excerpt?
The thoughts and opinions of women were not considered noteworthy.

Explanation: The theme of the excerpt is the power of women. The women are discussing the quilt and the Sheriff and the County Attorney are laughing at them. However, the women are not abashed and continue to discuss the quilt. This shows that even though the men may think they are superior, the women are still powerful.
Read the excerpt from part two of Trifles. MRS. PETERS (looking upstairs). We mustn't—take on. MRS. HALE. I might have known she needed help! I know how things can be—for women. I tell you, it's queer, Mrs. Peters. We live close together and we live far apart. We all go through the same things—it's all just a different kind of the same thing. Which theme is best reinforced by the excerpt?
(wrong) Women could not generally count upon one another for support, advice, or company

Explanation: The theme of the excerpt is the isolation of women. Mrs. Hale says that even though women live close together, they are actually quite isolated from each other. This is reinforced by the fact that Mrs. Peters does not want to take on the responsibility of helping Mrs. Wright.
In part two of Trifles, which quotation most supports the theme that women are often unaware of the suffering of other women?
MRS. HALE. ...I tell you, it's queer, Mrs. Peters. We live close together and we live far apart.

Explanation: Well, women are used to worrying over trifles," said Mrs. Hale. "That's all that ever comes to them.""
In part two of Trifles, which of the following is an example of dramatic irony?
The audience knows Mrs. Hale has the dead bird in her coat pocket, but the men in the story do not.

Explanation: The dramatic irony in part two is when Mrs. Hale says I wish I had known it sooner-I might have helped her out of it" (Glaspell 60). She is talking about how she wished she had known that Mrs. Wright was in a bad marriage sooner, so that she could have helped her. However, the audience knows that Mrs. Hale was not able to help Mrs. Wright because Mrs. Wright killed her husband."
Based on part two of Trifles, what did the bird's singing most likely symbolize to Mrs. Wright?
(wrong) honesty and strength

Explanation: The bird's singing most likely symbolized hope to Mrs. Wright.
In part two of Trifles, the symbol of the broken birdcage best supports the theme that women often
endure unjust acts in male-dominated societiesTrifles: The Rise of Modern Feminism on the Stage, Part 2

Explanation: know more than they are given credit for.The broken birdcage is a symbol of the oppression of women. It represents the way that women are often confined and restricted, and are not given the credit or respect that they deserve. The birdcage also represents the fragility of women, and how they are often treated as if they are delicate and breakable.