To Kill A Mockingbird Study Questions: Chapters 15-16

4 September 2022
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What is the nightmare that has descended upon the children?
The nightmare that has descended upon the children is that the trial of Tom Robinson is soon and the children are being bullied because Atticus is defending Tom.
Why does the mob turn up at the jail? What is their intention?
The mob intends to lynch Tom Robinson because they have made up their minds that he is guilty.
How does Scout diffuse the situation outside the jail without realizing it?
Scout diffuses the situation by asking one of the members of the mob, Mr. Cunningham, to deliver a greeting to his son. This reminds Mr. Cunningham that he is a father like Atticus and that he is behaving shamefully.
Why do you think that so many people wanted to attend the trial?
So many people want to attend the trial because this trial might change the cycle that the black defendant would always lose because of racial prejudice.
We see that the jury is made up of farmers - is this significant?
This is significant because the Cunninghams were farmers and they might be more inclined to believe Mayella because of it.
Does Judge Taylor take his job seriously? Explain your answer fully.
Yes, Judge Taylor does take his job seriously. He appoints Atticus, the best lawyer in the area, to be Tom's lawyer and truly wants a fair trial.